

词汇 guarantee letter
释义 guarantee letter
guarantee letter发音




guarantee a future───保证未来

guarantee freedom───保证自由

crank letter───古怪字母

draft letter───草拟信函

guarantee form───担保书

guarantee forms───保证书

guarantee safety───保证安全


Guarantee letter is required for completed to paying any third party's room guarantee.───如第三者为订房客人提供信用卡资料作为客房担保需填写《客房担保书》.

Abstract:The ship industry develops slowly at present, and the risk of ship guarantee letter appears gradually.───摘要:船舶行业目前处于低谷,船舶保函业务风险日渐显现。

Me: He wrote you letter and guarantee letter. Would you like to have a look?───他给你写了一封担保函,和一封信, 你想看一下?

May I take your credit card number or Guarantee letter for the guarantee?───请提供您的信用卡号码或担保信给我做为担保.

They suggested you may send a guarantee letter to your agent company in USA.───他们建议由你们写一份保函到美国的代理公司。


The guarantee letter will show the assurance of B's compliance with work during the contract period, and the warrantors will have juristic joint responsibility.

Provisional countervailing measures may be taken in the form of levying provisional countervailing duty under the guarantee of cash deposits or guarantee letter.

Provisional countervailing measures may be taken in the form of levying provisional countervailing duty under the guarantee of caution money or guarantee letter.

  • guarantee letter
  • guaranteed bonus
  • guaranteed fresh until




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