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词汇 go on
释义 go on See also: go主要翻译 go on vi phrasal (endure, continue)持续;继续After she twisted her ankle, the runner found it impossible to go on.扭伤脚踝后,这名赛跑运动员觉得无法继续坚持下去。usage: go onIf you go on doing something, you continue to do it.I just went on eating like I hadn't heard anything.Asif went on working until he had finished.If you go on to do something, you do it after doing something else.She went on to talk about her plans for the future.He later went on to form a successful computer company. go on vi phrasal informal (continue for a long time)持续很久"Gone With the Wind" is a classic film, but it goes on a bit.《乱世佳人》是一部经典电影,但只风靡了一阵。 go on doing [sth] v expr (continue doing [sth])继续;接着做Few professional footballers go on playing into their forties.职业足球运动员很少能踢到四十岁。 go on to do [sth] v expr (do subsequently)随后做某事;后来做某事;接着做某事Having acted in movies for thirty years, he went on to direct them.演了30年电影后,他继续从事导演工作。 go on [sth] vtr phrasal insep (embark on, begin: a journey) (旅游、度假等)去I can't wait to go on this road trip.我等不及要开始这次公路旅行。 go on [sth] vtr phrasal insep (visit: website) (网站)访问I went on the WordReference website to check the meaning of a word.我访问WordReference网站,查询一个单词的意思。 go on vi phrasal UK, informal (talk for a long time)说个不停When my grandma reminisces about her childhood, she tends to go on.每当我奶奶回忆起她的童年,她总是滔滔不绝。 go on about [sth/sb] vi phrasal + prep UK, informal (talk unintelligibly about)嘟囔,含糊不清地说When my sister goes on about programming, I can't understand a word she is saying.我姐妹嘟囔着编程,但她说的我一个字也听不懂。 动词短语go on | go go on about [sth/sb] vi phrasal + prep UK, informal (talk incessantly about) (俚语)喋喋不休地说,无休止地说The teacher went on about the topic he had chosen regardless of the fact that many students were asleep. go on with [sth] vtr phrasal insep (continue to do, say)继续…I apologised for the interruption and he went on with his story. 复合形式:go on | go go on a bender v expr slang (go on a drinking binge) (俚语)豪饮一场;大醉一场 go on a binge v expr (indulge in [sth] excessively)放纵做某事;疯狂做某事 go on a date, go out on a date v expr (go out with [sb] romantically)去约会Want to go on a date this Friday night? I'll pick you up at eight.周五晚上想去约会么?我会在8点来接你。 go on a diet v expr (start eating less to lose weight) (为了减肥)节食 go on a fishing expedition v expr figurative (hunt for unspecified evidence)盘问;摸底In the US, police are not allowed to go on a fishing expedition in your house without a search warrant. go on a journey v expr (travel somewhere)去旅行;去旅游The fortune teller told me I'd soon be going on a journey.算命先生告诉我,我不久即将去旅行。 go on a tear v expr US, slang (go on a spree) (俚语)连续超常发挥;连续有优秀表现The home team went on a tear and won seven points in a row. go on a trip v expr UK (take a short journey)去短途旅行;去短距离旅游This weekend we're going on a trip to the seaside.这个周末我们将去海边旅行。 go on a trip v expr US (travel)去旅行;去旅游Last summer I went on a trip to Rome to see the Coliseum. go on a wild goose chase, go on a wild-goose chase v expr figurative, informal (search in vain for [sth]) (比喻义)竹篮打水一场空;徒劳无功 go on and on v expr (continue for a long time)不停;没完没了 go on and on v expr informal (talk for a long time)喋喋不休 go on and on about [sth/sb] vtr slang (talk incessantly about) (俚语)喋喋不休地说,不休止地说She went on and on about the various celebrities she'd met. go on forever v expr (never end)永远继续;永无休止Everyone thought the couple's relationship would go on forever. go on forever v expr figurative (seem unending)似乎永无尽头;似乎要永远持续下去It felt like the train journey went on forever. go on leave v expr (be absent from job)休假The soldier will go on leave next week to visit his family. go on stage v expr (perform, act publicly)登台演出;上台表演;上场You're such a funny guy: you should go on stage.你真是个有趣的人,你应该上台去表演。 go on stage v expr (become performer)当演员John went on stage when he was barely 12 years old. go on strike v expr (stop work)罢工The workers went on strike to protest against a decrease in their wages. go on the fritz v expr informal (break, malfunction)损坏,出毛病;发生故障 go on the piss v expr UK, vulgar, slang (visit pubs or bars to get drunk)出去狂饮 go on the rampage, go on a rampage v expr (behave destructively)横冲直撞;胡作非为 go on the razz, go out on the razz v expr UK, slang (party, go out drinking) (俚语)出去玩;参加轰趴;出去喝酒My mates have all gone on the razz tonight, but I wasn't feeling up to it. go on to do [sth] v expr (do [sth] next)继续做另一件事;接着做下一件事 go on vacation (US), go on holiday (UK) v expr (take a break away from home)度假




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