硬质巴比合金; 硬头鱼
hard heads───硬渣
hard wheat───硬质小麦
bald head───n.秃头
hard hat───安全帽;建筑工人;顽固的保守派
hard pad───硬垫
hard road───石砾道
hard wheats───硬质小麦
I have a hard head.───我的头很硬。
Head Execution -kill somebody.───重击头部执行—将敌人。
The hard head has led to the warm heart.───顽固的头脑将会导致温暖的心.
According to legend, Peak was originally called Hard Head Mountain.───相传太平山原名“硬头山”.
Frederick has a hard head, you know.───你知道, 弗雷德里克头可硬了.
Hard head makes a soft ass.───硬做过头事,莫说过头话.
But in Luneng's away game competition, 23 rd round Shanghai Shenhua is also a hard head weaponry.───而在鲁能的客场比赛中, 第23轮的上海申花又是一场硬头仗.
I am touchy and have a hard head, all the defects of the Calabrians and I have fiery nature.
I have a hard head .
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