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词汇 closely
释义 closelyUK:*/ˈkləʊsli/US:UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: 主要翻译 closely adv (physically close)接近地;亲密地The two danced closely all night.这两个人整晚都在亲密地跳舞。 closely adv (in time)紧凑地,时间间隔短地Christmas is closely followed by New Year.新年紧跟在圣诞节之后。 closely adv (attentively)紧密地;仔细地If you look closely at the painting, you can see the direction of the brush strokes.如果你细看这幅画, 就能看到笔触的方向。 复合形式: closely knit, closely-knit adj (family: close)血缘关系密切的备注: A hyphen is used when the adjective is used before the noun it modifies.The Smiths are a closely-knit group, and always spend the holidays together. closely related, closely-related adj (relative: in immediate family)近亲的Closely-related languages can often be traced to a single source language. closely related, closely-related adj (linked or associated)紧密相关的Smoking is closely related to mouth, throat and lung cancer. closely related, closely-related adj (animal: of similar species) (指动物)属于相近的种的Molecular genetics tells us that humans are more closely related to chimpanzees than to any of the other primates. closely related, closely-related adj (idea, etc.: connected)紧密关联的Freedom is closely related to responsibility. examine [sth/sb] closely vtr + adv (inspect)仔细检查;严密检查The agent examined the evidence very closely. listen closely vi + adv (be attentive)注意听;仔细听If you listen closely you can distinguish many birds by their different songs. listen closely to [sth/sb], listen to [sth/sb] closely v expr (be attentive)用心听;聚精会神地听The children listened closely to their grandfather's story. look closely vi + adv (examine [sth])仔细观察If you look closely, you will see the beautiful patterns on the butterfly's wings. look closely at [sth] v expr (examine [sth])仔细查看;认真检查She looked closely at the gravestone and could just make out the faded inscription. watch closely vi (observe)仔细观察




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