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词汇 gap
释义 gapUK:*/ˈgæp/US:/gæp/ ,(gap)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: 主要翻译 gap n (opening, break)缺口;裂口You could see through the gap in the hedge. Mind the gap between the train and the platform as you board.你可以通过篱笆的缺口向外看。上车时请注意火车与月台间的空隙。 gap n (time interval)间隔;间隙There was a ninety-minute gap between leaving the bar and arriving home.从离开酒吧至到家有90分钟的时间间隔。 其他翻译 gap n (crack)裂口;断裂The gap in the concrete sidewalk was a hazard.水泥人行道上的那道裂口挺危险的。 gap n (blank, missing value)空白;空缺There was a gap in the data report, with Tuesday's numbers missing.数据报告里一项是空白的,缺了周二的数据。 gap n (discrepancy)差距;差别There is a large gap between the way of life of young people and that of their parents.年轻人的生活方式和父母的生活方式有很大差别。 gap n (mountain pass)山口;峡谷The main way through the mountains is the gap 20 km. north of here.穿过这片大山的主要途径是距离这里以北20公里的山口。 gap n figurative (lack of knowledge) (知识的)空白The practice test will help you to identify gaps in your knowledge.模拟考试可以帮助你发现自己知识上的缺漏。 gap [sth] vtr (make a breach in)使有裂口;使有豁口You have to gap the sheet metal so that the pipe will fit into it.你必须在金属片上开道缝,这样管子才能插进去。 gap [sth] vtr technical (set spark plug aperture) (火花塞)设定...间隙If you don't gap the spark plugs properly, the car engine will misfire. 复合形式: age gap n (difference in age)年龄差;年龄差距There's a significant age gap between John and his wife. air gap n (electronics)气隙;空隙 bridge the gap v expr figurative (reconcile) (比喻)消除差别,跨越鸿沟The senator tried to bridge the gap between the two versions of the bill. bridge the gap v expr figurative (temporary solution)暂时解决We have no napkins, but paper towels should serve to bridge the gap. close the gap v expr figurative (equalize [sth])弥补差距 close the gap between [sth] and [sth] v expr figurative (equalize [sth])缩小…与...差距 credibility gap n (between claims and the truth) (指政府言论与事实不符,由此造成的民众不信任)信用差距,缺乏信誉There's a big credibility gap between the politician's claims and the actual evidence. gap year n (school-leaver's one-year break) (指学生在中学毕业后和上大学之前空出的一年时间)(毕业生的)休学年,空档年,间隔年We offer paid placements for students in their gap year. I'm not sure how I want to spend my gap year.我们向那些处于空档年的学生提供带薪实习。我还不确定怎样度过自己的休学年。 gap-toothed adj (having space between teeth)有牙缝的 gender gap n (inequalities between men and women) (男性女性之间的不平等)性别差距 generation gap n (difference between old and young)代沟 income gap n (disparity of earnings)收入差距 mind the gap interj (London underground safety announcement)注意站台缝隙 narrow the gap v expr figurative (lessen the difference)缩小差距We put her in tutoring to try to narrow the gap between her reading level and what it should be. time gap n (difference between time zones)时差 trade gap n (difference in value between nation's imports and exports) (进口大于出口)贸易逆差The United States is very worried about its large trade gap with China.




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