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词汇 notice
释义 noticeUK:*/ˈnəʊtɪs/US:/ˈnoʊtɪs/ ,(nō′tis)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: 主要翻译 notice n (formal warning)警告;警示;提醒Jules realized that he needed to take his employer's notice concerning his poor behavior seriously.朱尔斯意识到,他需要严肃对待老板就他不良表现的警告。 notice n (attention)注意;留心There were signs of trouble, but he paid them little notice until it was too late.早就有麻烦的迹象了,不过他一直没怎么注意,等注意到时已经太晚了。 notice n (notification)通知;通知书He received notice of the foreclosure.他收到了法院的房屋拍卖通知书。 notice n (advance warning)警告;提醒He just had five minutes' notice about the arrival of the train.他刚收到提醒,说火车还有五分钟到站。 notice n (sign or paper)通知书;通告信;告示Someone had put up a notice about new parking rules.有人张贴了一张关于新泊车规定的告示。 notice n (warning of resignation)辞职书;辞呈He gave his two weeks' notice to his boss after he was offered another job.在找到另一份工作后,他提前两周向老板交了辞职书。 notice [sb/sth] vtr (become aware of [sth/sb]'s presence)注意到;留心到Has he noticed you yet?他注意到你了么? notice vtr (observe, detect)发觉;察觉Did you notice that he was drunk?你察觉出他当时喝醉了么? notice vtr (realize)意识到;认识到Didn't you notice that this road is closed ahead?你难道没意识到这条路的前方是封闭的么? 其他翻译 notice n (notification of loss of job)解雇通知The contract states that employees are entitled to one month's notice.合同规定,雇员应当在遭到解雇的一个月前接到通知。 notice n (favourable attention) (指积极的)注意,关注,注目The young author's first novel has been the focus of a great deal of notice.这位年轻作家的第一部小说引起了人们的广泛关注。 notice n (critique)短评;评论The string quartet received a favourable notice from the music critic.弦乐四重奏收到了来自乐评家的好评。 notice [sth/sb] vtr (pay attention to)注意;观察Notice the road signs ahead. 复合形式: advance notice n (warning)提前通知;事先通知Please give advance notice if you have to cancel an appointment. advisory notice n (for faulty product) (缺陷品)忠告性通知 advisory notice n (for dangerous goods) (危险品)忠告性通知 death notice n (card: announces [sb] has died)死亡通知;死亡通告The death notice was on black card, edged with gold. death notice n (obituary)讣告;讣文I didn't even realize she'd been ill until I saw the death notice in the newspaper. final notice n (last warning before legal action)最后通告;最后通牒This is your final notice before your electricity is shut off: please pay your bill immediately. formal notice n (official warning of [sth])正式通知 give notice of [sth], give notice that vtr + n (warn, inform)通知The Council's letter gave notice of the election to all the voters.委员会写信向全体选民通知本次选举。 give notice, give your notice vtr + n (quit job)预先通知自己辞职He gave notice because he was tired of being treated like a slave. give notice, give your notice vtr + n (to a landlord) (指给房东)通知,通告 noticeboard, notice-board, notice board n UK (bulletin board)布告牌;布告栏;告示牌Albert posted a "roommate wanted" sign on the noticeboard. on short notice, at short notice, on a moment's notice, at a moment's notice adv (with little warning)短期通知Her appointment was cancelled on short notice.I'm sorry to ask you on such short notice, but I only found out about this yesterday. short notice n (little warning)临时通知Supply teachers often have only short notice to prepare their lessons.代课教师通常在接到临时通知后开始备课。 subject to change without notice adj (liable to vary without warning)如有变更,恕不另行通知Tour prices are subject to change without notice due to currency fluctuations. take no notice of [sb/sth] v expr (pay no attention to, disregard)没注意到She took no notice of his antics. take notice v expr (listen, heed)注意It's time you sat up and took notice. take notice of [sth/sb] v expr (pay attention)注意到He took notice of all the road signs but still got lost. until further notice expr (until next announcement)直至另行通知, 在另行通知前The restaurant will be closed until further notice. without notice adv (with no warning)没有事先通知地I was always on time and did my job well, but my boss fired me without notice.




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