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词汇 bow
释义 bowUK:*'bow': /ˈbəʊ/; 'Bow': /bəʊ/US:/baʊ/US:'bow': (bou for 1,3; bō for 2); 'Bow': (bō)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:Jamaican: 主要翻译 bow vi (nod, lean forward in greeting)点头;鞠躬Instead of shaking hands, people in some Asian cultures prefer to bow.在某些亚洲文化中,人们更喜欢鞠躬致意而不是握手。 bow to [sb] vi + prep (gesture respectfully) (人)向…鞠躬"Your majesty," said the man as he bowed to the Queen.“女王陛下,”那个人向女王鞠躬时说。 bow to [sth] vi + prep figurative (yield) (某事)向…屈服;对…让步The director bowed to the parents' demands and retracted his new policy.校长向家长的意志屈服,收回了新政策。 bow n (greeting: inclined head, body)鞠躬,欠身The courtiers' bows showed deference to the king.朝臣们向国王鞠躬,以示尊重。 bow n (weapon: fires arrows)弓A hunter's bow is often made of flexible wood.猎人的弓通常用有弹性的木料制成。 bow n (curve, bend)弯曲;弧形This branch has a very pronounced bow to it.这根树枝有一处非常明显的弯曲。 bow n (rod for a stringed instrument)(弦类乐器的)琴弓The violinist takes good care of her bow.这名小提琴手很爱惜自己的琴弓。 bow n (decorative ribbon) (装饰物)蝴蝶结After they wrapped the present, they put a bow on it.包好礼物后,他们在盒顶系了个蝴蝶结。 其他翻译 bow n (front of a ship)(船或飞机的)前部;船头;机首The passengers gathered in the bow of the ship.乘客们聚集在船头。 bow n (bowman: [sb] who rows at bow of boat)头桨手;前桨手The bow communicates to the rest of the crew using hand signals. bow vi (curve downwards)压弯;成弧形向下弯曲The tree branch bowed under the weight of the snow.积雪压弯了树枝。 bow your head vtr (lower: your head) (头)低下;垂下The parishioners bowed their heads in prayer. bow [sb] vtr (force to submit)使…俯首;使…屈服The dictator bowed the people to his will. bow [sb] vtr usually passive (cause to stoop)使…弯腰He walks with a stoop, bowed by age. 动词短语 bow down vi phrasal (bend, kneel in respect)鞠躬;服从;顺从She was asked to bow down in front of a statue of their god.她被要求在他们信奉的神的雕像前鞠躬。 bow down before [sb] vi phrasal + prep literal (bow in deference to)向…鞠躬It is customary to bow down before the Emperor of Japan. bow down before [sb] vi phrasal + prep figurative (show deference to)对…表示敬意He is so arrogant that he thinks everyone should bow down before him.他很傲慢,觉得所有人都需要向他表示敬意。 bow out vi phrasal figurative, informal (withdraw)辞职,退休;恭敬地把(某人)送出Williams had to bow out of the race after suffering a leg injury. 复合形式: bow and arrow n (archery: weapon)弓箭备注: Used with a singular verb when referring to a system of weaponry, but with a plural verb when indicating the articles themselves.The crossbow replaced the bow and arrow as a weapon. bow and scrape v expr figurative (be servile)卑躬屈膝;点头哈腰 bow saw n (carpentry)弓锯;弓形锯 bow tie n (bow-shaped necktie)蝴蝶结;蝴蝶形领带Alan was wearing a bow tie.艾伦打了一个蝴蝶形领结。 bow [sb] to your will v expr (force to obey)让...屈服;使...服从 bow wave n (wave made by ship's bow)船首波浪;船首浪 bow wave n (shock wave)脱体冲波 bow window n (window: curves outwards)弓形窗 bow-tie n as adj (dinner, etc.: formal) (晚宴等活动)正式的备注: A hyphen is used when the term is used as an adjective.He's been invited to a bow-tie dinner. bowlegged (US), bow-legged (UK) adj (bandy, with legs bending outwards)腿向外弯的;O型腿的Look at the way that woman walks; she's bowlegged. Children are naturally bow-legged until the age of three.看那个女人的走路方式,她是个O型腿。三岁前,小孩自然而然腿会向外翻。 bowlegged (US), bow-legged (UK) adv (with legs bending outwards)罗圈腿地The cowboys in old movies always walk bowlegged. bowwow (US), bow-wow (UK) n infantile (dog, doggy)狗 bowwow (US), bow-wow (UK) n (dog's bark)狗吠;狗叫声 d***y, d***ey, d***ie, d***y bow, d***ey bow, d***ie bow n UK (bow tie)蝶形领结 d***y bow n UK, informal (bow tie)蝶形领结,蝴蝶领结 hair bow n (decorative hair tie) (装饰发带)蝴蝶结 loop back, hoop back, bow back n (type of chair back) (椅子)环状靠背 make a bow v expr (bow for applause)鞠躬 take a bow v expr (bow for applause)谢幕;鞠躬答谢At the end of a play it's customary for the actors to take a bow at the front of the stage. violin bow n (rod used to play violin)小提琴弓




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