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词汇 measure
释义 measureUK:*/ˈmɛʒər/US:/ˈmɛʒɚ/ ,(mezh′ər)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: 主要翻译 measure [sth/sb] vtr (calculate dimensions)测量, 度量I need to measure the wood before I cut it.The player measured the distance to the goal.在把木头切开之前,我需要测量它。 // 球员估量了一下到球门的距离。 measure [sth] vtr figurative (weigh, consider)斟酌,估量,权衡He measured all of his options before acting.在行动前,他权衡了所有的选择。 measure [sth] against [sth] vtr + prep figurative (compare)把…和…相比The new president's success would always be measured against his predecessor's.人们总是会把新任总统的成功和前任总统相比较。 measure against [sth] vi + prep (compare)比较;衡量He tested his skill to see how he measures against the competition.他考验了自己的技能,比较与竞争对手的实力。 measure n (unit of measurement)度量单位;计量标准They use pounds as a measure in the USA.在美国,人们使用磅作为一个度量单位。 measure n (system of measurement)计量制;计量法;计量单位The litre is a liquid measure.公升是量测液体的计量单位。 measure n often plural (action taken)措施;对策This measure is necessary to ensure the safety of all employees.这项措施对于确保所有员工的安全是很必要的。 measure n often plural (dimensions calculated)尺寸;大小I have the measures of the room in my notebook.我的笔记本里有屋子的尺寸。 measure n figurative (limited amount)一定量;程度He had just a measure of curiosity about the subject.他对这个话题有一点点好奇。 其他翻译 measure n (measuring instrument)测量工具The worker took out his measure before he started working.开工前,工人拿出了他的测量工具。 measure n (standard)尺度;标准Our process is the best one, by any measure. measure n (bounds, limits)大小The measure of the court was 30 x 90 meters.球场的大小是30米乘90米。 measure n (law, bill)措施;法律规定The measure was approved by the legislature.该措施由立法机关批准。 measure n (specific amount)(一定的)量In English pubs, a standard measure of spirits is 25 ml.在英国的酒吧,烈酒的基准量是25毫升。 measure n (music: bar) (音乐)小节There are four crotchets per measure in 4/4 time. 动词短语 measure [sth] out, measure out [sth] vtr phrasal sep (measure and divide [sth])把…测量后分配The man measured the grain out into four equal portions. measure up vi phrasal figurative (be adequate)符合标准;达到要求He will never measure up; we might as well go ahead and fire him now. measure up to [sb/sth] vi phrasal + prep figurative (match, be equal to)达到…的要求;符合…的标准Rodgers has proved that he is capable of measuring up to the demands of the job. measure [sth] up vtr phrasal sep (calculate dimensions of)度量;测量Go ahead and measure up the next ten boards to be cut. measure [sb] up vtr phrasal sep (calculate size: for clothing) (为裁剪或购买衣服)给…量尺寸The dress designer was measuring Brenda up. measure [sb] up vtr phrasal sep figurative (assess, scrutinize)评估;估量Colin knew about the vacant position and was aware that his boss was measuring him up. 复合形式: beyond measure adv (more than can be calculated)无可估量;无法衡量 counter-measure n (act that opposes another action)应对措施,对策 countermeasure, also UK: counter-measure n (retaliation: act opposing an action)对策 countermeasure, also UK: counter-measure n (response)对策;对抗措施The government's counter-measures don't seem to be working. double, double measure n (spirits: large serving) (烈酒)双份I'd like a vodka, please, and make it a double. for good measure expr (a little more than required)另外,此外Emily added an extra teaspoon of cinnamon to the recipe for good measure. full measure n (measured quantity, serving of [sth]) (分量)足量I asked for a gallon, and he gave me full measure. full measure n (total amount, extent)全部,全面,最大程度 half measure, half-measure n disapproving, often plural (incomplete attempt)不彻底的办法;权宜之计;折衷之策Teaching people how to cook healthy meals is only a half-measure if they cannot afford the ingredients.It is not a time for half measures: we need radical change now. in a measure adv (to an extent)在一定程度上;有一点;有几分 in great measure adv (largely)很大程度上The President's re-election chances are in great measure tied to the health of the economy. in some measure adv (to an extent)在某种程度上 made to measure, made-to-measure adj (designed specifically for [sb/sth])量身订制的,订制的,定做的备注: Hyphens are used when the adjective precedes the noun. measure for measure expr (proportionately)以牙还牙地;一报还一报During the cold war, Kennedy felt that it was imperative that the US meet Khrushchev's challenges, measure for measure. measure [sb] up for [sth] v expr (calculate size: for clothing) (为裁剪或购买衣服)为…给…量尺寸The tailor measured him up for a new suit. measure your words v expr figurative (be careful what you say)谨言慎行;说话谨慎 preventive measure, preventative measure n often plural (action taken to prevent [sth])防护措施;预防措施;防治手段Some women use birth control pills as a preventive measure to avoid pregnancy.Washing your hands frequently is a preventative measure against getting sick. rough measure n (approximate gauge)粗略的测量;大致测量By studying people's actions you'll have the rough measure of their characters. safety measure n often plural ([sth] to maintain safe environment)安全措施 tape measure, measuring tape n (strip for measuring)卷尺Tailors and dressmakers use tape measures to take measurements for clothing. temporary measure n (provisional course of action)临时举措;暂行措施A tourniquet is a temporary measure to stop bleeding until doctors can stitch up the wound.




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