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词汇 keep up with
释义 keep up with 主要翻译 keep up with [sb/sth] vtr phrasal insep (go as fast)跟上…的步伐The old woman struggled to keep up with her agile young granddaughter.那位老妇人努力跟上她敏捷的小孙女。 keep up with [sth] vtr phrasal insep figurative (stay informed) (潮流、形势等)跟上Are you keeping up with all the news from Copenhagen?你能始终了解哥本哈根的所有新闻吗? keep up with [sb] vtr phrasal insep figurative (perform as well) (某人)跟上Stella is failing to keep up with her classmates in maths.斯特拉无法跟上同班同学的学习数学的进度。 keep up with [sth] vtr phrasal insep figurative (not fall behind)跟上;不在…方面落后It's hard to keep up with my studies when I have to work at the restaurant every evening.If you don't keep up with your loan repayments, your home may be repossessed.每天晚上我都必须去餐馆打工,这样我很难保持学习不落后。//如果你无法保持按时偿还贷款,你的家可能会被收回。 keep up with [sb] vtr phrasal insep (stay in contact with [sb])跟…保持联系Even though we rarely see one another these days, I try to keep up with my cousins via postcards and emails.即使我们现在很少见面,我还是尽可能通过明信片和电子邮件与表兄妹保持联系。




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