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词汇 job
释义 jobUK:*'job': /ˈdʒɒb/; 'Job': /'dʒəʊb/US:/dʒɑb/US:'job': ( job); 'Job': (jōb)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: See also: Job主要翻译 job n (employment)工作;职业I need to find a new job.Debbie has to do two jobs to make ends meet.我需要找个新工作。 job n (pieces of work)一件工作;零活As a translator, I complete two or three jobs each week.作为翻译,我每周完成两至三个工作。 job n (task)作业;任务;活计I have a little job for you, if you have five minutes.如果你有五分钟时间的话,我有个小的活给你。 job n (responsibility)职责;责任When your father is away, it's your job to mind your little brother.你父亲不在的时候,你有责任照顾你弟弟。 其他翻译 job n (matter, state of affairs)事;事情;事情It's a good job you brought your umbrella.你带了雨伞是件好事。 job n slang (robbery) (俚语)犯罪行为He's doing time for that Credit Union job that went wrong.他正在蹲监狱,因为抢信用社的事儿犯了。 job n as adj (of a transaction)一项交易的We'll agree on a fair job rate. job [sth] vtr (buy in quantity and resell)倒卖;转卖He jobs stocks for a living. job [sth] vtr (subcontract) (工程等)转包;将…承包出去We could always job the project to someone else. 复合形式:job | Job a job well done n (task that is performed well)出色地完成了任务Congratulations on a job well done! apply for a job, apply for a position v expr (reply to employment advertisement)申请工作My only task for today is to apply for a job. bad job n informal (incompetence) (非正式用语)没有做好的事情Every time I give him something to do he does such a bad job. blow job, blowjob n vulgar, slang (oral sex on a male)口交Jonny asked his girlfriend to give him a blow job.乔尼让他的女朋友给他口交。 botch job n informal ([sth] done poorly)拙劣的工作;搞砸的工作 con job n informal (confidence trick)信任骗局 con job n informal (deceptive manipulation)欺诈行为;操纵骗局The political campaign was a con job, full of meaningless, feel-good slogans, but with no real substance. day job n (regular job)日常工作 do a job on [sb/sth] v expr (harm or damage)搞砸;弄坏 do a job on [sb] v expr (deceive)欺骗;骗取 do the job v expr informal (get the result you want)获得成功;起作用 dream job n informal (desired or ideal occupation) (非正式用语)理想职业My old job was a nightmare but this one's truly a dream job. find a job v expr (be hired for work)找工作 full-time job n (job: 40 hours a week)全职工作;全日制工作When we were children, my mother obtained a full-time job so that she could support us financially. get a job v expr informal (find employment) (非正式用语)找到工作I need to get a job that pays well.我需要找到一份薪酬不错的工作。 get on with the job v expr informal (do [sth] without delay)马上开始干… Good job! interj informal (expressing admiration)干得不错;做得真好That's an awesome painting. Good job!那是一幅很棒的画。干得好! Good job, It's a good job interj UK, informal (it is fortunate)幸运的是,幸好Good job you remembered your umbrella!幸好你带伞了! great job n informal (success) (非正式用语)很棒的工作,好极了,干得不错,(工作)完成得很不错You did a great job on your math test. great job interj mainly US, informal (well done) (非正式用语)做得不错;表现很好Great job on your presentation today! I was very impressed. great job interj mainly US, ironic (sarcastic: well done) (贬义,讽刺)可真行啊你;干得漂亮;真有你的 hand job, handjob n slang (masturbation of the penis) (俚语,尤指男性)手淫I can't believe you gave him a hand job in his car! hard job n (difficult occupation)苦差Long haul trucking is a hard job. hard job n (difficult task)艰难的任务In this recession, we're going to have a hard job persuading the boss to spend money on new computers. have a job v expr (be in employment)有份工作;有工作 have a job doing [sth] v expr slang (experience difficulty: doing [sth]) (俚语)做某事很困难,很吃力You'll have a job convincing him to give you a raise. have the job of [sth] vtr (be charged with)做…工作;负责I have the job of cleaning the swimming pool every week. hold down a job v expr (remain in employment)保住饭碗;保住工作After years of unemployment, John managed to hold down a job at the post office.I can never seem to hold down a job. holiday job n (temporary job during vacation)假期短工;假期打工 inside job n (crime by [sb] within company)监守自盗Apparently, the jewelry store robbery was an inside job. job action n (industrial protest)罢工;怠工 job applicant n (candidate for an advertised post)求职人员,求职者,应聘者We have 300 job applicants but only five open positions. job board n (noticeboard advertising work vacancies)职位公告板,职位布告栏 job board n (website advertising work vacancies)求职平台,招聘平台 job centre n UK (work support place)就业中心,职业介绍所 job costing n (method of expense accounting)分批成本核算 job description n (outline of a role's responsibilities)职位描述I hate firing employees, but it's in my job description. job fair n (recruitment event)招聘会You don't have to be unemployed to attend a job fair. job hunt n (search for employment)求职,找工作 job hunting n (searching for employment)求职;找工作 job-hunting adj (related to job hunting)求职的;找工作的 job lot n (articles bought together)一堆货品,一堆东西;廉价批发货They bought a job lot for a very good price. job market n (employment available)就业市场Our training courses should match the needs of the job market.The job market's weak right now, with very few positions available even for qualified workers. job offer n (invitation to be hired for job)工作要约 job opening n (employment vacancy)职位空缺 job opportunity n (employment vacancy)工作机会;就业机会 job performance review n (employee appraisal)工作绩效评估,工作绩效考评Every employee has a job performance review at the end of each year. job placement, placement n (work experience)职位;工作Gerard is looking for a job placement in the television industry. job placement, placement n (allocating [sb] to work)分配工作;安排工作 job posting n (advertisement for employees)招聘启事 job satisfaction n (contentment with work)工作满意度,工作满足感 job security n (chances of staying in employment)工作安全感;职业保障;职业安全感In the current economy, job security is a major concern of many employees. job seeker (US), jobseeker (UK) n (person looking for employment)找工作者;求职者 job shadow v expr UK (work alongside [sb] for experience)见习 job shadow n (working alongside [sb] for experience)见习 job sharing, job-sharing n (dividing a job position)工作分担;职务分担 job shop US (employment agency)劳务公司;职业中介公司;人才公司 job title n (name of a professional role)职位Her job title was "Manager of Human Resources".她的职位是“人力资源部经理”。 job training n (learning professional skills)职业培训 job vacancies npl (employment openings)职位空缺 job-hunter n ([sb] looking for a job)求职者 Jobcentre, Jobcentre Plus, jobcentre, job centre n UK (work support place)就业中心;职业中心备注: Jobcentre Plus is the current official name. As a name, Jobcentre should start with a capital letter, but this may be omitted in informal communications. jobshare, job-share n (employment arrangement)工作分享;一工分做 make a good job of [sth] v expr informal (do [sth] well) (非正式用语)做得好,在…方面干得不错Tim made a good job of painting the house. nasty job n (unpleasant task)令人厌恶的工作Cleaning the bathroom is a nasty job, but it must be done weekly.Unclogging a toilet is a nasty job, but someone has to do it. nose job n slang (cosmetic surgery on the nose)鼻部整形手术 odd job n usually plural (small manual task)零工;临时工I wish we could find a handyman for odd jobs.During this recession, I know people who get by working odd jobs. odd-job man n (male who does manual tasks)勤杂工,零工 odd-jobman (US), odd-job man (UK) n (male who does casual manual work) (男性)勤杂工, 杂工 office job n (work: clerical, administrative)办公室工作 on the job expr (while working)在工作;在忙Apprentices are trained while on the job. on the job expr slang (having sex)在做爱The couple were on the job. on-the-job adj (at work)在工作中的;在职的There is no substitute for on-the-job experience. These new systems will improve on-the-job communications significantly.在工作中的经验是无法取代的。这些新的系统能有效提高在工作中的沟通。 on-the-job training n (apprenticeship, learning by doing)在职培训I never took actual programming courses, but I had a lot of on-the-job training.Experience is not required; the company provides on-the-job training. part-time job n (work: not full time)兼职工作When I was a student I had a part-time job working in a pub. put-up job n informal (scam, con)阴谋;诓骗;诈骗;骗局 relieve of their job, relieve [sb] of his job, relieve [sb] of her job v expr (dismiss or fire [sb])解雇 second job n (for additional income)第二职业Evelyn took a second job as a cleaner to pay all her bills. snow job (attempt to deceive)欺骗;诱骗 steady job n (job: stable and pays regularly)稳定的工作;稳定的职业 take a job v expr (accept employment)接受一份工作She needed money so badly that she took a job as a waitress in a seedy bar. temporary job, temp job n (short-term employment)临时性工作;短期工作 That will do the job. interj informal (that will suffice) (非正式用语)这样行得通。That'll do the job until you can get to a proper mechanic. tough job n informal (difficult task) (非正式用语)艰难的工作,棘手的活It's a tough job, but somebody had to do it. up to the job adj informal (capable)胜任工作Many people believe that our manager isn't up to the job. whack job n slang, pejorative (insane person)疯子That guy over there is a whack job.




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