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词汇 holy
释义 holyUK:*/ˈhəʊli/US:/ˈhoʊli/ ,(hō′lē)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: 主要翻译 holy adj (religious)宗教的The priests read from their holy text.祭司们诵读宗教教义。 holy adj (pious)圣洁的;献身于神或上帝的;虔诚的The pope is a good man and is regarded as holy by his followers.教皇是个被追随者视为圣洁的好人。 holy adj (sacred)神圣的;圣地的;圣所的The old cathedral contained several holy relics.这座古老的大教堂里有几件圣物。 复合形式: ark, Holy Ark n (sacred container) (通常写为"Ark")神龛,约柜The ark in a synagogue holds the sacred scrolls of the Torah. Holy Bible n (Christian sacred book)圣经The Holy Bible consists of two parts: the Old Testament and the New. holy book n (text sacred to a religion)圣经,圣书The Bible is considered a holy book by Christians. Holy Communion n (Catholicism: celebration of Eucharist)圣餐礼For many people, receiving Holy Communion is the high point of the Mass. Holy cow! interj informal (astonishment) (感叹语)神啊!天哪!不是吧!Holy cow! What size is that diamond on your finger? Holy cow! I came close to hitting that car in front of me! holy cow n figurative ([sth] sacred) (比喻)神圣之物It is time to stop treating tourism as a holy cow which we must protect and nurture at all costs. holy crap interj slang, vulgar (expletive) (俚语,粗俗用语)我靠,他妈的Holy crap! I can't believe you just said that! holy day n (religious festival)宗教节日;圣日Good Friday is a holy day in Catholic countries. the Holy Father n (Roman Catholicism: the Pope) (罗马天主教)教皇Hundreds of people showed up in hopes of seeing the Holy Father in person. Holy Fire n (Orthodox Christianity: miracle) (东正教中的奇迹)圣火 Holy Ghost n (Christian trinity: Holy Spirit)圣灵Some of the old prayers and hymns still call the Holy Spirit the Holy Ghost. the Holy Grail n (religion, mythology: sacred cup)圣杯The knights of the round table went on quests for the Holy Grail. the Holy Grail, the holy grail n figurative ([sth] much sought and prized)梦寐以求的事物; (比喻梦寐以求的事物)圣杯Making anything viral is the holy grail of marketing. Holy Joe n informal (clergyman)牧师;传教士 Holy Joe n informal (pious person)虔诚的人 the Holy Land n (Mid-east region) (中东)圣地 Holy Land n (region revered by a religion) (宗教)圣地 holy mackerel interj informal (astonishment) (感叹语)不是吧!不会吧!天啊!Holy mackerel! Did you see the size of that dog walking by? holy man n (priest, spiritual leader)神职人员,献身于宗教的人;圣人 Holy Mary n (Christianity: mother of Jesus)圣母玛利亚 holy matrimony n (marriage)神圣的婚姻By the power vested in me, by the State of X, I join you two in holy matrimony. You may now kiss the bride. holy moly, holy moley interj US, informal, dated (exclamation)我的天啊 holy Moses interj slang (expressing surprise or shock) (俚语,表示惊讶感叹的感叹词)天啊,上帝啊 holy of holies n (sacred place)最神圣的地方;至圣所I was surprised to be invited into his office, the holy of holies! Holy Office n (Catholicism: moral guardians)宗教法庭The Holy Office was replaced by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith in the 20th century.The Holy Office was responsible for many of the atrocities of the Inquisition. holy place n (somewhere sacred)神圣的地方 holy place n (Bible: inner sanctuary)圣所;圣殿Please show respect as this church is a holy place. holy roller n slang (evangelist, born-again preacher) (俚语)福音派信徒;福音派传教士 Holy Roman Empire n historical (Germanic empire) (历史上的)神圣罗马帝国 Holy Saturday n (day before Easter Sunday) (复活节前的星期六)圣星期六The disciples were in mourning on Holy Saturday because Jesus was dead. Holy Scripture n often plural (Holy Scripture: Biblical writings)圣经The preacher read a verse from the Holy Scripture. the Holy See n (Vatican) (指罗马教廷)圣座On Monday, the Holy See released a statement condemning the violence and calling for a peaceful resolution to the crisis. Holy s*** interj slang, vulgar (expressing shock)天啊; (粗话)我靠,妈的"Our plane leaves in an hour!" "Holy s***! I thought we had five hours left!" Holy Spirit n (Christian trinity: Holy Ghost)圣灵The Holy Spirit is the third person in the Christian Trinity. Holy Thursday, Maundy Thursday n (day before Good Friday)耶稣升天节;圣星期四The disciples ate the Last Supper on Holy Thursday. the Holy Trinity, the Blessed Trinity, the Trinity n (Christianity: God's threefold nature) (基督教)神圣三位一体The doctrine of the Holy Trinity states that there is one God in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. holy war n (crusade, religious war)圣战 holy water n (water blessed by a priest)圣水Holy water is said to have miraculous healing powers. Holy Week n (week leading up to Easter) (复活节前一周)圣周,升天周During Holy Week there are many preparations to be made for Easter Sunday.




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