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词汇 government debt
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government men───政府官员;(美)联邦调查局特工

government deficit───政府赤字

government deficits───政府赤字

government bond───n.公债;[财政]政府公债

government fund───政府资金

government man───政府官员;(美)联邦调查局特工





China accounts for around 10% of U.S. government debt.───中国持有大约10%的美国国债。

No. US investors can easily fund US government debt.───否定的。美国国内的投资者可以很轻易地资助美国国债。

Government debt held by the public, excluding obligations to Social Security, totals about $ 5.5 trillion.───不包括社保基金, 公众持有的美国政府债券总额约为5.5万亿美元.

Government debt will come off worse.───国债状况也将越来越糟。

China is s biggest foreign creditor, holding an estimated $ 1 trillion S. government debt.───中国是美国最大的国外债权人, 据估计约持有1万亿美国政府债券.


Government debt has soared during the financial crisis, and the federal budget wasn't in great shape to begin with, given huge unfunded liabilities in health care and retirement programs.

Some 90 percent of government debt is financed from domestic savings, leaving little capital spare for stocks.

This means that any effects of the government debt may be neutralized by the appropriate combination of lump-sum taxes and transfers.

Government debt issued by Portugal and even Spain is already in the crosshairs of international bond investors.

Rising government debt is a Ponzi scheme that requires an ever-growing population to assume the burden—unless some deus ex machina, such as a technological breakthrough, can boost growth.

S. problem is less one of government debt than of sustained international trade imbalances, which have transformed America into a debtor nation.

Government debt paper provides a benchmark yield against which private debt issues can be priced.

Under the last Government, debt rose to unprecedented levels, which was essentially postponed taxation on future generations.

The legacy of high government debt is yet another reason why the current crisis could mean stunted U.S. growth for at least five to seven more years.

  • governmental grants
  • government bill
  • government minister




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