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词汇 hold them
释义 hold them
hold them发音



head them───领导他们

hold 'em───n.纸牌押赌

hold ems───保持ems

hold firm───抓牢;固守

hold over───延期;以…威胁

hold the key───抓住关键;掌控关键

hold true───适用;有效


I can't hold them off forever.───我一个人无法永远抵御它们。

Many cat lovers live with a dilemma: they want to pick up the animals and hold them close, but if they do, their eyes will swell up and they'll start sneezing.───很多爱猫人都面临着进退两难的境地:他们想抱起猫咪紧紧搂着它们,但如果这样做的话,他们的眼睛就会肿起来,而且开始打喷嚏。

Mr Bush asserted a right to hold them indefinitely.───布什声称有权无限期关押他们。

They are beating on the door right now, and I dont know how much longer our turret will hold them off they have us surrounded.───他们在门上打,现在我不知道多久的炮塔,将举行它们赶走他们包围了我们。

I glanced at myself in the hall mirror before I opened the door, arranging my features carefully into a smile and trying to hold them there.───在开门之前,我瞥了一眼厅里镜子,努力扮起个笑脸并上它维持在脸上。

My sons will go their way, and I cannot hold them, though it saddens me to see what they are coming to.───我的孩子们会走他们的路,我不能拉住他们,尽管想到他们会成为什么样子让我很难过。

These traders take large positions, up to $2bn at a time, but hold them for only a few minutes, sometimes mere seconds.───这些交易员建立的头寸规模巨大,一次最高可达20亿美元,但仅持有数分钟,有时仅仅数秒。

Best practices are a necessary evil that must be lived with but should not be allowed to hold them back.───纵使最佳实践是必须与之相伴的无可避免之弊,也不能让它束缚住手脚。

They would be paid by investors to securities assets or to hold them in safe-keeping, while the risk of loss would be transferred.───投资者会向他们支付资产证券化或保管的费用,而亏损的风险将得到转移。


The villagers hold them in awe and think of them as men of the world.

But would that hold them off for long?

But the attempt to hold them would lead to an even bigger crisis between president and legislature.

Take the baskets that hold them out of the pool and allow them to drain for an hour.

The Methodist chapel proving insufficient to hold them, the large schoolroom was opened.

Hold them tightly all the way home to prevent escape.

If the Niners hold them down, will this defense get its due?

The villagers hold them in awe and think of them as gods.

Hold them at the same height above the ground and let go of them both at the same moment.

  • hold one
  • hold the door
  • hold opinion
  • hold it
  • hold to reset
  • holding thumbs
  • holdfast regiment
  • hold still
  • hold back from
  • hold out hope
  • hold a lambpervasiveness
  • hold on you
  • hold water
  • hold my beer
  • hold on to notes
  • hold bake
  • holder name
  • hold the baby
  • hold the bag
  • hold them
  • hold true




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