

词汇 gynecological diseases
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gynecological diseases发音



neurological disease───神经病

ecological disaster───生态灾难

ecological niches───生态位;生态龛位;小生境;生态区位

functional diseases───功能性疾病

celiac diseases───乳糜泻;脂泻病

coeliac diseases───乳糜泄

ecological niche───生态位;生态龛位;小生境;生态区位

functional disease───功能性疾病

geological cycles───地质旋回


Note arthritis, cervical spondylosis, duodenum, gastritis , paying particular attention to urological and gynecological diseases.───注意关节炎, 颈椎病, 十二指肠, 胃炎, 尤其要注意泌尿系统和妇科疾病.

This provides theoretical basis and reliable evidence for the prevention and treatment of gynecological diseases.───同时亦为有关妇科疾病的防治提供了可靠依据.

Agency Village, Xu Ying - sea medical cures gynecological diseases, medical ethics and high moral character as effective.───社城村名医徐映海专治妇科病,医德高尚, 成效卓著.

Objective To investigate of the status and general therapy of gynecological diseases , and the prevention measure.───目的了解南京地区妇女病普查普治情况, 以便有针对性地探讨干预措施.

Indeed, cervical erosion is one of the highest incidence of gynecological diseases.───的确,宫颈糜烂是发病率最高的妇科疾病之一。

D: Have you ever had any other illness, for instance nephritis, gall - stones or any gynecological diseases?───你有过其它病 吗 ?比如说,肾炎 、 结石或妇科病?

Objective To assess the ultrasonography for the diagnosis of emergency of obstetric and gynecological diseases.───目的探讨超声对妇产科常见急诊的诊断价值.

In the treatment of surgery and gynecological diseases, the role of laparoscopic attracting increasing attention.───在治疗外科和妇科疾病中,腹腔镜的作用越来越受到人们的瞩目。

Artificial abortion, medical abortion, genital itching, Leucorrhea increased, cervical erosion, and other gynecological diseases.───无痛人流 、 药流 、 外阴瘙痒、白带增多 、 宫颈糜烂等妇科疾病.颈 、 肩、腰、腿痛、创外伤、清创缝合.

Have you ever had any other illness, for instance nephritis, gall - stones or any gynecological diseases?───你有过其它病 吗 ?比如说,肾炎 、 胆结石或妇科病?

This drug can replenish vital essence , tonify the Bone marrow so it is against gynecological diseases.───本药品补肾滋阴,填精益髓, 是医治女性疾病的良药.

She is good at infertility, gynecological inflammation, menstruation, uterine fibroids, ovarian cyst gynecological diseases.───擅长不孕不育、妇科炎症、月经不调、子宫肌瘤、卵巢囊肿等妇科疾病。


It is also for treatment of gynecological diseases, including menorrhagia or disorder, uterine fibroids and endometriosis.

Objective : To explore the optimal treatment on perioperative patients with gynecological diseases accompanied by diabetes mellitus.

Agency Village, Xu Ying - sea medical cures gynecological diseases, medical ethics and high moral character as effective.

Conclusion: The thoughts of gynecoiatry from Neijing are of great clinical value in treating gynecological diseases.

An early intercourse, into the vagina bacteria is easy to uplink cause endometritis, etc of gynecological diseases.

This provides theoretical basis and reliable evidence for the prevention and treatment of gynecological diseases.

Objective To assess the ultrasonography for the diagnosis of emergency of obstetric and gynecological diseases.

Prevent bacterial infection, eliminate off odour and cure colpitis, adnexitis and other gynecological diseases.

Trichomonas vaginitis is gynecological diseases, vaginal hair drops by flagellates ( Trichomonas ) infection caused.

  • gynecological oncology
  • gynecological issues




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