

词汇 high dive
释义 high dive
high dive发音



high dives───高空跳水

high five───举手击掌

high fives───举手击掌

high liver───肝功能亢进

high lives───奢侈的或高雅的生活型态(上流社会的生活)

high dose───大剂量;高剂量

high life───奢侈的或高雅的生活型态(上流社会的生活)

high rise───高楼大厦,高层建筑

high tide───高潮;满潮;高潮时间


A high dive seemed like the perfect scenario.───跳水似乎是一个完美的情境。

He ventured a high dive into shallow water.───他冒险从高处跳进水中。

I felt as if I'd somersaulted off the high dive and then, in midair, realized that there was no water in the pool.───我感觉自己像是从高台翻腾而下跳水,却在半空中发现水池没有水。

Futures markets last week under the influence of systemic risk high dive, PTA is difficult to survive.───上周期货市场受系统性风险影响高位跳水,PTA难以幸免。

The high dive and 3m springboard are both individual and synchronised events.───高台跳水和3米跳板既是个人项目也是双人项目。

Jump off the high dive!───从高处跳下水!

It is like standing on a high dive being afraid to jump off.───它就如同站在高台跳水板上,不敢纵身掉下;

High Dive - Perform a Leap of Faith from the Top of Florence's Giotto's Campanile. (Bronze, 10G)───高台跳水——从佛罗伦萨的乔托钟楼上完成信仰之跃。(铜杯,10G)

High dive into the Maelstrom───从高处跳进


A poolside dinner after a day trailing toddlers around the baby pool or monitoring middle schoolers on the high dive?

The high dive and 3 m springboard are both individual and synchronised events.

  • high roller
  • higher brothers
  • high-minded def
  • high status
  • highwayman chords
  • high-flown define
  • highlands restaurant
  • high price
  • highly addictive
  • high-priced synonym
  • high fever
  • high heels
  • high-spirited define
  • high cost of living
  • high a
  • highly strung
  • higher learning
  • high fade
  • high water
  • high kick
  • high-spirited synonym




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