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词汇 guarded secret
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trade secret───n.[贸易]商业秘密;行业秘密

dark secret───十分秘密的事

guilty secret───罪恶的秘密

state secret───国家机密

trade secrets───[贸易]商业秘密

guarded against───防止;提防

bearded face───胡须脸

bearded seal───髯海豹

bearded seals───胡须海豹


The location of the ship is a closely guarded secret.───那艘船的方位是高度机密。

But their destination has been kept a closely-guarded secret.───但是他们的目的地一直是一个秘密。

In the past, information about orbits was a closely guarded secret.───在过去,关于轨道的信息是严格警戒的秘密。

Inside Google, the deal was a tightly guarded secret involving only top management, said a person familiar with the matter.───据知情人士说,在谷歌内部,这桩交易是严格保守的秘密,只有最高管理层参与。

The ceremony has been a well-guarded secret, but some of the performers head into the Olympic Stadium, offer a sneak peek.───开幕式是一个严格保密的秘密,但随着部分演员进入奥运会体育场,也可让我们提前一窥。

For centuries, wise men have known this and kept it a well guarded secret.───数百年来,聪明人都知道,这与它保持良好的讳莫如深。

The precise nature of these weaknesses is a well-guarded secret.───这些弱点的确切情况当然是讳莫如深的。

The fighting style of Sodan has been a closely guarded secret for a hundred generations.───Sodan的战斗风格成为一个秘密已经有几百代人了。

The roaster's blending knowledge is usually a closely guarded secret.───烘焙高手混合咖啡豆的知识可谓是最高的行业机密。


The bunker's precise location is a closely guarded secret.

He knew that the routine and itinerary of the Chairman were a closely guarded secret.

Why had he chosen to make Vicky privy to this most closely guarded secret, and not me?

Their carefully guarded secret was soon common property in the company.

For more than forty years his existence had been a closely guarded secret.

His jealously guarded secret was soon common property.

Most of all, her image was private, a guarded secret: it was all the privacy she had.

The companies that administer the warehouses keep details of their contents a closely guarded secret.

It was not the falcon's nesting site, John wisely keeps all such eyries a closely guarded secret.





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