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词汇 breed
释义 breedUK:*/ˈbriːd/US:/brid/ ,(brēd)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: 主要翻译 breed vi (procreate)生产,产仔Some mammals breed only once.某些哺乳动物只生产一次。 breed [sth] vtr (raise livestock)饲养,养殖The farmer breeds sheep and cows.农夫养殖绵羊和奶牛。 breed [sth] vtr (mate two animals) (动物)使...与...交配This female horse was bred with a male donkey, and she gave birth to a mule.这匹母马与一只公驴进行交配,之后她产下一只骡。 breed [sth] with [sth] vtr + prep (animal: make reproduce)杂交;配种If you breed a horse with a donkey, you get a mule.如果你让马和驴杂交,它们就会产下骡子。 breed [sth] vtr (horticulture: make reproduce) (园艺学)培育,培植Researchers have bred a new type of zucchini plant.研究员成功培植出一种新型的绿皮西葫芦。 breed [sb] vtr (person: rear) (人)培养,养育Nelly's parents bred her to be a proper lady.奈莉的父母把她培养成了一名真正的淑女。 breed [sth] vtr figurative (engender [sth])引起;造成;带来Boredom breeds discontent, so our school strives to challenge students in all subjects.无聊引起了不满,因此我们学校致力于在各学科为学生带去挑战。 breed n (animal: type, race) (动物)种,属The dog show is divided into categories by breed.犬科展览按品种分为了几类。 breed n figurative, informal (type of person)一类人;一种人Politicians are an untrustworthy breed.政客就是一群不值得信任的人。 其他翻译 breed n (race, ancestry) (人)血统,家事,出身,种族People of her breed don't typically like spicy food.和她同种族的人一般都不喜欢吃辣。 breed n (type, group of [sth])一批,一种;类型,种类A new breed of chefs has been born at the elite culinary school.在精英烹饪学校诞生了一批新厨师。 复合形式: best of breed n (award at dog show)最佳犬种奖 crossbreed, also UK: cross-breed n (animal of mixed breed) (本义)杂交动物My dog looks like a collie, but he's actually a crossbreed. crossbreed, also UK: cross-breed n figurative (hybrid) (比喻)杂种,混血儿My dress is a homemade crossbreed of two old pieces of clothing. half-breed n pejorative, offensive (child of mixed-race parents)混血备注: Refers especially to the child of a Native American and a white person rare breed n (animal: type not often seen)稀有动物 rare breed n figurative (person: kind not often encountered) (比喻人)稀有动物;少有的人




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