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词汇 itch
释义 itchUK:*/ˈɪtʃ/US:/ɪtʃ/ ,(ich)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: 主要翻译 itch n (skin irritation)痒;发痒Kyle had an itch where the mosquito bit him.凯尔觉得被蚊子叮的地方发痒。 itch n figurative (desire)渴望;欲望Peter felt the itch to go traveling.彼得感到自己对旅行的渴望。 itch vi (skin, rash, wound: be itchy)发痒;令人觉得痒The rash itched terribly.疹子发痒得不得了。 itch vi (clothing, fabric: irritate) (衣物等)使皮肤发痒,使人发痒Sarah's new shirt was rough and itched uncomfortably.莎拉的新衬衣面料粗糙,扎得人发痒,不舒服。 itch vi (feel skin irritation)痒;发痒This chickenpox is driving me crazy; I itch all over.水痘让我浑身都痒,我简直要疯了。 itch [sth] vtr (cause irritation)使…发痒This woolen sweater is itching my back.这件羊毛毛衣让我后背发痒。 itch for [sth] to do [sth] v expr figurative (be impatient for)对...心痒难耐;渴望;热切期望备注: always used in a progressive tenseI'm itching for the summer holidays to start!我热切盼望着暑假的到来! itch to do [sth] v expr figurative (be impatient to)对做...心痒难耐;渴望;热切期望备注: always used in a progressive tenseI'm itching to tell you the gossip about Mandy ...我心痒难耐,想跟你说说曼迪的闲话... itch [sth] vtr informal (scratch)在...上抓痒;抓挠;搔痒Jim itched the rash on his arm constantly, and it kept getting worse.吉姆总是抓挠胳膊上的疹子,弄得疹子不断恶化。 复合形式: jock itch n US, slang (genital infection)股癣 seven-year itch n slang (pathology: scabies) (俚语)疥疮 seven-year itch n slang (temptation for an extra-marital affair) (俚语)七年之痒;婚姻不稳定期




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