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词汇 go-to
释义 go-to 主要翻译 go-to adj informal (person, thing: dependable)必备的;必需的 go-to adj informal (destination: popular) (目的地)广受欢迎的;热门的 go-to n informal (dependable person or thing)必需的人;必备的东西 动词短语 go to [sth] vi phrasal (resort: to [sth])诉诸于;通过They went to great effort to get here on time.他们费了好大劲才准时赶到这里。 go to [sb] vtr phrasal insep figurative (consult, ask a favor of)向…寻求帮助;向…咨询When I need advice, I go to my rabbi. 复合形式: go to [sth] vi + prep (proceed to, head for)前往;去往I'm going to London this summer.Anne went to Italy for her holiday last year.Robert goes to the market every Saturday morning.今年夏天我准备去伦敦。安妮去年去意大利度的假。罗伯特每个周六早晨都会去集市。 go to [sth] vi + prep (lead to)通向;通到These stairs go to the attic.这些楼梯通向阁楼。 go to [sth], go on [sth] vi + prep (be allotted)用于;用来A quarter of their income goes to food. go to [sb] vi + prep (pass to [sb] in a will)以遗产方式留给His house went to the elder son, its contents to the younger. go to [sb/sth] vi + prep (be awarded to) (奖品等)被授予,归于And the Oscar goes to Steve McQueen!奥斯卡奖得主是史蒂夫·麦奎因! go to do [sth] v expr (make a move to do)去做Jake went to brush a stray hair from Leah's cheek, but at that moment she turned away.杰克正要把滑落在利亚脸上的一根头发拂开,但就在那一刻,利亚转过身去。 go and get [sth/sb] v expr informal (fetch)去卖;去获得;去弄到Dan asked his son to go and get some milk from the local supermarket. go to a lot of trouble to do [sth] v expr (make a special effort to)花很多精力做某事;投入许多努力做某事I went to a lot of trouble to prepare a special dinner. go to an early grave v expr (die young)夭折;年纪轻轻地死去Callum is going to an early grave if he doesn't adopt a healthier lifestyle. go to bat for [sb] v expr informal, figurative (show support)支持… go to bed v expr (retire at night)上床睡觉It's past midnight and time for me to go to bed.午夜已过,到我上床睡觉的时间了。 go to church v expr (attend religious services)去教堂;做礼拜David goes to church with his family every Sunday morning. go to extremes v expr (do [sth] drastic)走极端;铤而走险Top athletes are prepared to go to extremes to achieve success. go to get [sth/sb] v expr (fetch)去拿;去取回 go to ground, run to ground v expr figurative (hide, be reclusive)躲藏起来,躲起来,藏起来 Go to hell! interj potentially offensive (strong dismissal)下地狱Go to hell! You disgust me! go to it v expr informal (begin, get to work)开动;开工;动手 go to jail v expr (be sent to prison)进监狱;蹲大牢 go to pieces v expr figurative (lose composure) (情感、精神)崩溃,垮掉She went to pieces when her only child died. go to pieces, fall to pieces v expr figurative (lose health) (身体)崩溃,垮掉Alvin's health went to pieces as a result of his alcoholism. go to pieces v expr figurative (stop functioning) (电脑系统等)崩溃,坏掉One of the computers crashed and the whole system went to pieces. go to pot v expr slang (decline, deteriorate) (俚语)衰落,衰败I used to exercise but I'm afraid I've gone to pot since the baby was born. go to press v expr (be published)出版,发表;付印 go to print v expr (be reproduced for publication)印刷;进入印刷阶段The book is ready to go to print. go to school v expr (attend classes)上学Children start going to school at age 5.孩子们5岁开始上学。 go to seed, run to seed v expr slang, figurative (decline, deteriorate)衰落, 衰败, 走下坡路He was once a great actor but rather went to seed in middle age.他曾经是一个出色的演员,但到了中年开始走下坡路。 go to seed, run to seed v expr (plant: produce seed and dry up)花谢结籽Prevent flowering plants from going to seed by removing the dead flower heads.摘除枯死的花头能阻止开花植物结籽。 go to show [sth] v expr (serve to illustrate)说明;表明That just goes to show that you can't trust anyone. go to sleep v expr (fall asleep, lose consciousness)睡觉;睡着;入睡I can't go to sleep with all this noise going on.伴着这些噪音,我无法入睡。 go to sleep v expr (limb: become numb)失去知觉;麻木I've been sitting in this position for so long, my legs have gone to sleep.我保持这个姿势坐太久了,腿都麻木了。 go to the bathroom, use the bathroom v expr US (use the toilet)去卫生间;上厕所To avoid extra stops, I always tell the children to go to the bathroom before starting a long trip in the car. go to the devil v expr informal (fail completely, be ruined)彻底完蛋;彻底失败;彻底毁灭 go to the devil v expr informal (person: become depraved)完全疯狂;失心疯 go to the devil interj informal, potentially offensive (expletive: disgust, rejection) (可能有冒犯性)下地狱吧;去死吧 go to the dogs v expr figurative (become much less successful)大不如前;每况愈下 go to the mat v expr (argue intensely)吵得不可开交 go to the movies v expr mainly US, informal (go to the cinema)去看电影Tony wants to go to the movies this evening. go to the restroom v expr US (use the toilet)去卫生间;上厕所I need to go to the restroom. go to the wall v expr (business: fail) (指生意)失败 go to the wall for [sth] v expr (stand up for [sth] at all cost to yourself)为了...不计一切代价 go to town v expr figurative (do [sth] lavishly, extravagantly)寻欢作乐,尽情享乐,大把花钱Wow! Look at all this food - you've really gone to town! go to war v expr (engage in warfare)卷入战争;开战Britain went to war against Germany in 1914. go to war v expr (leave for battlefront)参战The exhibition highlights how many young men went to war from Wells and the surrounding villages. go to waste v expr (not be used)浪费掉A new study has found that 50 per cent of the world's food goes to waste. go to work v expr (travel to workplace) (本义)去工作场所,去上班I prefer to go to work early before the traffic gets heavy. go to work on [sth] v expr figurative, informal (do [sth] thoroughly)全心投入地做,非常细致地做The artist has really gone to work on this mural; it's huge and very detailed. go to [sb]'s head v expr figurative, slang (make egotistical)冲昏了…的头脑His one hit record went to his head, and now he is impossible to live with. go to [sb]'s head, go straight to [sb]'s head v expr (make drunk) (酒)让…上头,使喝醉That glass of wine has gone straight to my head! meet your maker, go to meet your maker v expr euphemism (die) (比喻死亡)见老祖宗




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