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词汇 crack
释义 crackUK:*/ˈkræk/US:/kræk/ ,(krak)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: See also: craic主要翻译 crack n (split)裂缝;裂口When I was young, I tried not to step on cracks in the sidewalk.小时候,我都会绕开人行道上的裂缝。 crack n (loud, sharp sound)爆裂声;噼啪声That sounded like the crack of a rifle!那听起来像是步枪开枪的爆裂声! crack, crack cocaine n informal (drug: cocaine) (俚语)可卡因Cyrus was arrested for dealing crack.塞勒斯因为贩卖可卡因而被捕。 crack vi (be broken)裂开;破裂;断裂Kate dropped the bowl and it cracked into two pieces.碗从凯特手里摔到地上,裂成两片。 crack vi (be damaged, leaving lines)裂开;出现裂缝The wall cracked in the earthquake, but the house was still standing.地震中,墙体出现了裂缝,不过房屋依然坚挺。 crack [sth] vtr (break, split)使裂开,使破裂;砸开,砸破Jenny cracked her head on the table as she fell.珍妮摔倒时,桌子把她的头撞破了。 crack [sth] vtr (damage, leaving lines)使裂开;使出现裂缝I've cracked my car's windscreen.我把车子的挡风玻璃撞裂了。 crack vtr informal (solve: mystery or puzzle) (谜题,案件)解开,破解Sherlock Holmes always found the guilty party; he cracked every case.夏洛克·福尔摩斯总是能找到犯罪团伙,每一桩案子都被他破解了。 crack vtr informal (decipher: code) (密码)解开,破译Alan Turing and his team cracked the Enigma code in World War II.阿兰·图灵和他的团队在第二次世界大战中破译了英格玛密码。 其他翻译 crack adj informal (expert)专业水准的;一流的Annie Oakley began shooting when she was eight and was a crack shot by the time she was fifteen. A crack reporter uncovered the scandal.安妮·奥克莉八岁开始学习射击,到十五岁时成了神枪手。 一名优秀记者揭露了这一丑闻。 crack vi figurative, informal (person: give in to pressure)屈服They tried to force him to tell the secret, but he didn't crack.他们试图迫使他说出秘密,但他没有屈服。 crack vi (whip: make snapping sound) (鞭子)发出噼啪响,甩得噼啪响The whip cracked, and the oxen began to move.鞭子噼啪响,牛群开始移动。 crack vi (voice: break abruptly) (嗓音)忽然变尖,忽然变粗Lizzy's voice cracked as she told her brother the awful news. crack vi (hydrocarbons: decompose) (烃)分解The hydrocarbons in the fuel crack at high temperatures, turning into more useful compounds. crack [sth] vtr informal (say, utter: joke) (玩笑)开, 说Johanna wanted to have a serious discussion, but Jim kept cracking jokes. crack [sth] vtr (flick: whip) (鞭子)把...甩得噼啪响The coachman cracked the whip, and the horses went faster.车把式将鞭子甩得噼啪响,马儿们跑得更快了。 crack [sth] vtr (chemistry: break down hydrocarbons) (碳氢化合物)使...裂化High temperatures are needed to crack hydrocarbon molecules. 动词短语crack | craic crack [sth] apart, crack apart [sth] vtr phrasal sep (break open or in two)将...分开;把...一分为二 crack down vi phrasal informal (enforce laws)扫除; (法律等)执行The police will no longer tolerate public drunkenness; they're going to crack down.警方不会再容忍当众酗醉了,将采取措施应对。 crack down on [sth] vtr phrasal insep informal (not tolerate)打击;制裁The principal is starting to crack down on unexcused absences.校长开始严厉打击无故旷课。 crack down on [sb] vi phrasal + prep informal (punish)惩治Every holiday, police set up checkpoints to crack down on drunk drivers.每逢节假日,警察都会设立检查站,以惩处酒驾司机。 crack on vi phrasal (sailboat: use sails under high wind) (帆船: 在大风下)扬帆 crack on vi phrasal (powered boat: travel fast in bad weather) (机动船: 在坏天气下)快速航行 crack on vi phrasal UK, informal (do, work on quickly)快速做;快速进行 crack up vi phrasal figurative, slang (laugh)捧腹大笑,失声大笑,笑得合不拢嘴备注: A hyphen or single-word form is used when the term is a noun.It was so funny I cracked up.实在太搞笑了,我笑得合不拢嘴。 crack [sb] up vtr phrasal sep figurative, slang (make laugh)使…捧腹大笑;让...笑出眼泪The joke he told really cracked me up.他讲的笑话让我捧腹大笑。 crack up vi phrasal figurative, slang (have mental breakdown)精神崩溃,精神失控I haven't slept for days, I'm close to cracking up.我已经很多天没合过眼,快要精神崩溃了。 复合形式:crack | craic another crack n informal (another attempt) (口语)再度尝试,再试一次If you give me another crack at solving the riddle, I'm sure I'll get it. at the crack of dawn expr informal (early in morning)黎明时分;破晓时;一大早I have to get up at the crack of dawn to get to work on time. crack a book v expr US, informal (open a book to read)打开书本开始读;打开书本学习 crack a joke v expr (make a funny remark)开玩笑Sometimes if you crack a joke, it lightens the mood. crack a smile v expr informal (manage to smile) (非正式用语)展颜微笑,面露微笑;挤出微笑The tennis player managed to crack a smile even though she had lost the match.虽然比赛失利,但这位网球运动员依旧面露微笑。 crack house, crackhouse n (place where crack cocaine is sold)强效可卡因销售点 crack of dawn n (start of the morning)黎明;破晓It was the crack of dawn when Dan awoke. crack [sth] open vtr + adj (break apart, split)敲破, 砸开He cracked open a brazil nut and discarded the shell. crack [sth] open vtr + adj informal (open in celebration) (非正式用语,用于庆祝的)砰地一声打开Let's crack open this bottle and get the party started. crack [sth] open vtr + adj informal (window, door: open slightly) (非正式用语,门、窗等)打开一条缝,打开一点点John cracked the door open and looked into his sister's bedroom.约翰打开了一条门缝,向她妹妹的卧室中望去。 crack open vi + adj (break apart, split) (本义)砸开,捶开The watermelon cracked open when it fell off the picnic table. crack team n (expert group)精锐团队,一流团队 crack the case v expr informal (solve a crime, mystery)破案;侦破案件Not even Hercule Poirot could crack this case! crack the whip v expr figurative (be strict with workers) (比喻严格管理工人)甩鞭子Your lazy employees will never change unless you start cracking the whip.只要不甩起鞭子,你那些懒惰的雇员就永远不会改变。 crack troops npl informal (expert soldiers, special force)精锐部队 crackup, crack-up n figurative, slang (mental breakdown)精神崩溃Robert hasn't worked since his crackup two years ago.自两年前精神崩溃后,罗伯特就没有工作过。 crackup, crack-up n US (collision, crash)碰撞,相撞 crackup, crack-up n (alliance, agreement: breakdown) (联盟、协议)破裂,结束 take a crack at [sth] v expr informal (attempt [sth])尝试I can't finish this crossword puzzle - do you want to take a crack at it? take a crack at [sb] v expr slang (criticize [sb])尝试It's easy to take a crack at his new girlfriend- she's ugly, stupid, and unemployed. a tough nut to crack, a hard nut to crack n figurative, informal ([sb] hard to persuade)难以说服的人;顽固的人;顽冥不化者Good luck with getting him to agree - he's a tough nut to crack.祝你好运,能让他同意——他可是相当的顽固。 a tough nut to crack, a hard nut to crack n figurative, informal ([sth] hard to solve)难办的事;难解决的问题This algebra equation is a tough nut to crack.这个代数等式很难解。




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