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词汇 death
释义 deathUK:*/ˈdɛθ/US:/dɛθ/ ,(deth)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: 主要翻译 death n (act of dying)死;死亡His death was sudden.他的死亡很突然。 death n (way of dying)死的方式She suffered a horrible death.她死得很恐怖。 death n (instances of dying)死亡,死亡事件Many deaths could be prevented if people drove more carefully.如果人们谨慎驾驶,很多死亡事件就可以避免。 death n uncountable (state of being dead) (状态)死亡The body looked peaceful in death.这具身体在死后显得十分安宁。 Death n figurative (symbol carrying scythe)死神Death came calling in the night.死神在夜晚造访。 death n figurative (destruction)灭亡,毁灭The bombs rained death upon the land.炸弹毁灭了这片土地。 其他翻译 death n figurative (end) (比喻)终结Budget cuts will cause the death of this project.预算裁减将导致这个项目死亡。 复合形式: a fate worse than death n figurative (terrible misfortune)令人极为不快的事;不愉快的事情 a fate worse than death n euphemism, obsolete (loss of virginity)被玷污;被奸污 Angel of Death n (death personified)死神;死亡天使Some say that the devil is the Angel of Death. at death's door adv figurative (very ill, about to die)生命垂危;垂死;濒临死亡 be the death of [sb] v expr (cause [sb]'s death)把...害死 be the death of [sth] v expr figurative (cause the decline of [sth])使...消逝Online news may prove to be the death of print media. beat [sb/sth] to death v expr (cause death by hitting repeatedly)殴打致死;打死The thieves beat the man to death in order to steal his wallet. Black Death, black plague n (plague epidemic: 14th century) (肆虐于14世纪的瘟疫流行病)黑死病The Black Death spread across Europe in the mid-14th century. bleed to death v expr (die of blood loss)流血而死;因失血过多致死 bore [sb] to tears, bore [sb] to death v expr figurative, informal (make very bored)对...厌烦透了;厌烦到极点 bored to death adj figurative, informal (be weary from lack of stimulation)闷得要死;无聊得要命Sitting in class, he was bored to death with the teacher's lecture. You looked bored to death during that play!他坐在教室里听老师上课,觉得无聊得要命。那场演出期间你看起来无聊得要命。 brain death n (stopping of brain function)脑死亡 burn to death v expr (die by fire)烧死 be burned to death, also UK: be burnt to death v expr (be killed by fire)烧死Joan of Arc was burned to death. catch your death, catch your death of cold v expr informal (catch a bad cold)得重感冒 cause of death n (medical reason [sb] has died)死因An autopsy may be necessary to discover the cause of death. cheat death v expr (escape [sth] life-threatening)幸免于难;死里逃生The dog cheated death in running across the busy street. crib death (US), cot death (UK) n colloquial (sudden infant death syndrome)婴儿猝死综合症 death angel (religion)死亡天使;死亡使者 death benefit n (insurance)死亡保险金;死亡抚恤金 death blow n (final attack)致命的打击,致命一击 death camp (concentration camp)死亡集中营 death certificate n (official record of [sb]'s death)(医生开出的)死亡证明I received my father's death certificate in the mail about a month after he passed. death chamber n (gas chamber)毒气室 death date n (day on which [sb] died)死亡日期I have been able to track down his birth date but I can't find a record of his death date. death date n (anniversary of death date)死亡周年纪念日;忌日 death duty, estate duty n historical (former UK tax)遗产税 death knell n figurative (sign of imminent demise) (比喻)丧钟The CD format sounded the death knell for cassettes. Death Knight n (game character)亡灵骑士 death mask (cast of dead person's face)死人面部模型;死亡面具 death notice n (card: announces [sb] has died)死亡通知;死亡通告The death notice was on black card, edged with gold. death notice n (obituary)讣告;讣文I didn't even realize she'd been ill until I saw the death notice in the newspaper. death penalty n (capital punishment)死刑;极刑His sentence was the death penalty. death rate n (number of people dying)死亡率A country's population increases if the birth rate is higher than the death rate. death rattle n (sound)临终喉鸣;死前哀鸣 death row n (prison cell block)死囚行刑前的监房Some of the most violent criminals of our time are sitting on death row. death sentence n (law: punishment of execution)死刑 death squad n (group of executioners)死亡小分队;敢死队 death stare n slang, figurative (hostile look)死亡凝视;死亡瞪I got the death stare from Alice when she saw me flirting with her boyfriend. death tax n often plural (law: payable after death)遗产税After Lou's heirs paid death tax, there was virtually nothing left of his inheritance. death threat n (statement of intent to kill [sb])死亡威胁He has received death threats because of his opposition to the new immigration law. death throes npl (final pangs, convulsions)垂死前的痛苦挣扎The animal's death throes gradually weakened. death throes npl figurative (business: before dissolution) (企业等解体前的)垂死挣扎(阶段)The troubled company is in its final death throes. death toll n (total number of deaths)死亡人数The death toll from the earthquake is rising rapidly as more and more bodies are found. death trap n figurative (unsafe building or vehicle)死亡陷阱备注: 潜藏祸患的建筑物、车辆等 death warrant n (order of execution)死刑执行令 death warrant n ([sth] that ends hope)致命打击 death wish n (psychiatry: desire to die)(对自己或他人的)死亡愿望Alex's behaviour is symptomatic of a death wish. deathbed n (bed of a dying person)临终所卧的床;临死所睡的床All of the children were called to their father's deathbed. die a natural death v expr (die of natural causes)自然死去;尽其天年According to the coroner's report, Brown died a natural death. die the death, die a death v expr UK, informal (cease to be popular)销声匿迹The fashion for Sanskrit tattoos seems to have died the death. do [sth] to death v expr informal, figurative, often passive (overdo [sth], do [sth] too often)做…得太多;做烦了;做腻了Hollywood has done vampire movies to death. early death n (death before reaching old age)早逝;夭折His smoking habit led to an early death. freeze, freeze to death vi figurative (person: get very cold)冻得慌;觉得很冷Kate's friend was taking ages to open the door. "Hurry up," Kate shouted. "Let me in before I freeze!"凯特的朋友花了很长时间还没开门。“快点,”凯特大喊道,“让我进去,我冻得慌。” freeze to death v expr (die of extreme cold)冻死It's so cold out here I think I'm going to freeze to death. have a death wish v expr figurative, informal (behave in a reckless way)行为鲁莽, 不计后果, 找死He drives that car as though he has a death wish. have a death wish v expr (psychiatry: wish for death)有死亡愿望A psychiatrist diagnosed James as having a death wish.一位精神病医生诊断詹姆斯有死亡倾向。 in the face of death expr (when confronting death)面对死亡;受死亡威胁A bullfighter stands in the face of death every time he goes into the ring. kiss of death n figurative ([sth] with a destructive effect) (非正式用语)表面有利实际有害之事This timeslot has proved to be the kiss of death for many previous programs. life-and-death n as adj figurative (vitally important)生死攸关的, 重大的 life-or-death n as adj (with death as possible result)生死攸关的,生死存亡的 life-or-death n as adj figurative (extremely important) (比喻义)生死攸关的,生死存亡的;关系重大的 living death n (joyless existence or experience)活死人;行尸走肉Sitting in history class was living death. a matter of life and death, a matter of life or death, a life-or-death matter n (issue of vital importance)生死攸关的问题;紧要问题Getting out of a burning house fast is a matter of life and death. natural death n (death resulting from natural causes)正常死亡;自然死亡My grandfather was killed in an accident, but my grandmother died a natural death. be near death, be close to death v expr (be about to die)濒死 near-death experience n (coming close to death)濒死体验,濒死经历 out of the jaws of death, from the jaws of death adv figurative (out of mortal danger)逃脱鬼门关;从死神嘴边逃脱In the last scene, the hero snatches the heroine from the jaws of death just in time. put [sb] to death v expr often passive (execute)处决;处死In the past, criminals were often put to death in the most brutal manner. scared to death adj figurative, informal (terrified)怕得要死When I was a child I was scared to death of werewolves. sentence of death n (being condemned to execution)死刑判决The judge passed a sentence of death on the convicted murderer. be sick to death of [sth/sb] v expr figurative, informal (have had enough of)极度厌倦;极度厌烦 SIDS n acronym (sudden infant death syndrome)婴儿瘁死综合症 stab [sb] to death v expr often passive (kill [sb] by knife attack)捅死;刺死 sudden death n figurative (sports: overtime) (体育)最先得分者胜出的加时赛;突然死亡法 sudden infant death syndrome n (death of a baby during sleep)婴儿瘁死综合症 tickled pink, tickled to death adj informal, figurative (delighted)高兴极了的When I heard you two were getting married, I was tickled pink. violent death n (loss of life due to accident or attack)暴力死亡He suffered a violent death at the hands of an unknown attacker.




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