

词汇 good grades
释义 good grades
good grades发音




good graces───风度翩翩;青睐


food grains───粮食

good grief───哎呀!天哪!(表示诧异,吃惊,恐惧的感叹语)

good names───美名

good usages───好的用法

wool trades───羊毛贸易

second grades───二级

award grades───奖励等级


She got good grades in her exams.───我完全忘了戒指的事情。这证明在校取得好成绩并不意味着你就聪明。

She got good grades on her exams.───她考试成绩优良。

Besides, your parents said if i get good grades, they would take me to go on a vacation in Tibet.───而且,你父母说如果我在期末考试取得好成绩,他们将带我去观光西藏…

She had good grades but wanted to get into graduate school, so she did an honors thesis to impress the graduate admissions committee.───她成绩优异,但为了能进研究生院学习,她写了一篇额外的荣誉论文以引起招生委员会的重视。

The best plan is for you to finish and get your degree and good grades and then do this program and apply for a masters program in the US.───最好的计划完成并获得学位和好成绩,然后做这个方案,并申请在美国的硕士课程。

Our tutor at university is always shouting at us about getting good grades. I hate going to see him.───我的大学导师总是冲我们大喊大叫,嫌我们的分数不理想,我最不愿见他。

I worked hard for that scholarship by busting my ass to get good grades. I earned that scholarship. They didn't hand it to me for nothing.───我玩命努力地学习以争取好成绩,才挣得奖学金。这奖学金,他们不是白送我的。

Good grades and a good job are easy to get. A good education is a different story.───好分数和好工作都不难获得,但接受良好的教育却是另一回事。


She got good grades in her exams.

Tim worked hard and got good grades.

She got very good grades in her exams.

How important are homework assignments and good grades, really?

She got good grades on her exams.

This just goes to show that getting good grades in school doesn't mean you're clever.

Steve never studies, but he always gets good grades.

The smart kids get good grades and go off to college.

Are good grades a stepping-stone to college?

  • good you know
  • good wheat
  • good prices
  • good exercise
  • good end
  • good thanks
  • good honey
  • good goods
  • good foot
  • goods and services
  • good living
  • good example of sharing
  • good looking cars
  • good guess
  • good side
  • good question
  • good moon
  • goodbye li ping
  • good lord
  • good ningt
  • good humor




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