与…要好; 罚款
gets off with───结识
got off with───结识
goes off with───v.拿去;抢走
went off with───v.拿去;抢走
go off with───v.拿去;抢走
to get off with───离开
get over with───做完了事
gone off with───v.拿去;抢走
help off with───帮我摆脱困境
You can't always get off with the people you like.───你不能总和你喜欢的人走的太近.
Please everyone get off with me into this beautiful song wonders fog.───请大家随我下车,走进这美丽的雾凇奇观.
I bet you £25 the accused will get off with a fine.───我向你打赌25英镑,如果刑事被告能交罚款了事.
He is likely to get off with a small fine.───他可能会逃脱严惩,仅仅罚一点钱了事。
Get off with you; those shoes must have cost more than ten pounds.───我不相信, 那些鞋的价钱一定在10英镑以上.
He is likely to get off with a small fine.───他可能会逃脱惩罚,只交一小笔罚金了事。
She was lucky to get off with just a few bruises.───她幸免于难,只有几处碰伤。
She was lucky to get off with just a few bruises.───她幸免于难,只是有几处擦伤.
She is lucky to get off with a suspend sentence.───她侥幸被判缓刑.
He was lucky to get off with a small fine.───他侥幸逃脱惩罚,交了一小笔罚款了事。
I just saw you get off with John.───我刚看见你与约翰一起下的车.
Several of them were lucky to get off with light sentences.───他们中的几个很幸运,得到了罚款这种轻的判罚.
Considering his action , he was lucky to get off with a three - month sentence.───他的罪行本来较严重,但是只判三个月的的刑, 算是他运气好.
How well do you get off with Ralph?───你和拉尔夫能够很好地相互合作 吗 ?
He was lucky to get off with a small fine.
He'd been lucky to get off with a year for that.
He is likely to get off with a small fine.
She spent the whole evening trying to get off with Phil.
She was lucky to get off with just a few bruises.
If you're lucky, you'll get off with a fine.
She was lucky to get off with a suspended sentence.
Didn't I see you get off with a girl?
He went to a dance hoping to get off with a nice girl.
- gets lower
- get out the way
- getting involved in
- getting the scoop
- get crack
- get excited
- get a touch
- get shut
- get by in
- get annoyed
- getting over
- get him off
- get some rice
- get outof my
- get the better of
- get it done
- get such
- get the zoo
- get distracted
- get up down
- get on a chair