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词汇 fall
释义 fallUK:*/ˈfɔːl/US:/fɔl/ ,(fôl)UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: 主要翻译 fall vi (come down)掉下;落下;摔下I fell from a ladder yesterday.It's autumn and the leaves are falling.昨天我从梯子上摔了下来。// 秋天到了,树叶落了。usage: used as a verbWhen something falls, it moves quickly towards the ground by accident. The past tense of fall is fell. The -ed participle is fallen.The cup fell from her hand and broke.Several napkins had fallen to the floor.When rain or snow falls, it comes down from the sky. Rain was beginning to fall.When someone who is standing or walking falls, they drop downwards so that they are kneeling or lying on the ground.She fell and hurt her leg. In conversation, you don't usually say that someone ‘falls’. You say that they fall down or fall over.He fell down in the mud.He fell over backwards and lay completely still.You can also say that a tall object falls down or falls over.The pile of books fell down and scattered all over the floor.A tree fell over in the storm.Be carefulFall is an intransitive verb. You can't say that someone ‘falls’ something. Don't say, for example, ‘She screamed and fell the tray’. You say ‘She screamed and dropped the tray’.He bumped into a chair and dropped his plate.Careful! Don't drop it!Be carefulSimilarly, don't say that someone ‘falls’ a person. Don't say, for example, ‘He bumped into the girl and fell her’. You say ‘He bumped into the girl and knocked her down’ or ‘He bumped into the girl and knocked her over’.I nearly knocked down a person at the bus stop.I got knocked over by a car when I was six. fall vi figurative (abate) (比喻)下跌,下降Demand for this product has fallen recently.对这个产品的需求最近下降了。 fall n (act of falling)下掉;下落The fall of nuts from the tree makes a loud sound.树上的坚果掉到地上,发出很大的声音。 fall, the fall n US (autumn)秋;秋天;秋季Classes will resume in the fall.秋天的时候又会重新开课。 其他翻译 fall n (decline) (数量、质量等)下降,减少The fall in prices will harm our profits. fall n (slope)(下降的)斜坡;陡坡The field is flat except for a fall towards the river. fall n (ruin)倒台;下台This is the story of the decline and fall of Richard Nixon. fall n (defeat) (战争中某个城市或地方)失陷,沦陷She wrote a book about the Fall of France in 1940. fall n (distance [sth] falls) (水流或者山脉等)落差The river has a fall of about fifty metres. fall n (falling down)跌落;坠落She suffered a bad fall, while horseriding. fall n uncountable ([sth] hanging down)下垂;垂落;垂挂He was enchanted by the fall of her hair on her shoulders. fall n (sinful lapse)堕落A sinner must confess his fall. fall n (surrender, capture) (战争中)投降,失守Odysseus wandered for ten years after the fall of Troy. the Fall, the Fall of Man n (Bible) (基督教)人类的堕落In the Bible, the serpent brought on the Fall. falls npl (waterfall)瀑布You can hear the falls from far off. fall vi (collapse)塌陷;坍塌The roof fell under the weight of the snow. fall vi (die)死亡;阵亡He fell in battle, dying like a hero. fall vi (drop wounded)受伤倒下The soldier fell, and was treated by the medics. fall vi figurative (temperature: decline) (温度)下降,下跌、Temperatures will fall below freezing tomorrow. fall vi figurative (government: lose ability) (政府)垮台The government fell, following a scandal. fall vi figurative (become)变得;成为She fell ill. fall vi figurative, archaic (commit a sin) (古语)堕落;沦落Humanity was created perfect, but then fell. fall vi figurative (be included)属于;包括在Their request falls within the scope of our project. fall on [sth], fall upon [sth] vi + prep (come to rest on) (目光)落下, 垂下Her gaze fell upon the letter I was writing. fall on [sth], fall upon [sth] vi + prep figurative (occur on) (日期)适逢,正好轮到,恰好是My birthday falls on a Saturday this year.The election falls on my birthday.今年我的生日是在星期六。// 选举那天恰好是我的生日。 fall on [sth/sb], fall upon [sth/sb] vtr phrasal insep (attack, assault)袭击The group of men fell on Pete, punching and kicking him.一群人袭击了皮特,对他拳打脚踢。 fall on [sth], fall upon [sth] vtr phrasal insep figurative (eat hungrily)狼吞虎咽I could tell by the way the homeless man fell upon the burger that he hadn't eaten all day.我从这个流浪汉狼吞虎咽的样子就可以看出他一天都没吃过东西。 fall on [sth], fall upon [sth] vtr phrasal insep figurative (opportunity: grab enthusiastically) (机会)激动地抓住Being a huge fan of the band, Stella fell upon the chance to see them in concert.作为这个乐队的超级粉丝,斯特拉拿到了看他们演唱会的机会。 动词短语 fall across [sth] vtr phrasal insep (find [sth] by chance) (指物)偶然找到;碰巧找到 fall across [sb] vtr phrasal insep (meet [sb] by chance) (指人)偶遇;邂逅 fall away vi phrasal (diminish)减少;减小Attendance at the church fell away as more and more people moved to the suburbs. fall away vi phrasal figurative (worries, etc.: disappear) (麻烦、烦恼)自动消失Eventually her emotional burdens simply fell away, and she was her old self again. fall away from [sth] vtr phrasal insep figurative (abandon)抛弃;背弃;离弃As he got older he fell away from the church. fall back vi phrasal (withdraw, retreat)后退;撤退The general ordered his troops to fall back.将军命令他的部队撤退。 fall back on [sb/sth] vi phrasal + prep informal, figurative (resort to, rely on)转而依靠;求助于;向…求助Whenever I am in trouble, I know that I can always fall back on my friends and family.无论何时我身陷困境,我知道我总是能向朋友和家人求助。 fall behind vi phrasal figurative (fail to keep up)落后If I don't study for two hours every night, I risk falling behind with my class work.如果每晚不学习两个小时,我就有可能会落下课业。 fall behind vi phrasal (fail to maintain pace)落后The runner started falling behind when he twisted his ankle two miles into the race.在跑了两英里后,赛跑者扭伤了脚踝,开始落后了。 fall down vi phrasal (structure: collapse)垮塌The brick wall fell down.那面砖墙垮塌了。 fall down vi phrasal (person: trip, slip)摔倒;滑倒Mike fell down and injured his back.麦克摔倒了,还伤到了他的背。 fall down vi phrasal figurative (person: fail) (人)失败;没通过,不及格,挂科Many students fall down on this test task.许多学生都没有通过这次测验。 fall down vi phrasal figurative ([sth]: not succeed) (事)失败Negotiations for broadcasting the game fell down over the issue of international TV rights.这场比赛的转播协商由于国际电视转播权的问题失败了。 fall in vi phrasal (military: take ranks)列队The soldiers fell in when the whistle blew.哨声响起时,士兵们马上开始列队。 fall in vi phrasal (collapse)坍塌;倒塌The snow was so heavy last year, the roof of the old house fell in.去年的雪实在太大,老房子的屋顶都被压塌了。 fall in with [sb] vi phrasal + prep (start to associate with)偶然碰到,偶遇;赞同…His grades dropped when he fell in with the wrong crowd. fall in with [sth] vi phrasal + prep informal (accept: plan, idea)同意;赞成She is convinced that everyone will fall in with her plan once they understand it. fall into [sth] vtr phrasal insep (be categorized as)被归类为;属于The reform bill falls into the category of well-intentioned but ultimately misguided projects.这套改革法案属于那种本意良好、最终走偏的项目。 fall off vi phrasal figurative (decrease)减少;降低Car sales have fallen off during the recession.经济不景气的时期,汽车销售额减少了。 fall on [sb/sth], fall upon [sb/sth] vtr phrasal insep (attack)袭击…;攻击…The two men fell on their victim as he was walking down the street. fall on [sth], fall upon [sth] vtr phrasal insep figurative (food: eat eagerly) (食物)扑向…The man fell on the crust of bread as though he had not eaten for days. fall on [sb], fall upon [sb] vtr phrasal insep figurative (person: greet, embrace)迎接…;拥抱…Derek fell upon his brother and they wept with joy at being reunited. fall on [sb], fall to [sb] vtr phrasal insep (be the obligation of)落在…肩上Responsibility for the project's success or failure ultimately falls on the manager. fall out vi phrasal informal (friends: quarrel) (朋友)争吵,闹翻They have fallen out and are no longer speaking to each other.他们闹翻了,相互不再说话了。 fall out over [sth] vi phrasal + prep (quarrel because of)为了…争吵;因为…争吵Ian and Gavin fell out over a girl and haven't spoken to each other for a month.伊恩和加文因为一个女孩闹翻了,已有一个月没说过话了。 fall out vi phrasal (become detached or lost)分离出来;掉出来I didn't realise my bag was open; my cell phone fell out and smashed.我没有意识到我的包开了,我手机掉出来,摔碎了。 fall out vi phrasal (military: leave ranks) (军队)解散, 掉队After the inspection, the soldiers were ordered to fall out.在检查过后,这些士兵奉命解散。 fall out with [sb] vi phrasal + prep informal (quarrel with: a friend) (非正式用语)与…争吵,与…起纠纷;闹翻If you do not stop gossiping, all your friends are going to fall out with you.如果你还要再继续说闲话,你所有朋友都会和你闹翻的。 fall over vi phrasal (person: trip, slip)滑倒, 绊倒When the elderly woman fell over in the street, several passers-by rushed to help her.那位老妇人在街上摔倒,几个过路人跑过去帮了她。 fall through vi phrasal informal, figurative (be unsuccessful, come to nothing) (非正式用语)失败,落空,成为泡影I thought that the deal would be very profitable for my business, but it fell through at the last minute.我本以为那笔交易会让我的生意大赚一笔,不过到头来还是成为泡影。 fall to vi phrasal (begin to eat)开始吃 fall under [sth] vtr phrasal insep (be categorized within)属于…;归入…类 fall under [sth] vtr phrasal insep (come within control, jurisdiction of)属于…的管辖范围;归…负责The crime of desertion falls under the jurisdiction of the military justice system. fall within [sth] vtr phrasal insep (be classified under)归为… fall within [sth] vtr phrasal insep (be included in)在…内All of your vital sign readings fall within the normal range for your age. 复合形式: break [sb]'s fall v expr (lessen impact)减弱落势Fortunately, the pillow broke the boy's fall, and he wasn't injured. fall apart vi + adv (physically: into pieces)裂成几部分;破碎,烂掉Cheaply made umbrellas fall apart quickly.廉价的雨伞很快就烂掉了。 fall apart vi + adv figurative (plans, relationship: go wrong) (计划、关系)破裂,靠吹Lisa's marriage fell apart when she discovered her husband was having an affair.当发现她丈夫有外遇时,丽莎的婚姻关系就破裂了。 fall apart vi + adv figurative (emotionally: lose control) (情绪、精神)崩溃It is important not to fall apart when things don't go exactly your way.当事与愿违时,最重要的就是不要情绪崩溃。 fall asleep vi + adj (go to sleep)入睡,睡着I lay awake in bed, unable to fall asleep.我清醒地躺在床上,难以入睡。 fall asleep vi + adj figurative, informal (be bored)无聊得快睡着This movie is so boring, I'm falling asleep.这部电影太无聊了,我都快要睡着了。 fall back vi + adv (fail to keep up)退却;无法坚持备注: A hyphen is used when the term is an adjective that precedes a noun.The runner fell back after the fourteenth mile of the marathon, when her legs grew tired.在跑了十四英里马拉松之后,她退出了,因为她腿太累了。 fall between two stools v expr figurative (fail to fulfill either aim)两头落空;鸡飞蛋打 fall by the wayside v expr figurative (be abandoned)半途而废;中途退出Generally, all of Imogen's projects fall by the wayside after a month or two; she gets bored too easily. fall due v expr (payment, etc.: become due)到期;期满 fall flat v expr figurative (fail)失败 fall for [sb/sth] vi + prep informal (be attracted)爱上;迷上;为…倾心He is good-looking and smooth: all the women fall for him.Audrey fell for a beautiful pair of shoes she saw in a shop window.他外表英俊、举止潇洒,所有女人都为他倾心。// 奥德丽在商店橱窗中看到了一双漂亮的鞋子,非常喜欢。 fall for [sth] vi + prep informal (be fooled)上…的当The investment scheme promised huge returns, and I fell for it.这个投资计划保证会带来巨额收益,然后我就上了它的当。 fall foul of [sb] v expr (get into trouble)冒犯,与…发生冲突,与…有摩擦Agnes fell foul of her boss when she refused to work overtime. fall foul of [sth] v expr (contravene: a law) (法律)违反,触犯John fell foul of the law by neglecting to file a tax return. fall from grace n (reputation becomes damaged)失宠;名誉受损The rumors about the actor's infidelity triggered his fall from grace. fall from grace v expr (suffer damaged reputation)失宠;名誉受损Once the party got into power and it became clear it would not fulfil its election promises, it fell from grace. fall guy n informal ([sb] who receives blame)替罪羊;代人受过的人 fall head over heels v expr (tumble)摔跟头;摔个四脚朝天Alex fell head over heels down the mountainside. fall head over heels v expr figurative (fall in love)如痴如狂地爱上;坠入情网After knowing him for just two weeks I'd fallen head over heels.在认识他仅仅两周后,我就完全爱上他了。 fall head over heels for [sb] v expr figurative (fall in love)疯狂爱上;为...神魂颠倒 fall head over heels in love with [sb] v expr figurative (fall in love)与...疯狂相爱;与...深陷爱河 fall for [sth] hook, line and sinker v expr figurative, informal (be duped)彻底上当;完全受骗;被骗得团团转She's so gullible, she fell for his story hook, line, and sinker. fall in line, fall into line, get into line, get in line v expr (people: line up)排队;排成一排 fall in line, fall into line, get in line v expr figurative (person: conform to rule, authority)遵守;遵循 fall in line with [sth/sb], fall into line with [sth/sb], get in line with [sth/sb] v expr figurative (person: conform to)与...保持一致;遵守;遵循 fall in line with [sth] v expr figurative (idea, etc.: fit, comply) (想法)与...一致This philosopher's theories fell in line with the moralistic views of his time. fall in love v expr (couple: become infatuated)相爱;坠入爱河The couple fell in love when they were in college.那对情侣大学时便坠入爱河。 fall in love v expr (become infatuated: with [sb])坠入爱河;坠入情网Gina falls in love every five minutes!吉娜每五分钟就会坠入爱河! fall in love with [sb] v expr (become infatuated with [sb])爱上某人I think I fell in love with him the very first time we met.我想我们第一次见面时我就爱上他了。 fall in love at first sight v expr (become infatuated with a stranger)一见钟情;一见倾心As soon as I saw him across the dancefloor, I fell in love at first sight.当看到他走过舞池那刻,我就对他一见钟情了。 fall in value n (decrease in worth)贬值;跌价The pound has suffered another fall in value against the dollar.英镑对美元的汇率又再次下跌。 fall into [sth] vi + prep (descend and land in)掉入;陷入;落入The young girl was rescued several days after she fell into an uncapped well.那个小女孩掉进了一口没有封盖的井里,几天后被营救了出来。 fall into disfavor (US), fall into disfavour (UK) v expr (earn disapproval)失宠 fall into disfavor with [sb] (US), fall into disfavour with [sb] (UK) v expr (earn [sb]'s disapproval)在某人处失宠;失去某人的欢心The duke fell into disfavor with the queen and was promptly beheaded. fall into disuse v expr (become obsolete)废弃;淘汰;废而不用8-track tape players fell into disuse when cassette recorders appeared. fall into disuse v expr (be neglected, fall into disrepair)年久失修;弃置一边The house had fallen into disuse before they fixed it up. fall into place v expr figurative (happen easily with success)水到渠成 fall line n (place rivers descend)瀑布线 fall line n (skiing path)下滑线;直滑线 fall off vi + adv (become detached)掉下;掉落One of the buttons on Chloe's coat had fallen off.克洛伊大衣上的一个扣子掉了。 fall off [sth] vi + prep (become detached from)从…掉下The picture had fallen off the wall.那幅画从墙上掉了下来。 fall off [sth] vi + prep (slip down from)滑下;滑落The blanket fell off the bed slowly.那张毛毯从床上缓缓滑落。 fall on [sb/sth], fall upon [sb/sth] vi + prep (eyes: look at [sth]) (目光)落在…上The teacher's eyes scanned the room and fell on Joshua's nervous face. fall on [sb/sth] vi + prep (suspicion: be directed at)指向...When Harry went missing, suspicion fell on the last person to have seen him alive. fall on deaf ears, fall upon deaf ears v expr figurative, potentially offensive (be ignored)无人理睬,被忽视Susan was worried that her advice would fall on deaf ears. fall on hard times, fall upon hard times v expr (be in financial difficulties) (尤指经济困难)时运不济;经济困境The company fell on hard times and eventually had to close down. fall out of bed v expr figurative (figures: drop) (指数字)下滑;降低 fall out of favor (US), fall out of favour (UK) v expr (lose popularity)掉热度;不再受欢迎 fall out of the habit v expr (no longer do [sth] regularly)脱离习惯;不再习惯I used to go to the gym three times a week, but now I've fallen out of the habit. fall out of touch v expr (lose contact)失去联系 fall over yourself to do [sth] v expr figurative, informal (be extremely eager)急不可耐做某事;急欲做某事备注: Usually used in continuous tenses. fall prey to [sth/sb] v expr figurative (become a victim of)成为…的牺牲品,成为…的受害者The elderly woman fell prey to a conman who convinced her to part with her savings. fall semester n US (education: autumn term)秋季学期My application was too late to begin in the fall semester so I will start in the spring. fall short v expr (not be satisfactory)达不到(要求、目标等);不让人满意;不符合要求The boy's grades fell short of his father's expectations.那个男孩的成绩达不到父亲的要求。 fall short v expr (not be sufficient)缺乏;不够;不足The amount of water in the reservoir falls short of our targets this year.今年水库的储水量没有达到我们的目标。 fall silent vi + adj (become quiet)陷入沉默The students fell silent when the teacher entered the classroom. fall through the cracks, slip through the cracks v expr figurative (be overlooked or missed)未加注意,疏忽,粗心大意 fall through the net v expr figurative (be overlooked or missed)被漏掉;被忽视All the factors were in place to catch him but somehow he managed to fall through the net. fall to [sb] to do [sth] v expr (task: become [sb]'s to do)…不得不做…;…负责做… fall to doing [sth] v expr (dive into an activity)开始做… fall to [sb] v expr (property: become owned by [sb]) (财产)成为…所有 fall under [sth] vi + prep (drop, tumble beneath)摔倒在…下面;跌倒在…下面 fallback, fall-back n as adj informal (backup, used as last recourse)备选的What is our best fallback option if the band decides to cancel? fallback position, fall-back position n (alternate plan) (一旦失败后的)替补计划,退路What's our fallback position if this campaign doesn't work either?;falloff, falling-off, also UK: fall-off n (decrease, decline)下降;减少 fallout, fall-out n (radioactive dust)放射性的烟尘;辐射落尘;辐射尘Radioactive fallout was detectable for months after the incident.事件发生后数月仍可检测到辐射微尘。fallout shelter, fall-out shelter n (protective bunker)辐射避难所;核避难所free fall n (fall: subject to gravity)自由落体The plane went into free fall when both engines fall n (part of jump: no parachute)自由下落Baumgartner is going to perform a free fall from 120,000 fall n figurative (sharp decline)急剧下跌;急速下跌The global economy went into free fall in the fall of 2008.go to pieces, fall to pieces v expr figurative (lose health) (身体)崩溃,垮掉Alvin's health went to pieces as a result of his alcoholism.fall in a heap n (person: collapse)倒作一团,瘫作一团The boxer fell in a heap when he was hit in the chin.当拳击手被击中下巴时,他倒在地上,瘫作一团。land on your feet, fall on your feet v expr figurative, informal (be lucky, successful)获得成功;好运不断let the chips fall where they may expr (leave it to fate)不顾后果;无论后果如何I'm going to tell the boss the truth; let the chips fall where they may.fall off the wagon v expr figurative, informal (alcoholic: start drinking again) (非正式用语)再次开始酗酒Pride comes before a fall expr (it is unwise to be arrogant)骄者必败ride for a fall v expr informal, figurative (be heading for failure or disaster)自讨苦吃;自寻死路Darryl's sister told him he was riding for a fall when he fell in love with his friend's mother.rise and fall n (undulating motion)波动,起伏Watching the rise and fall of the waves made him ill.rise and fall n figurative (success and subsequent failure)起伏,成功与失败The rise and fall of the Roman empire has been well afoul of [sth/sb], fall afoul of [sth/sb] v expr (come into conflict with)与...冲突;违背Tim's plans to build a garden shed fell afoul of regulations.take the fall v expr slang (accept the blame)承担罪责;代人受过He took the fall for the bank robbery.




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