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词汇 had told
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head cold───头伤风;鼻伤风

hand tools───[机]手工具(handtool的复数)

hand tool───[机]手工具

hard tops───硬质铺装路;坚固顶板;顶盖总成

head tone───头音

hood mold───发动机罩模具

all told───合计,总共


Mark had told me that he was down for an interview.───马克已经告诉我他有个采访。

He had given some thought to what she had told him.───他已对她告诉自己的话做了些思考。

If only you had told me that some time ago.───要是你之前告诉我那件事该多好。

He looked surprised, as if a stranger had told him that he had been elected to some office.───他看上去很惊讶,就好像一个陌生人告诉他他已经被某件办公室录用一样。

He said clerics had told him he must perform jihad or he would be treated as a non-believer when he died.───他说,教士也告诉他,他必须履行圣战否则他将被视为非信徒,他死了。

Poor man, she said now, and for a moment, lost in his reverie, Teacher Fei wondered if he had told her about the avenging daughter.───可怜人,母亲说道,然后有一刻又陷入自己的沉思中。范老师想不起自己是不是已经把女儿复仇的故事告诉了母亲。

If you had told me in college I was going to turn into a brown-rice mother I would have guffawed and waved my hand dismissively.───要是你在我上大学的时候告诉我,有一天我会变成个糙米妈妈,我绝对会狂笑不止,不以为然地摆摆手。

She did not know anyone and Meg had told her to sit still because her dress was torn at the back.───她谁也不认识,而梅格又要她正襟危坐,因为乔的洋装背后有破洞。

Local media reports said the woman had told investigators that she consented to sex with one of the men.───当地媒体称该女性曾对调查人员表示,她只同意和四名犯罪嫌疑人中的一个发生性关系。


I wish someone had told me the meeting was canceled.

People had told me she was very pleasant but she's nothing of the kind.

People had told me the girl was very pleasant but she's nothing of the kind.

If anybody had told me when I first got married that I was going to have seven children, I would have run a mile.

I soon twigged who had told them.

His flower had told him that she was only one of her kind in all universe. And here were five thousand of them, all alike, in one single garden!

She faithfully repeated everything he had told her.

No one had told her of the dangers.

He repeated what she had told him.

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