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词汇 case
释义 caseUK:*/ˈkeɪs/US:/keɪs/ ,(kās)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: 主要翻译 case n (box)盒子;小箱子My new earrings came in a beautiful case.我新买的耳坠是装在一个漂亮盒子里出售的。 case n (container)容器;包Artists often carry around a small case full of pens, pencils, and other supplies.画家通常都会随身携带一个装满水笔、铅笔以及其他物件的小包。 case n (contents of a case)箱子(盒子)里的东西This wine is so good that I could drink the whole case!这个红酒太好喝了,我能把整盒都喝完! case n (instance)个案,具体情况;病例,病案Every case of a child falling behind at school is a cause for concern.孩子学习成绩下降总是一件令人担心的事。ⓘ这句话不是该英语句子的翻译。 这是我遇到过的最严重病例。 case n (example)实例;事例;事例This is a clear case of political interference.这是政治干涉的典型事例。 case n (instance of disease)病症,病情Our mother has a case of pneumonia.我们的妈妈患有肺炎。 case n (question)问题This is a case of integrity.这是一个关乎诚实的问题。 case n (situation, state)情况We thought it would rain, but that was not the case.我们本以为会下雨,不过实际情况并非如此。 case n (law: lawsuit) (司法)案件,案例,案子The case was brought before a judge.该案已送交法官裁决。 其他翻译 case n (support for an argument)论据;理由The committee is looking at the scientist's case for more testing.委员会正在调查该科研人员提出的论据,并进行进一步试验。 case n (grammar: category) (语法)格There is a different form in the accusative case.宾格时词形不同。 case n slang (strange person) (俚语)怪人He's an odd case.他是个怪胎。 case, letter case n (type: capitals or small letters) (字母)大小写 case n (tray) (印刷)字盘The printer found the case he needed.印刷工人找到了自己需要的字盘。 case n (wine: 12 bottles) (12瓶酒)一箱You can't buy a single bottle of wine here - we only sell it by the case.这里不能单买一瓶红酒,我们只按箱卖。 case n (suitcase)手提箱We had a long wait for our cases at the carousel. case [sth] vtr US, slang (survey) (做案前)踩点;现场窥探The bank robbers cased the building. case [sth] vtr (put in a case)把…装入容器中The butcher cased the ground beef. 复合形式: accusative case n (grammar: object)宾格;受格The accusative case of the Latin word "tu" is "te". anvil case n (box for transporting)运输储存箱;运输箱 as the case may be adv (whatever the actual situation)看情形而定,视情况而定 attaché, attaché case n from French (type of briefcase)公文包Who knows what wonders lurk in James Bond's attaché case? bad case of n (serious bout of: illness) (本义)因(某种疾病)而痛苦,得了很严重的…病My brother has a bad case of the measles. bad case of n figurative (serious instance of: [sth]) (比喻)某事很严重的情况I have a bad case of the blues. basket case n pejorative, slang (crazy or very anxious person)四肢不全的人;精神崩溃的人Some people dismissed Jack as a basket case. basket case n pejorative, slang (company, nation: failing) (指企业或国家因为经济拮据)毫无希望,几乎完蛋The country was the basket case of Europe. business case n (project, expense: justification)商业论证 camelcase, camel case n (capitalization style)骆驼拼写法,驼峰式大小写 camera case n (protective bag for a camera)相机套;相机壳When traveling, I store extra cash in my camera case. case file n (law: case documents) (法律)卷宗;案卷 case history n (written medical history)历史档案;病史记录The doctor has read through the patient's case history. case in point n (helpful example)例证;很好的例子;恰当的例子Movies can encourage children to read. The Harry Potter series is a case in point. case law n (law of precedent)判例法 case manager n (social care advisor)个案咨询师;专案管理人The case manager deals with the complex needs of clients.专案管理人负责处理客户的复杂需求。 case study n (detailed individual example)个案研究;案例分析To assist you in understanding the translation process, I have prepared a case study of a book translation.为了帮助你理解翻译过程,我准备了一个书目翻译的案例分析。 case the joint v expr slang (check out a place)踩点 case worker n (arranger of social services) (不一定需要相关学位或执照,但也没有治疗权)无治疗权的社工The case worker interviewed the family to see what help they needed. case-harden [sth] vtr (harden the surface of)使...表面硬化 case-harden [sb] vtr figurative, often passive (harden emotionally)使冷硬无情 case-harden [sb] to [sth] vtr figurative, often passive (harden emotionally)使...对...冷酷无情 case-sensitive, case sensitive adj (recognises small and capital letters)区分大小写的备注: The hyphen may be omitted when the adjective follows the noun.CAPTCHA text recognition tests are often case-sensitive.Most computer or network passwords are case sensitive.验证码的文本识别测试功能通常是区分大小写的。//大部分计算机或网络密码都是区分大小写的。 caseload, UK: case-load n (number of cases)案件总数The attorney's growing caseload made him consider hiring an assistant. cigar case n (case for carrying cigars)雪茄烟盒He pulled a two finger cigar case out of his breast pocket and offered me one of the two cigars. cold case n (unsolved police investigation)悬案;未破案件 court case n (trial, legal proceeding)诉讼案件In the US court cases are heard either by a judge or a jury. crack the case v expr informal (solve a crime, mystery)破案;侦破案件Not even Hercule Poirot could crack this case! display case n (glass box, cabinet)陈列柜The display case contained a valuable collection of antique jewellery. glass case n (display container made of glass)玻璃展示柜 a hard case n informal ([sb] severe, unemotional)冷酷无情的人 have a case v expr (legal: have evidence) (司法)起诉某人,提起诉讼The judge has to decide if the prosecution have a case. have a case of [sth] v expr (be ill)患…病Sue has a case of mild pneumonia. hopeless case n ([sb] who is beyond help)无可救药的人I tried to help her, but she is a hopeless case. I rest my case interj (That proves my point)我的话讲完了,无需多说So, you agree with me? Then I rest my case. in any case adv (regardless)无论如何;至少We will reply as soon as possible and, in any case, within 48 hours.我们会尽快回复,并且无论如何也不会超过48小时。 in case conj (as a precaution)以防万一;免得Take your umbrella in case it rains.拿上你的雨伞,以防下雨。usage: ‘in case’You use in case or just in case to say that someone has something or does something because a particular thing might happen. I've got the key in case we want to go inside.We tend not to go too far from the office, just in case there should be a bomb scare that would prevent us getting back.Be carefulAfter in case or just in case, you use a simple tense or should. You do not use ‘will’ or ‘shall’.Be carefulYou do not use ‘in case’ or ‘just in case’ to say that something will happen as a result of something else happening. You do not say, for example, ‘I will go in case he asks me’. You say ‘I will go if he asks me’.He qualifies this year if he gets through his exams. in case of [sth] expr (as a precaution against)防备;以防Take your umbrella with you in case of rain. in case of [sth] expr (in the event of)如果发生;倘若;万一In case of emergency, walk in an orderly fashion to the assembly point. in either case adv (in one case or the other)不论这样或那样;不论两者中的哪一种情况Jones can play in defence or midfield, and in either case do an effective job. in no case adv (not under any circumstances)绝不;决不In no case should lifts be considered as means of escape in the event of a fire. in that case adv (then)那种情况下;如果那样The College may require you to provide a medical certificate, and in that case it will reimburse you any expenses involved. in this case expr (in this instance)在这种情况下 in this particular case adv (in this instance)在这一特定情形下Usually I would agree with you, but in this particular case I think you are mistaken. instrumental case n (grammar)工具格 jewel case n (small jewellery box)珠宝盒My jewel case was stolen from my luggage the last time I travelled by air. just in case conj (if it should happen that)以防万一You should take an umbrella just in case it rains.你应该带把伞,以防万一。 just in case adv (for this eventuality)以防万一They may ask for some kind of ID, so take your passport just in case.他们可能会要求出示身份证明,所以最好带上你的护照以防万一。 landmark case n (law: of historical significance)里程碑式案件 lowercase (US), lower case (UK) n (small letters or type)小写字母Please type in all lowercase. lowercase (US), lower-case (UK) adj (type: small, not capitalized) (字母)小写的,小写字体的Use a mixture of capital and lowercase letters in your password. lowercase [sth] (US), lower-case [sth] (UK) vtr (write or print in lowercase letters)用小写字母书写或印刷When using letters for this outline, please make sure to lowercase them. make a case v expr (argue in favour: of [sth])提出理由证明是对的He had a tough job making a case for being a vegan. make the case, make the case that v expr (argue: in favour of [sth])证明;佐证The report makes the case that current policies are inadequate. make your case v expr (justify)证明自己有道理Bill Gates made his case for boosting foreign aid. nutcase, nut case n slang, pejorative (insane person)疯子;古怪的人My husband, the nutcase, wants to have a fifth child. objective, objective case n (grammar) (语法)宾格The objective indicates the object of a verb or preposition. on a case-by-case basis adv (individually, on individual merits)具体情况具体分析地;逐个地 open-and-shut case n figurative, informal (crime: easily solved)容易侦破的案子;容易解决的问题This is an open-and-shut case of police brutality. open-and-shut case n figurative, informal (matter: easily solved)易如反掌, 轻而易举There is an open-and-shut case to build the pipeline. packing case n (storage box)打包箱;包装盒 pencil case n (container for writing implements)铅笔盒;文具盒All the children had new pencil cases and new pens.所有孩子都有新的铅笔盒以及崭新的笔。 pillow case, pillowcase n (fabric covering for a pillow)枕套You should change the sheets and pillow cases at least once a week. possessive, possessive case n (grammar: possessive form) (语法)所有格The possessive in English is indicated with 's. sad case n ([sb] to be pitied)值得同情的人Andrew's such a sad case: his father beats him, his mother's on the bottle, and he has no friends either. sad case n (unfortunate situation or instance)凄惨的境遇;不幸的事例The disease will get progressively worse, I'm afraid – yes, it's a sad case indeed. special case n (exception)特殊情况;特例I don't usually ask you for money but this is a special case. state your case v expr (give your opinion)陈述案情The new rules allow you to state your case for the person you're voting for. test case n (court case that sets a precedent) (法律)判例 that being the case adv (therefore)既然如此,既然这样,这样一来;假如说,假如这样He's a convicted rapist. That being the case, he shouldn't be allowed to live anywhere where he could attack other women. tool case n (box for handheld instruments)工具盒 typical case n (classic example)典型案例This is a typical case of miscommunication. uppercase, upper case n (capital letters)大写字母Use uppercase for the first letter of someone's name. uppercase, upper-case adj (letter: capital) (字母)大写的备注: A hyphen is used when the adjective precedes the noun.The name 'John' begins with an upper-case letter J. vanity, vanity case n (vanity case)梳妆盒;梳妆手提包I'm going to carry my vanity and handbag onto the plane. vanity case n (box for cosmetics)化妆箱,化妆包,化妆盒 violin case n (protective carrycase for a violin)小提琴匣子I think I may have left my violin case on the train. worst-case scenario n (worst thing that could happen)最坏的情况;最差的结果The worst-case scenario would be if the car broke down miles away from a garage.




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