

词汇 gold dust
释义 gold dust
gold dust发音




gold dusts───金粉,砂金

gold disc───金盘

gold rush───淘金热

gold discs───金盘

acid dust───酸性粉尘

bull dust───牛粪

coal dust───[环境][矿业]煤尘;煤粉

cold duck───冷鸭

gold bug───主张金本位的人


Accounts of the ceremony vary, but they consistently say the new ruler was covered with gold dust, and that gold and precious jewels were thrown into the lake to appease a god that lived underwater.───对这个仪式的描述多种多样,但他们都一致道出新统治者全身覆盖金粉,并且还向湖内扔黄金和贵重珠宝以平息住在水下的神灵。

Tickets were like gold dust.───一票难求。

Good gardeners are like gold dust these days — I just can't find one to help with my garden.───时下好的园艺工人太少了,我想找一个人来做园艺都找不到.

The isotope analysis of minim lead in the gold dust has special meaning.───砂金中的微量铅同位素分析具有特殊的意义.

Tickets were like gold dust and had sold out months ago.───门票几个月前就已销售一空,现在很难搞到.

They trucked knives for gold dust.───他们以小刀换金沙。

From its open mouth poured a yellow stream of coarse gold dust and nuggets.───从袋口倒出一堆黄色的金沙和天然金块.

I also like Gold Dust, but I don't think it's as good as Sweet Girl.───我也喜欢那首《金砂》, 但我觉得它不如《可爱的姑娘》好听.

Good gardeners gold dust these days, we just can't find one to help with our garden.───这些日子好的园艺工人真是“物以稀为贵”呀, 我们实在找不到一位来帮我们料理花园.

They traded knives for gold dust.───他们用刀子换取砂金.

Gold: They can get gold dust and dori bars.───金: 他们可以拿金牌的尘埃和通栏.

Good friends are like gold dust.───好朋友非常少见.

Tickets for the final are like gold dust.───决赛票很难弄到。

Spare time is the gold dust of life.───业余时间是生命的金砂.


Tickets were like gold dust.

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