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词汇 evil
释义 evilUK:*/ˈiːvəl/US:/ˈivəl/ ,(ē′vəl)UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: 主要翻译 evil n (moral badness)邪恶;坏;恶Many religious people believe in the concepts of good and evil.许多宗教信徒都笃信善恶之分。 evil adj (morally bad)邪恶的;坏的Most people agree that Hitler was evil.许多人都同意,希特勒是个坏人。 其他翻译 evil adj (foul)暴躁的;坏脾气的He showed his evil temper when he was told the bad news.他得知那个坏消息时,坏脾气就露出来了。 evil adj (unlucky)不幸的;不吉利的These are evil days for my favourite team, which keeps losing.我最喜欢的球队这些日子不走运,屡屡败北。 evil adj (effect: noxious)有害的;有不良影响的My parents always warned me of the evil effects of smoking.我父母经常警告我吸烟的害处。 evil adj (day: fateful, fatal)致命的;灾难的We will never forget the people who died on that evil day.我们永远也不会忘记在那个灾难日子死去的人们。 evil adj (person: malevolent)恶毒的;狠毒的The story is about an evil witch who likes to make children suffer.这个故事讲的是一个恶毒的巫婆喜欢折磨孩子。 evil n (a bad thing)坏事;有害之事He chose the lesser of the two evils.两害相权,他取其轻。 复合形式: the evil eye n (cursed stare)诅咒的眼神;恶毒的眼神She believed someone had put the evil eye on her cattle, causing them to sicken and die. the evil eye n figurative (angry or unpleasant gaze)凶狠的目光She was obviously jealous and gave me the evil eye when no-one was looking. evil spell n (incantation intended to do harm)诅咒;邪恶的咒语 evil spirit n (malevolent ghost)恶灵They say that Hill House is haunted by an evil spirit, but I don't believe in such things. evil twin n (mythology: wicked other self) (神话)邪恶分身Sarah often blamed her evil twin for breaking glassware when she was washing the dishes. evil twin n figurative (hacked wireless hotspot)隐蔽的无线热点备注: 伪装成合法的接入点被网络罪犯用来收集终端用户的敏感信息,如账户和密码。 evil-looking adj (ugly, unpleasant to look at)难看的, 丑陋的 evil-minded adj (person: malicious)邪恶的, 恶毒的 evil-smelling adj (having a very bad smell)恶臭的 evil-tempered adj (person: angry, bad-tempered)脾气坏的;性情暴躁的Helena crept into the office, hoping her evil-tempered boss wouldn't notice she was late. necessary evil n (something bad but unavoidable)必要之恶 pure evil n (extreme malice or wickedness)纯粹邪恶; (口语)邪恶到家了,邪恶透了Killing those puppies was nothing more than pure evil! root of all evil n figurative (cause of all that is bad) (比喻)万恶之源Drugs are the root of all evil.Money is the root of all evil. root out the evil v expr (eliminate bad influences)根除祸患The second grade teacher saw it as her duty to root out the evil in her pupils.




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