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词汇 limp
释义 limpUK:*/ˈlɪmp/US:/lɪmp/ ,(limp)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: 主要翻译 limp vi (walking)跛行;蹒跚而行;蹒跚Karen limped to her car after rolling her ankle while walking down the stairs.卡伦在下楼的时候崴了脚,蹒跚走向自己的车。 limp n (walking)跛行;蹒跚;跛Since Tom came back from the war he has walked with a limp.汤姆参战回来后,走路就有点跛。 limp adj (not rigid)软绵绵的;软弱无力的Your handshake is too limp; a firm handshake is better for a job interview.你的握手太软弱无力;应聘面试上,强有力的握手更好。 其他翻译 limp adj (arm or leg)无力的;软弱的Paul gave up and let his arms go limp. limp adj (weak, spiritless)无生气的;无活力的The manager thought all the people who applied for the job were boring, limp whiners. limp vi figurative ([sth]: move as if injured)艰难缓慢地前行One of the engines broke down on the airplane and we had to limp to the nearest city for an emergency landing. 动词短语 limp along vi phrasal (walk with a hobble)一瘸一拐地走The poor disabled soldier limped along the sidewalk because of his war injury. limp along vi phrasal figurative (proceed slowly and unevenly) (比喻)艰难地进行The project has hit unexpected difficulties and is just limping along at the moment. 复合形式: limp slightly vi (walk with a hobble)走路有点瘸Despite years of physiotherapy John still limps slightly. limp-wristed adj potentially offensive, perjorative (effeminate) (冒犯)娘娘腔的,女里女气的 slight limp n (hobble)略跛;有点一瘸一拐His broken ankle is cured, but he still walks with a slight limp.




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