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词汇 empty
释义 emptyUK:*/ˈɛmpti/US:/ˈɛmpti/ ,(emp′tē)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: 主要翻译 empty adj (without contents)空的I drank all my coffee, and now my cup is empty!我喝完了所有咖啡,现在我的杯子是空的。 empty [sth] vtr (remove contents)清空;倒空Empty that box please, I need to use it for my books.请把那个箱子清空,我需要用它来装书。 其他翻译 empty adj (vacant, not in use) (土地)未被占用的,空的We can build on the empty space beside us.我们可以在边上的空地上修建。 empty adj (without people) (车)未载人的,未载货物的The driver took the empty bus back to the depot.司机将空无一人的公交车开回车站。 empty adj (devoid of)没有(表情的);空洞洞的His face was empty of expression.他面无表情。 empty adj (superficial)空洞的;肤浅的Cosmetics offer the empty promise of eternal youth.护肤品空口白话地承诺让人青春永驻。 empty adj (without force)不能实现的;虚张声势的It was an empty threat, as he had no authority.这不过是虚张声势的威胁,因为他没这个权力。 empty adj (mathematics: null) (数学,集合)空的The empty set has no elements.空集中没有元素。 empty adj (frivolous)无聊的;轻浮的He thought that chat shows were empty entertainment.他觉得聊天节目都是些无聊的娱乐节目。 empty n (container without content) (多用复数)空瓶子,空容器The full ones are on the left and the empties on the right.满的在左边,空的在右边。 empty vi (waterway) (河流)流入The river empties into the gulf. empty vi (become empty)变空;成为空的As the water leaks out, the bath will eventually empty.随着水慢慢漏出,浴缸最后会变空。 empty [sth] vtr (unload)使变空;倒空;卸空The removals men emptied the van. 动词短语 empty [sth] out, empty out [sth] vtr phrasal sep (container, pockets: take out contents)倒空;清空We emptied out the entire bottle of red wine. empty out vi phrasal (room: of people) (房子)空下来,空出来The hall emptied out as people left for home. 复合形式: empty chair n as adj (non-attendance)空出椅子的;未出席的The other side in the negotiations adopted an empty chair strategy in response to the disagreement. empty-chair [sb] vtr UK, often passive (display chair of [sb] refusing to debate)空出椅子;空椅备注: 提请注意某位政客未能出席The politician refused to attend the debate, so the presenter empty-chaired him. empty nest n figurative (home: children have left) (比喻义)空巢 empty nest syndrome n (after children leave)空巢综合症;空巢期症候群 empty nester (child has moved away)空巢老人 empty [sth] out, empty out [sth] vtr + adv (take out: contents of [sth])倒空;将…全拿出来Jessica emptied out the contents of her handbag onto the kitchen table. empty space n (area: no objects)空地;空闲的地方 empty space n (parking place: unoccupied)空位 empty space n figurative (lack of [sth])空虚;孤寂Since he died, there's been an empty space in my life. empty stomach n (state: not having eaten)空腹It's not a good idea to drink alcohol on an empty stomach.空腹喝酒不好。 empty suit n US, figurative, pejorative, informal (powerful, ineffectual person)金玉其外的商人;徒有其表的专业人员 empty threat n (threat unlikely to be fulfilled)吓唬,不可信的威胁I am not scared of what he will do; he has just made empty threats. empty words npl informal (talk: insincere)空话;不真诚的话;无意义的话 empty-handed adj (carrying nothing)空手的;徒手的While I was bringing in the groceries, my brother just stood there empty-handed without even offering to help! empty-handed adj figurative (having gained nothing)一无所得的;一无所获的After a week of searching, they still came back empty-handed. empty-headed adj (unintelligent, silly)愚笨的 half-empty adj (half of contents remaining)半空的




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