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释义 no. 主要翻译 no., plural: nos. n written, abbreviation (number) (缩写)数字,数目;数量,总数,总计;编号,号码,第…号For this test, you will need a no. 2 pencil. 复合形式: at no time adv (never, not at any point)决不;在任何时候都不At no time did Bob leave the house that evening. be no match for [sb] v expr (not be as good as [sb])比不上;没有...要好 bear no resemblance to [sth/sb] v expr (be totally unlike)与…完全不像The boy bears no resemblance to his father or his other brother. by no manner of means expr (by no means, not at all)绝不;一点也不 by no means adv (not at all, not in any way)绝非;绝不This handbag costs £300, but it's by no means the most expensive one in the shop.这个手提包价值300英镑,不过它绝非这家店里最贵的商品。 close but no cigar, close, but no cigar expr informal (nearly, but not quite)功亏一篑;接近但未成功 it's no use crying over spilled milk (US), it's no use crying over spilt milk (UK) expr figurative (it's pointless to regret what is done)无济于事;覆水难收;懊悔也于事无补 cut no ice v expr figurative, informal (have no effect)不起作用 cut no ice with [sb] v expr figurative, informal (have no effect on [sb])对...没用;对...没意义 do no harm v expr (avoid hurting anyone)不伤害任何人'Above all, do no harm' is part of the doctor's oath. do no harm v expr (avoid causing trouble)不造成任何损害It will do no harm to let her have a glass of wine. do no wrong v expr (make no mistakes)不犯任何错He believed that the Red Sox could do no wrong and they would win the series. do no wrong v expr (do nothing improper)不做什么不合适的事He was convinced that his daughter could do no wrong. give [sb] no quarter v expr (show no mercy)对...毫不留情The border guards gave no quarter to anyone they caught trying to cross illegally. have no stomach for [sth], have little stomach for [sth] v expr figurative (lack appetite, courage for [sth]) (比喻)对…没有胃口,对…没兴趣;不敢,对…缺乏勇气John had little stomach for the task at hand.约翰对手头的任务没有兴趣。 have no alternative v expr (not have any other choice)没有其他选择With a crime this serious we have no alternative but to prosecute. have no association with [sb/sth] v expr (not be connected, involved)与…没有联系Type 1 diabetes has no association with obesity or other lifestyle factors, and is not preventable. have no business doing [sth] v expr informal (not have the right)与…无关;毫无干系You have no business spreading gossip about me! have no chance v expr (be doomed)毫无希望She had no chance, the disease had spread too far. have no chance v expr (not have opportunity)没有机会I saw this article last week and wanted to comment, but had no chance until now. have no chance to do [sth] v expr (not have opportunity)没有做…的机会The swimming pool looked nice, but we had no chance to use it. have no chance of [sth] v expr (be unable)根本无法;根本不能He had no chance of survival in the desert. have no chance of doing [sth] v expr (be unable)根本没有机会;根本无法;根本不能The patient has no chance of surviving without the treatment. have no choice v expr (be forced to do [sth])没有选择;只此一路I had to fire him. I had no choice. have no choice but to do [sth] v expr (not have alternative)别无选择只能...We have no choice but to think that you acted irresponsibly. have no doubt v expr (be certain)毫不怀疑;毫无疑心Have no doubt, we'll get in trouble for eating all the cake. have no doubt that v expr (be certain)确信, 肯定I have no doubt that he'll be back tomorrow with the same story. have no end v expr (be infinite)直到永远;永远 have no end v expr figurative (be interminable)无休止;没完没了His love for her had no end.他对她的爱永无止境。 have no expectations v expr (approach without bias)没有先入为主的看法 have no expectation of [sth] v expr (not count on)不指望;不期望 have no expectation that v expr (with clause: not count on [sth])不指望, 没有期待I have no expectation that he will be able to answer my question, but I will ask him anyway. have no idea v expr (not know)毫无了解;一头雾水I have no idea how I'm going to get home now my car's broken down.I have no idea how she found out. have no limit, have no limits v expr figurative (be unrestricted)没有限制;无止境J.K. Rowling's imagination has no limits. have no more of [sth] v expr (no longer tolerate [sth])不再容忍;不再忍受Stop that language right now. I'll have no more of it, do you hear me? have no more of [sth], have no more [sth] v expr (have used up the supply of [sth])耗尽;用完I've just sold the last loaf, and now we have no more, I'm afraid. have no objection v expr (not be opposed)不反对;同意Shah said he had no objection if a former member of the armed forces took part in the peace talks. have no objection to [sth] v expr (not be opposed)不反对...I have no objection to your suggestion. have no opportunity v expr (not have the chance: to do [sth])没有机会I had no opportunity to apologize earlier, but I'd like to say sorry for my rudeness at your party. have no plan to do [sth], have no plans to do [sth] v expr (lack intent, organization)毫无计划Bachmann said that she has no plan to launch another presidential campaign. have no plans to do [sth] v expr (not intend)不打算做某事 have no qualms about [sth] v expr (not be nervous or afraid)毫不紧张;一点都不害怕Running my own business is going to be tough, but I have no qualms about my decision. have no qualms about doing [sth], have no qualms in doing [sth] v expr (not suffer a guilty conscience)毫无顾忌;毫不内疚I had no qualms about reporting him to the police - he was a violent criminal, without a shred of compassion for his victims. have no recollection of [sth] v expr (remember nothing about)对…毫无记忆He was so drunk that he had no recollection of how he got back home. have no right v expr (not be entitled)无权;没有资格My son was complaining that everyone was controlling his life and we had no right because he was an adult. have no right to do [sth] v expr (not be entitled)无权做某事;没有资格做某事You have no right to complain about the situation. have no shame v expr (not be embarrassed)无耻;不知羞耻How can you see people suffering and do nothing? Have you no shame? have no time for v expr figurative (not tolerate)没时间做…James has no time for gossips.I have no time for children who won't do their homework. have no truck with [sth/sb] v expr (want nothing to do with)跟...没关系That man is bad news and I'll have no truck with him! have no use for [sth/sb] v expr informal (dislike [sth/sb])讨厌 Hell, no interj slang (Emphatically no) (俚语)绝不 in no case adv (not under any circumstances)绝不;决不In no case should lifts be considered as means of escape in the event of a fire. in no event adv (not under any circumstances)无论在何种情况下都不能;无论如何都不可 in no time at all, in no time adv figurative (rapidly)马上,立刻,很快I can get dinner ready in no time at all. in no way adv (not at all)决不;一点也不;没门The fact that you were a little drunk in no way excuses your behavior. know no better, not know any better v expr (be uninformed or uneducated)不懂事;不了解情况 leave no stone unturned v expr figurative (search thoroughly)想尽办法In the investigation to find the missing child, the police have left no stone unturned. like no other adv literary (incomparably)特别;与众不同Pedro promised to love her like no other. like no other adj (incomparable, unique)特别的;与众不同的This holiday offers tourists a holiday like no other. like there's no tomorrow adv informal, figurative (in a frenzied way) (比喻义)就像没有明天似的;疯狂地 little or no adj (hardly any)几乎没有的I haven't done any revising so there's little or no chance of me passing the exam. long time no see interj slang (I haven't seen you for a long time) (俚语)好久不见Hey, Andrew! Long time no see! Look no further interj (used to offer [sth] that is needed)不用再找了Look no further; I have exactly what you need. lose no time v expr (act without delay)不浪费时间;抓紧You should lose no time in reporting a stolen credit card. make no bones v expr figurative, informal (be forthright, direct)直截了当地说I'll make no bones: I don't trust that man. make no bones about [sth] v expr figurative, informal (be forthright, direct)毫不掩饰,对…直言不讳The journalist made no bones about her dislike of politicians. make no bones about doing [sth] v expr figurative, informal (be forthright, direct in doing)毫不掩饰,直截了当Veronica made no bones about telling her boss exactly what she thought of him. make no mistake interj (believe me, let me assure you)相信我!我向你保证!Make no mistake, their relationship won't last - they are incompatible! mean ([sb]) no harm, mean no harm (to [sb]) v expr (not intend to cause hurt)对...没有恶意;并不想伤害某人I'm sorry you were upset by my suggestion. I meant no harm. n/c, NC n written, initialism (no charge)免费 no alternative n (absence of any other option)别无选择;别无它法;别无他途You leave me no alternative but to fire you. no bed of roses n (harsh experience, ordeal)不称心如意;不顺;不轻松My job is no bed of roses - I'm on my feet all day and the hours are long. no better than you should be, no better than you ought to be expr US, informal (morally inferior)行为不正派;举止不检点 no biggie, it's no biggie interj slang (that is not a matter for concern)没什么大不了,不要紧 no can do expr informal (that isn't possible)无法做;无能为力 no chance n (absence of opportunity)没机会;机会渺茫You have no chance of getting tickets for the game this late. no chance interj informal (that is extremely unlikely) (非正式用语)不可能,行不通You want to borrow dad's car? No chance! no charge expr ([sth] is provided free)不收费;免费There is no charge for fresh towels; they come with the hotel room.The manufacturer will send you product samples at no charge. no choice n (absence of alternative options)别无选择There is no choice; we'll have to do it. no comment interj (expressing refusal to speak)不做评论 No contest. interj informal (there is no comparison)无可争辩;毫无疑问When it comes to cars, I'll take a Porsche, no contest. no contest expr (legal: plea not to contest charge) (法律)被告不认罪但又不愿争辩的抗辩Stevens answered “No contest” when asked “How do you now plead?" No dice! interj US, slang (expressing refusal)不行;不成No dice, Joe, you aren't going to borrow my car. no doubt n (total certainty)毫无疑问;非常确定I have no doubt that heaven exists.It is better to be quiet and be thought a fool than to open your mouth and leave no doubt. no doubt adv (undoubtedly)毫无疑问;无疑No doubt you have more experience in this field than I do. no end adv UK, slang (a lot)很,非常Your visit's cheered me up no end! no end of [sth] adj (numerous)很多的;大量的He has had no end of troubles in his short life. no end of [sth] adj (continuous)无穷无尽的,接连不断的;非常,极其My teenage daughters cause me no end of trouble. no end to [sth] expr (continuous)…无望结束There's no end to the fun you can have in New York City! no entry n (no way in)禁止进入;禁止入内;不得进入A No Entry sign indicates that cars must not drive down that road. no exit n (no way out)没有出口;禁止通行;死路 No fear. interj informal (certainly not, never)绝不Me, take up ski jumping? No fear of that happening! no go n (complete failure)不可能;不允许It's a no go for skiing today; there's no snow on the mountain. no good expr informal (of insufficient quality)不好;差强人意;质量不高He gave up his dream of becoming an artist because his paintings were no good.She plays in a band, but I hear they're no good. no good expr informal (not effective)不好;无效;没有作用The government's policies to cut the deficit have proved to be no good; the country is now more in debt than ever. no good, no-good adj informal (of no use, worthless)没用的This computer is a no-good heap of junk! no good, no-good adj informal (person: bad, dishonest)坏的;不诚实的 no holds barred, no-holds-barred adj (without rules, unconstrained)没有限制的;不拘一格的;不拘一格的备注: hyphen used when term is an adj before a nounYou can say whatever you like to me, there are no holds barred. no hope n (grim prospect or outlook)希望渺茫There's no hope for him, his illness is too severe. no hope n (not a chance)没希望;不可能;没机会My watch fell into the river, there's no hope I'll get it back. no entry n (no way in)禁止进入;禁止入内;不得进入A No Entry sign indicates that cars must not drive down that exit n (no way out)没有出口;禁止通行;死路No fear. interj informal (certainly not, never)绝不Me, take up ski jumping? No fear of that happening!no go n (complete failure)不可能;不允许It's a no go for skiing today; there's no snow on the good expr informal (of insufficient quality)不好;差强人意;质量不高He gave up his dream of becoming an artist because his paintings were no good.She plays in a band, but I hear they're no good expr informal (not effective)不好;无效;没有作用The government's policies to cut the deficit have proved to be no good; the country is now more in debt than good, no-good adj informal (of no use, worthless)没用的This computer is a no-good heap of junk!no good, no-good adj informal (person: bad, dishonest)坏的;不诚实的no holds barred, no-holds-barred adj (without rules, unconstrained)没有限制的;不拘一格的;不拘一格的备注: hyphen used when term is an adj before a nounYou can say whatever you like to me, there are no holds hope n (grim prospect or outlook)希望渺茫There's no hope for him, his illness is too hope n (not a chance)没希望;不可能;没机会My watch fell into the river, there's no hope I'll get it idea interj informal (I do not know) (非正式用语)我不知道no ifs, ands, or buts expr informal (no excuses are permitted)不得推托;不要找借口和理由I need you to finish that report today, no ifs, ands, or joke n informal ([sth] serious)不是好玩的;不是轻松的事It's no joke when you trap your fingers in a car door.No joke. interj informal (I'm serious)没有开玩笑;我是认真的No joke, John, she's really angry with you.No kidding! interj informal (when the obvious is stated)说真的!No kidding interj (when not joking, etc.)没开玩笑;不是闹着玩的No kidding? interj (to show interest, surprise)不是开玩笑吧?no later than prep (on or before, by)不晚于;不迟于Full payment must be received no later than two weeks before the start of the course.Rooms must be vacated no later than laughing matter, not a laughing matter n ([sth] serious)不是开玩笑的事Slipping on the ice is no laughing matter; you could break your less adv (however surprising that seems)仍然He came top of his class, no less!no less pron (nothing inferior)不比…差I expect perfection; no less will do!no less adv (not any less, not to any lesser degree)不少于;不低于no less than expr (at least)至少;不少于备注: Often used to add emphasis.That year, inflation was no less than 60%, and people saw a dramatic fall in the value of their savings.No less than 150 people entered the less than expr (equivalent to)相当于, 不亚于The general said that declaring a no-fly zone would be no less than an act of war.NO LITTERING interj written (sign: do not drop trash)请勿乱丢垃圾no longer adv (not anymore)不再The number you have dialed is no longer in service.你所拨打的电话已不再服务中。no love lost n (mutual dislike)互相讨厌;互不喜欢There's no love lost between those two. They've always hated each man's land, no-man's land n (war: unoccupied area) (战争)无人区域,无人地带During the war, he wandered into no man's land and was very nearly shot by his own man's land, no-man's land n (wasteland)荒地;荒野The Sahara Desert is mostly a no man's matter expr informal (it is not important) (非正式用语)没关系,不要紧,没事The concert's sold out? No matter. We'll go to the movies instead.音乐会的票卖光了?不要紧,我们改去看电影。no matter expr (with noun: regardless of [sth])不管,无论You can cancel your appointment at any time, no matter the reason.我可以随时以任何理由取消预约。no matter how expr (with clause: whichever way)不管怎样;无论如何No matter how you go, you can't get there in less than an matter how adv (in whatever manner)不管;无论She's determined to become famous, no matter how!no matter how expr (with adjective: to whatever degree)无论多么...She resists any change, no matter how matter what adv (whatever)不管什么We need to get that money, no matter what!无论如何,我们都要拿到那笔钱!no matter what expr (with clause: regardless of [sth])无论;不管Jason is always cheerful, no matter what life hands him.不管生活如何,杰森总是很开朗。no matter when adv (at whatever time)无论何时;随便什么时候You can always phone me, no matter matter when expr (with clause: regardless of when)不管何时No matter when I go, there always seems to be a long matter where expr (with clause: regardless of where)无论在哪里;不管到哪里No matter where I go, I always carry a sketchbook and pen with matter which expr (with clause: whichever)无论哪个;无论哪些No matter which lighter you buy, they all burn gas.No matter which route we take, we will still be matter who expr (with clause: whoever)不管是谁No matter who says that the sky is green, they are still more n (not greater than this)不再需要更多的量No more sausages for me, thank you; I've eaten enough.我不需要更多香肠了,谢谢。我已经饱了。no more adv (to no greater an amount or degree)不超过;不多于Please pour in no more than one liter of water.请倒入不超过1升的水。no more adv (not now)不再;现在不再这样Barry used to be a heavy smoker, but no more.巴里曾今是名重度烟民,不过现在不再是了。no more and no less n (an equal amount or degree)不多不少;正好Put in one pint of oil, no more and no more and no less adv (equally)和…相比不多不少;和…完全一样The dental treatment hurt no more and no less than the last more and no less adj (exactly)不多不少的;刚刚好的I will accept the proper fee, no more and no nearer to prep (not any closer to)没有更接近,没有进展I have been trying to do this crossword for an hour, but I am no nearer to finishing it.The administration is no nearer to a solution.No offense (US), No offence (UK) interj (I do not intend this as an insult)恕我冒犯;恕我直言No offence, but that hairstyle doesn't suit you at other adj (not something else)没有其他的;再无其他的No other company provides such good service!no other n literary (not something or somebody else)无他;别无他人;别无其他I am forever yours; I can love no pain, no gain, no pain without gain expr informal (it is worth making an effort)一分耕耘,一分收获no parking n written (parking prohibition)禁止停车;不许停车no pressure interj informal, ironic (indicating urgency)别有压力If you answer the next question correctly, you will win the £1000 prize; no pressure!No problem! interj informal (You're welcome! Don't mention it!)不客气;不用客气A: Thanks for washing the car for me. B: No problem.甲:谢谢你为我洗车。乙:不客气。No problem! interj informal (Certainly! Of course!)没问题;不成问题A: This radio doesn't work - I want a refund! B: Certainly, Sir - no problem!甲:这台收音机不工作,我想要退款!乙:好的,先生。没问题!no pun intended expr (acknowledging or excusing a pun)并非含沙射影;无双关之意备注: Often used ironically.No regrets. expr informal (feel no regret about [sth])不后悔,没有遗憾I'm ready to leave this town for bigger adventures. No room for error n (accuracy required)不能有错;不允许出错When designing airplanes, there is no room for sir interj formal (expressing polite negation)绝不!No sir, I will not polish your shoes.No sir, you can put me in jail, but I refuse to fight.It's no skin off my back, It's no skin off my nose expr (it makes no difference to me)毫不相干;毫不在乎No soliciting allowed., No soliciting. expr (sign: door-to-door sales prohibited)禁止上门推销。no sooner expr (immediately)立即;立刻;马上;刚……就……No sooner had Andy opened the window than it started to rain.安迪刚一打开窗户,外面就开始下雨了。No sooner said than done. expr (I will do it immediately.)立刻去做;说做就做No sooner said than done; one sandwich coming no stranger to [sth] v expr (be familiar with)熟悉;见惯He is no stranger to hard strings npl (without conditions)无附加条件;无附带限制Neil wants a relationship with someone, but with no strings attached expr figurative (without conditions)无附加条件;无附带限制I will give you my old coat, no strings sweat interj slang (expressing that [sth] is easy)不费力;小事一桩No sweat, John, we can just hide the broken glass under the thank you expr (polite refusal)不,谢谢;不用了,谢谢no through road n (cul-de-sac)此路不通;无路可通no time at all n figurative (briefest moment)立刻;马上We'll see each other again in two weeks. That's no time at's no use doing [sth], there's no use doing [sth] expr (it is pointless)没有帮助的;没有用的It's no use calling out his name, he can't hear you any more.there's no use in doing [sth], there's no point doing [sth], there's no point in doing [sth] expr (it is pointless)没有用的;无济于事的;于事无补的There's no point in asking Jake if you can borrow his car; he'll say no.There's no use in telling me now that I shouldn't put that vase there; you should have mentioned it before I knocked it over and broke vacancy expr US (hotel: no available rooms)无空房no way interj informal (refusal)不行,没门;绝不可能You want me to go with you to the disco? No way! I hate dancing.你想让我跟你一起去迪厅?没门!我讨厌跳舞。no way interj informal (disbelief) (表示不敢相信)不可能Jane is getting married? No way! I thought she would always be single.简要结婚了?不可能!我还以为她会一直单身呢。no way, no way that, no way in which n (no possible means)绝无可能;不可能There's no way we can get there on time; our car broke down.我们车子抛锚了,绝无可能准时到那儿的。no way out n (no exit)没有出路;无出口There is no way out of this road, it's a dead end; you'll have to turn round and come back.There is no way out down this way out, no way out of [sth] n figurative (no escape) (比喻)无处可逃,束手无策There is no way out of the situation we are wonder interj (it is not surprising)难怪;怪不得No wonder the house is so cold, the heater is broken! No wonder the baby is crying, his diaper needs to be changed.宝宝需要换尿布了,难怪他哭个不停。暖器坏了,怪不得房子这么冷!no worries interj (it is not a problem)不必担心"Sorry I stepped on your foot." "No worries."“对不起,我踩到你的脚了。”“不必担心。”no worries interj informal (you're welcome) (非正式用语)不用放在心上,不客气"Thanks for the drink." "No worries!"“谢谢你的酒。”“不客气!”no-account, no-count adj US, informal (of little worth)无价值的no-account, no-count n US, informal (worthless person)不中用的人,无价值的人no-ball n (cricket) (板球)投球犯规no-brainer n slang ([sth] simple or obvious)无需用脑的事,不费脑筋的事,容易处理的问题,容易的事You're not sure if you should marry Ed? He's good-looking, intelligent, and kind. C'mon, it's a no-brainer!no-fault adj (claim, etc.: without blame)无过失的no-fault insurance, also US: no-fault auto insurance n (cover regardless of blame)不追究责任的保险备注: 指无论损失责任方在谁,都由保险公司承担责任,目的是避免驾驶员等被起诉You can take out no-fault insurance where insurers pay the cost of all minor injuries resulting from an accident.你可以购买不追究责任保险,如果发生事故,承保方会负责赔付所有轻伤的支出。no-frills adj (without extras, plain)不必要的;普通的no-go adj slang (canceled)取消的no-go adj slang (not ready)不方便的;闲人免进的no-go adj slang (not functioning)不能使用的;不运行的no-go area, no-go zone n (barricaded area)禁区;危险区域no-go area n (dangerous zone)禁区;危险区That part of the city is a no-go area at n informal (person: derelict, bum)无业游民no-hit adj (baseball: one team did not hit ball) (棒球)无安打的no-hoper n UK, informal ([sb] likely to fail)扶不起的阿斗,无用之辈Steve is a no-hoper; he has never won a race in his life!no-mark n UK, slang (unimportant person)没出息的人a no-no n ([sth] forbidden, unacceptable)不允许;不可接受Slurping your soup is a no-no in Britain, but in China it's perfectly acceptable.在英国是不允许啜食你的汤,但在中国却完全没问题。no-nonsense adj (sensible)正经的,严肃的,非胡闹的My boss takes a no-nonsense approach to managing the [sb] vtr UK (boycott extremist speaker)拒绝提供平台no-platforming n UK (boycotting extremist speakers)拒绝提供平台no-show n informal (failure to be present)失约no-show n ([sb] invited who isn't present)爽约的人Our surprise birthday party was a flop--the guest of honor was a adj (situation: no one benefits)无人受益的no-win situation n (choice between negative outcomes)左右为难的情况nobody, no one, also UK: no-one pron (not one person)没有人;无人备注: "Nobody" is slightly more informal than "no one"Peter threw a party, but nobody showed up. I thought I heard someone, but there was no one there.彼得举办了一个聚会,但没有人参加。 我觉得听到有人在,但那边根本没人。nobody else, no one else, also UK: no-one else pron (not any other person)除了…以外没有人Noh, Nō n (Japanese theater) (日本戏剧)能剧,能乐Noh theater is a form of classical Japanese drama.nonsmoking, no-smoking, also UK: non-smoking adj (area: where smoking is prohibited) (指区域)非吸烟的,禁烟的This is a nonsmoking area - please extinguish your cigarette before entering.not a big deal, no big deal adj informal (a matter of little importance)不是什么大事;没什么了不起的It is not a big deal that your brother likes to drink a beer now and then.Knitting a sweater is not a big deal for Jane; she has been knitting since she was eight years old.not a chance, no chance interj (impossible)不可能;绝不可能"Do you think Phil will lend us the money?" "Not a chance!"not make any difference, make no difference v expr (be irrelevant)没关系;不相干not make any difference, make no difference v expr (have no effect)没有影响;不会带来什么不同The election will not make any difference when a dictator is in control.of no consequence adj (not significant)无关紧要的The damage done to the car when it hit the lamp post was of no consequence.of no importance adj (insignificant)不重要的;无关紧要的That Jane wanted to go to the movies was of no importance to Bob, who wanted to go to the football game.of no significance adj (not notable, meaningless)不重要的;没什么意义的Oh no! interj (expressing dismay) (感叹词)哦不,不好on no account expr (not for any reason)决不,绝对不;任何情况下都不备注: When the subject and a modal auxiliary follow this expression, they are inverted.On no account should you let a stranger into your house without ID.On no account interrupt me while I'm in this conference no attention v expr (not take notice)没留意Pay no attention to the man behind the no attention to v expr (ignore, not take notice of)没留意Pay no attention to his no mind v expr informal (ignore or disregard [sb])不在乎;不放在心上The deer was a good distance away and paid us no mind.picnic n figurative (something easy)容易的事儿,轻松的事儿; (比喻)小菜一碟;易如反掌备注: Commonly used in the negative and where there is doubt.That job was no picnic; I almost gave up halfway through.You were mistaken if you thought running a marathon would be a picnic.那份工作可不容易;我几乎半途放弃了。// 如果你觉得跑马拉松易如反掌,那你就错了。point of no return n (point when one becomes committed to [sth])不能回头的地步As he got into the car he realised he'd passed the point of no return.say no v expr (refuse or deny [sth])拒绝;说不The offer is very tempting but I'm afraid I have to say no.say no to [sth/sb] v expr (refuse)拒绝;对…说不I'm going to have to say no to another piece of cake.serve no purpose v expr (be useless or pointless)毫无用处Lying would serve no purpose because the truth will come out later.spare no effort v expr (do all you can)不遗余力Please spare no effort to find my sister's spring chicken n figurative, slang (not a young person)年轻人She's no spring chicken but she still goes jogging every morning.take no notice of [sb/sth] v expr (pay no attention to, disregard)没注意到She took no notice of his antics.take no part in [sth] v expr (not participate)没有参与;不参与;没有卷入Shirley hates dancing, and says she'll take no part in it.take no prisoners v expr figurative (have an aggressive style) (追求目标时)积极进取,不屈不挠take-no-prisoners adj figurative, informal (aggressive, enthusiastic) (追求目标时)积极进取的,不屈不挠的备注: Hyphens are used when the adjective precedes the noun.there is no point expr (it wouldn't be worthwhile)不值得,不值当;...没有意义there is no point in doing [sth] expr (it wouldn't be worthwhile to)毫无意义;没有任何意义there is no question interj (it is indisputable)这毋庸置疑He's an evil man; there is no question.there is no question, there is no question (that/of) expr (it is indisputable that)…是毋庸置疑的There is no question many citizens resent paying taxes.There is no such thing as a free lunch expr (Everything has a cost)天下没有免费的午餐I had to pay taxes on the free gift. Well, there's no such thing as a free lunch.there's no accounting for [sth] expr ([sth] can't be explained)无法解释;说不通Kevin has been odd lately; there's no accounting for his behaviour.there's no accounting for taste, there's no accounting for tastes expr (taste can't be explained)人的爱憎好恶是无法解释的I have no idea what Chloe sees in Dean; there's no accounting for taste.There's no help for it. expr (there is no remedy)没有办法;毫无办法There's no help for it. We'll have to sell the no avail adv literary (unsuccessfully, in vain)白白地;枉费地;枉然地under no circumstances adv (not for any reason)决不;无论如何都不;在任何情况下都不Under no circumstances should Johnny eat sweets up to no good v expr (be busy doing [sth] bad)不怀好意;没干好事When he has that look on his face, I know he's up to no good.一看他的神情我就知道,他肯定没干好事。whether or not, whether or no conj (no matter if, even if)不论是否…We'll go to the game whether or not it rains (or: whether it rains or not).不论是否下雨,我们都要去看比赛。yes-no question n (only two possible answers)是非疑问句




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