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词汇 friend
释义 friendUK:*'friend', 'Friend': /ˈfrɛnd/US:/frɛnd/ ,(frend)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: 主要翻译 friend n (closely regarded person)朋友;友人She has lots of friends.她有许多朋友。 be friends with [sb] v expr (on good or intimate terms with)与某人要好;与某人交好I'm still friends with my college roommate: we keep in touch regularly.我仍然和大学室友关系要好,我们还常有联系。 friend n often plural (social media contact) (网络上的)朋友,好友,熟人We're friends on Facebook我们在脸书上是好友。 其他翻译 friend, Friend n often capitalized (patron)赞助人;支持者Donate money and become a Friend of the Arts.捐钱成为艺术之友。 friend n ([sb] not hostile)友好的人;朋友Friend or foe?是敌是友? friend n ([sb] of same group)同一阵线者;立场相同者You shouldn't criticize our nation's friends in times of crisis.危机时刻,你不该批评我们国家的盟友。 Friend n (Quaker) (公谊会)教友Some Friends dislike being called Quakers. friend [sb] vtr (befriend on social media) (在网上)和…交朋友I friended a girl I used to know in high school.我把高中时就认识的一个女孩子加为了好友。 复合形式: A friend in need is a friend indeed. expr ([sb] who helps is real friend)患难见真情When I was sick you certainly proved the old saying, "A friend in need is a friend indeed." as a friend adv (preface to giving advice) (告诉别人不好消息等时的开场白)作为朋友You know I say this as a friend, but I don't think that you should date him. best friend n (closest companion)最好的朋友My dog is my best friend.我的狗狗是我最好的朋友。 bosom friend n (close friend)密友,知己Gladys is a bosom friend of mine. close friend n (intimate acquaintance)密友;好友Tom is a close friend of mine.汤姆是我的密友。 dear friend n (friend you are very fond of)亲密朋友;密友 Dear Friend expr written (letter salutation) (信件称呼)亲爱的朋友 devoted friend n (close and trusted acquaintance)忠诚的朋友Evelyn Waugh was Knox's devoted friend and admirer. fair-weather friend n (when situation is unproblematic)酒肉朋友;不能共患难的朋友 false cognate, false friend n (word: appears related to another)假同系字;假同源词 family friend n (friend of your family)家族朋友,世交 friend in need n (person: helps)患难之交When I was made homeless, she was a true friend in need, letting me stay with her for a year. friend in need n (person: needs help)需要帮助的朋友America usually helps her friends in need. friend of mine n (person: known, trusted)我的朋友Pierre is a good friend of mine. good friend n ([sb] close, trusted)好友;好朋友My good friend will always tell me the truth, and always in a kind way. great friend n ([sb] loved and trusted)非常棒的朋友He was a great friend of mine and I will sorely miss him. imaginary friend n (child's pretend playmate)想象中的朋友;幻想中的朋友Many children have an imaginary friend. intimate friend n ([sb] close, confidant)密友;知己He's the kind of intimate friend to whom I could tell all my secrets. lady friend n (female companion)女性朋友My uncle will be bringing his new lady friend to the party. mutual friend n (shared personal acquaintance)共同的朋友;共同好友I met my wife through a mutual friend. my friend n ironic, informal (used to threaten or warn) (讽刺用语,非正式用语,用以威胁或警告)我的朋友,伙计Any more of that talk, my friend, and there will be trouble!我的朋友,别再说了,小心祸从口出! my friend n dated (informal address) (非正式的称呼语,过时用语)我的朋友,伙计 old friend n ([sb] one has known well for years)老朋友;老友I love going to college reunions so I can see my old friends.usage: ‘friend’Your friends are people you know well and like spending time with. You can refer to a friend who you know very well as a good friend or a close friend.He's a good friend of mine.A close friend told me about it.If someone has been your friend for a long time, you can refer to them as an old friend. He or she is not necessarily an old person.I went back to my hometown and visited some old friends. pen pal, pen-pal, penpal, also UK: penfriend, pen-friend, pen friend n (friend with whom one corresponds)笔友When I was a child, I had a penpal in Mexico to whom I wrote letters.当我还是个孩子的时候,我有个住在墨西哥可以书信往来的笔友。 trusted friend n ([sb] one can confide in)可信赖的朋友;可靠的朋友You feel hurt when a trusted friend lets you down.Sharon is my most trusted friend, I can tell her anything.




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