

词汇 hang of
释义 hang of
hang of发音



hang off───挂断电话;踌躇不前;放开,拉开;拉开放

hang on───坚持下去;不挂断;握住不放

hand off───不可触摩;切换,转换

hang out───挂出;闲逛

hangs on───坚持下去;不挂断;握住不放

rang off───(英)挂断电话;住嘴;走掉

bang on───飞中目标;了不起


They are getting the hang of it very quickly.───他们会很快地掌握它的窍门。

It's not difficult once you get the hang of it.───你掌握了要领就不难了。

It's a bit tricky at first till you get the hang of it.───它在一开始当你还没掌握它的窍门的时候有些棘手。

The Eurozone authorities seem to have finally got the hang of an effective communications strategy, and this has paid off.───欧元区当局看来已最终掌握了沟通策略,而这已见效。

I've seen other peoples' thumbs fly over the tiny keys, but I have large hands, and I never got the hang of it.───我看到其他人的拇指在小小的按键跳动,但我手很大,而且我从没得到过它的窍门。

But as she smashed it repeatedly into a wall the other day, she soon got the hang of it.───不过,随着这几天反复用它击碎一堵围墙,她很快掌握了其中要领。

As you get a hang of it, you'll realized that you can easily convert any ideas into Infographics presentation.───当你熟练掌握它之后,你会发现自己能轻而易举地将任何观念转化为信息图的表示。

He never quite got the hang of it, only to be rescued by the digital age.───对此他一直不得门径,只有到了数字时代才如释负重。

He promised Susan that each morning and evening he would ride the bus with her, for as long as it took, until she got the hang of it.───他答应苏珊只要她答应,他每天早晚会陪同她一起乘车接送她上下班,直到她熟悉了路,能够独立为止。


I can't seem to get the hang of this game.

She changed the hang of her skirt.

They are getting the hang of it very quickly.

I never got the hang of negative numbers.

I never got the hang of this game.

I got out of the hang of it.

I'm trying to get the hang of the new telephone system.

It's not difficult once you get the hang of it.

I didn't quite get the hang of his argument.

  • hang drum
  • hanging around
  • hang open
  • hanger-on mean
  • hang on to hope
  • hang glider
  • hanging man
  • hanging down
  • hang in there
  • hang in
  • hang on to
  • hanging on
  • hanging out with friends
  • hang in the air
  • hang of
  • hanger-on crossword
  • hang round
  • hang up on
  • hang tag info
  • hanger prosthetics
  • hanger clinic




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