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词汇 F
释义 FUK:*'F', 'f': /ˈɛf/US:'F', 'f': /ɛf/ ,'F', 'f': (ef )UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Australian:Jamaican: 主要翻译 F, f n (6th letter of alphabet)[字母表上的第六个字母]There are two fs in the word saffron.藏红花(Saffron)这个词里有两个字母F。 F n (education: failing grade) (教学,不及格)[表示考试等未通过的符号]An "F" grade means that you must repeat the course.成绩为“F”意味着你必须重修这门课。 F n (musical note: fa) (音乐)F调,F音F is played on one of the white keys.F调白键演奏。 复合形式: AF, A.F. n initialism (military: air force)空军 AF, A.F. n initialism (physics: audio frequency)声音频率;音频 AF, A.F. n initialism (language: Anglo-French) (诺尔曼时代在英国所用的法语)英国法语备注: 指诺尔曼时代在英国使用的法语 AF, A.F. n initialism (Asian female)亚洲女性 B.F.A., BFA n initialism (degree: Bachelor of Fine Arts)艺术学士学位Terry received a B.F.A. from the University of Texas. B.F.A., BFA n initialism ([sb]: Bachelor of Fine Arts)艺术学士The CEO is a BFA and MBA with specialties in online marketing communications. c.i.f., CIF n initialism (cost, insurance, and freight)到岸价,到岸价格 C/F n initialism (carried forward) (会计)结转 emf, EMF, E.M.F., e.m.f. n initialism (electromagnetic field)电磁场 emf, EMF, E.M.F., e.m.f. n initialism (electromotive force)电动势 f-word, the f-word n (euphemism for fuck)脏话,粗话 FOB, F.O.B. n US, initialism (shipping: free on board) (free on board的缩写形式)船上交货价, 离岸价FOB is a term used in shipping. fps, f.p.s. n abbreviation, usually plural (foot per second)英尺/秒 fps, f.p.s. n abbreviation, usually plural (film: frame per second) (电影)帧/秒 f***, f**k, f*ck figurative, vulgar, slang (fuck)搞糟;让…陷入糟糕的境地备注: All meanings of "fuck" can be spelled "f***", "f**k", or "f*ck" when someone wants to avoid writing out a profane word.F**k it, this film's boring; let's watch something else. f***ed, f*cked adj figurative, vulgar, slang (fucked) (粗俗,俚语)出故障;完蛋备注: "Fucked" can be spelled "f***ed" or "f*cked" when someone wants to avoid writing out a profane word.The TV's f*cked again.The boss found out what we did, so now we're all f***ed.电视机又出故障了。// 老板发现了我们事,咱们现在都完蛋了。 f***er, f*cker n pejorative, vulgar, slang (despicable person)混账;混蛋备注: "Fucker" can be spelled "f***er" or "f*cker" when someone wants to avoid writing out a profane word.You won't believe what that f***er did today! f***ing, f*cking, f**king vulgar, slang (fucking) (加强语气)他妈的,该死的备注: "Fucking" can be spelled "f***ing", "f*cking" or "f**king" when someone wants to avoid writing out a profane word.I hate you! You're a f***ing jerk! This film's f*cking awful. host, f: hostess n ([sb]: receives guests)主人;东道主The host welcomed his guests.主人款待了他的客人。 lion, f: lioness n (big cat)狮子The lion has the nickname "King of the Jungle", but lions actually live on the savannah.狮子享有“丛林之王”的美名,但其实栖息在大草原上。 TGIF, T.G.I.F. interj informal, initialism (Thank goodness it's Friday.)感谢上帝今天是星期五;谢天谢地又到星期五了备注: Also: Thank God it's Friday




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