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词汇 headed back
释义 headed back
headed back发音



handed back───退还;归还

head back───调头,回去

hearken back───重提旧事(hearken是hark的过去分词);回到(hearken是hark的过去分词);回归(hearken是hark的过去分词)

clawed back───弥补性收入

dated back───追溯到;回溯至

fade back───淡调背景

feed back───反馈;反应;回复

hand back───退还;归还

harked back───回到本题,重提,回想;(猎犬)循原路而回寻觅嗅迹,折回


We've headed back to the beach.───回到海滩边。

He took off at once and headed back to the motel.───他出人意料地立刻就离开了,然后回到了那家汽车旅馆。

She left Annie and Cooper looking around the shop and headed back onto the street.───她丢下安妮和库珀在商场游逛,自己回到了街上。

Quickly he turned the boat around and headed back to the south pole as fast as he could.───他赶紧掉转船头,用尽所有的力气拼命地往南极划回去。

For a few days this August, much of the news media in the West became convinced that we were headed back to the 1800s, medically speaking.───从今年八月份开始,许多西方新闻媒体开始相信医学界最近一直在流行的传言,即我们正面对和19世纪同样的问题。

He feared, however, that it would not be too long before the young man headed back to his native Uzbekistan to open his own bakery.───可是,他担心这位年轻的小伙子不久将回到自己的祖国乌兹别克斯坦开自己的面包房。

The launch slowed down as it swept round in a wide circle at the river's mouth, then headed back up the river towards Shanghai.───小火轮改开了慢车,迂回地转着一个大圆圈,这是在调头预备回上海。

In November 1974, Mr. Yakovlev said he was headed back to the Soviet Union for a vacation.───1974年11月,雅克夫列夫说,他要回苏联休假了。

Some friends and I were desperate to find a place in Rome for just one night before we headed back home after our whirlwind Italian holiday.───我和一些朋友在意大利度过一个疯狂假期,回家之前,急需在罗马找个住处。


He took off at once and headed back to the motel.

Julie turned and headed back across the landing, down the short corridor towards the office.

She rolled over and headed back towards the shore.

Riker kept turning and headed back to the Tea Plantation.

As we headed back to Calais, the coach was badly delayed by roadworks.

The car made a U-turn and headed back at high speeds.

I headed back toward the eastern edge of town.

I did a U-turn and headed back home.

He headed back towards the flea market and was quickly swallowed up in the crowd.

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