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词汇 best
释义 bestUK:*/ˈbɛst/US:/bɛst/ ,(best)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:Jamaican: See also: good, well主要翻译 best, the best adj (most excellent)最好的;最佳的;最优秀的That's the best film I've ever seen.这是我看过的最好的电影。 best, the best adj (most suitable)最适合的;最适当的;最佳的He is the best candidate for the job.他是这份工作的最佳人选。 best, the best adj (most advantageous)最有利的;最有益的;最有用的What's the best thing we could do right now?我们现在能做的最有用的事情是什么? best, the best adv (superlative of well)最好地;最佳地;最适当地Of all the singers, she sings best.所有歌手中,她唱得最好。 best, the best adv (most fully)最;极I like him best.我最喜欢他。 best adv (to the highest degree)最大程度;最She's the best qualified member of the team.她是该组资历最好的成员。 Best, expr written, informal (closing letter, email: All the best) (信结尾词)祝好Look forward to hearing from you. Best, Deborah.期待你的回信。祝好,黛博拉。 the best n ([sb] or [sth] superior to all others)最好的人或物Of all the cities I've visited, Prague was the best.在我所有去过的城市中,布拉格是最棒的。 其他翻译 best adj (most desirable)最好的;最令人满意的The best cake is the one with the cherry on top.最令人满意的蛋糕是那个顶上有樱桃的。 best adv (most wisely)最明智地That topic is best left untouched for now. the best n informal ([sb] or [sth] excellent) (人或事)最棒的My sister always helps me with my homework - she's the best! best [sb/sth] vtr often passive (do better than, beat)胜过;超过After practicing every day, Marc bested his sister at their last tennis match.通过每天的练习,马克在上一场网球比赛中战胜了他的姐妹。 复合形式:best | good | well All the best, expr written (closing: letter or email) (信件或电子邮件结尾)祝一切顺利,备注: Followed by the writer's name or signature, usually on a separate line.The letter ended, "Please let me know if I can be of any further help. All the best, Simon."这封信结尾写着:“如果您需要帮助,请联系我。祝一切顺利,西蒙。” all the best n (good wishes)万事顺心如意I wish you all the best in your new career.祝愿你的事业一帆风顺。 as best you can adv (to the best of your ability)尽全力Muddle through as best you can, and we'll fix the mistakes later. at best adv (at the most)至多,最多;充其量It won't be ready until tomorrow at best.最快也要明天才能准备好。 be for the best v expr (lead to the most beneficial outcome)也许不是一件坏事;结局总会好的 be on your best behavior (US), be on your best behaviour (UK) v expr (behave very well)举止得当 best able to do [sth] expr (most capable of)在…方面最出色;在…方面最能干The promotion should go to the one best able to handle the responsibility. best before [sth] adj + prep (food: fresh until a specified date) (食物)在…前最佳Milk is best before the expiration date. best before expr (warning on food packaging) (食物)保质期;最佳食用期The label on the tin says, "Best before 09.09.2018". the best bet, your best bet n informal, figurative (most promising option)最佳选择;最优措施;最好办法Your best bet would be to contact the organisers directly and ask if they still have tickets. best boy n informal (movies: electrician's assistant) (电影拍摄)灯光助理 best feature n (person: attractive trait) (人)最优特征 best feature n (property: desirable part) (物)最佳特性 best friend n (closest companion)最好的朋友My dog is my best friend.我的狗狗是我最好的朋友。 best interest n (greatest benefit)最大利益 best known, best-known adj (most famous)最著名的;最知名的;最广为人知的 best man n (bridegroom's male attendant) (婚礼)伴郎Pete was the best man at Mick and Lucy's wedding.皮特是米克和露西婚礼的伴郎。 best of all adv (the most fortunate part is that)最好的是 best of breed n (award at dog show)最佳犬种奖 best of class n (award at a dog show) (狗狗秀)组别最佳 best possible adj (finest that can be done or had)最好的,尽可能好的,最佳的 best practice n (most professional conduct)最佳做法;最佳实践Best practice in the medical or mental health field is to take a thorough history from the patient. best regards npl (warm wishes)问候;致敬Give John my best regards when you see him.见到约翰时,请代我向他问好。 with the best will, with the best will in the world expr (no matter how hard you try)无论付出多大的努力With the best will in the world, that alley cat is never going to win any prizes at a cat show. best wishes npl (regards)最好的祝福;最好的祝愿Please pass on my best wishes to your parents.请向你父母送上我最好的祝福。 best-before date n (expiration)此日期前最佳,最佳食用日期 best-laid adj (plans: most carefully made)最佳的,精心安排的 best-loved, most-loved adj (most cherished)最受喜爱的;最具人气的She is one of the country's best-loved sportswomen. best-suited, best suited adj (most appropriate)最适合的,最合适的备注: A hyphen is used if the term precedes the noun.Which style is best suited to my body shape? bestseller, best seller n (book: commercial success)畅销书Every one of that author's novels has been a bestseller. bestseller, best seller n (product: commercial success)畅销品This bright red lipstick is the company's best seller. bestselling, best-selling adj (very successful commercially)畅销的;卖得非常好的 do the best you can v expr (try your hardest)尽你最大努力Just do the best you can. That's all anybody could ask for. do your best v expr (try your hardest)尽全力;尽力Just do your best. That's all anybody could ask. do your best to do [sth] v expr (try your hardest to do [sth])尽全力做某事Fred did his best to give up smoking, but couldn't keep it up. get the better of [sb], get the best of [sb] v expr (defeat)战胜;打败Manchester United managed to get the better of Liverpool with an impressive 4-0 victory. give it your best shot v expr (make every effort)全力以赴;尽力而为I'm not sure I can get your cat out of the tree, but I'll give it my best shot. give of your best, give your best v expr slightly formal (do the very best you can)尽全力;尽最大努力 had best v aux (should, would be wise to)最好(如何做某事)You'd best ask at the information desk. hope for the best v expr (be optimistic)抱最好的希望I'm not sure whether it will rain; we'll just have to hope for the best. in your best light expr figurative (giving the most favourable view)从最好的角度 It is all for the best, It's all for the best expr (outcome is beneficial)这是最好的结果I lost my job, but it's all for the best since now I can start a business, just like I always wanted. like best vtr + adv (prefer overall)最喜欢Reading detective novels is what I like best. make the best of [sth] v expr (do what you can)充分利用Eric made the best of the limited time available to see as much of the town as he could. make the best of it v expr informal (cope)(在不利情况下)尽力而为The weather wasn't ideal for a day by the sea, but we decided to make the best of it. may the best man win interj (before competition)愿最佳者胜出;望胜者实至名归Good luck to all and may the best man win! perform at your best v expr (do [sth] to your utmost ability)尽最大努力 put your best foot forward v expr figurative (do your best)全力以赴I'm not really much good at it but I'll put my best foot forward. put your best foot forward v expr figurative (make good impression)尽量给人留下好印象Put your best foot forward at the job interview. second best, second-best adj (next to best)第二好的备注: A hyphen is used when the term is an adjective before a noun.The runner recorded his second-best time this year for the marathon. second best, second-best n pejorative (not quite good enough) (轻蔑语)第二好Margot did not want to put up with second best for her wedding dress. second best, second-best adv (in second position)第二好地Alan fared second best in the tennis match. Sunday best n (smart outfit worn to church)盛装,礼服 the best of both worlds n (advantages of two different things)两者的优点;两全其美 the best of the best n (greatest of all)最顶尖;极其优秀 the best part of [sth] n (best section of [sth])...最精彩的部分The best part of the film was the final scene. the best part of [sth] n (most)大部分;绝大部分It took us the best part of the morning to finish the job. the best part n (best bit)最佳, 最精彩You think that's funny? You haven't even heard the best part yet! the best thing n (greatest feature)最佳特色 the best thing about [sth/sb] n (greatest feature)最好的一点 the best thing n informal, figurative ([sth] wonderful, valued)最宝贵的事物 the best thing since sliced bread n informal, figurative ([sth] new, excellent)新奇的好事 the next best thing n (good substitute)第二好的;仅次于最好的;第二选择I can't afford to buy a Volkswagen; the Toyota is the next best thing.Apples are not as sweet as candy, but I think they are the next best thing. third best, third-best adj (ranked below second best)第三名备注: A hyphen is used when the term is an adjective before a noun.After the races they gave out awards and I was third best.She tried and she tried but she only got third best. to the best of my knowledge, to the best of [sb]'s knowledge expr (as far as I know)据我所知To the best of my knowledge, all of the coffee shops in the city close before 9:00 p.m. to the best of your ability adv (as well as you can)尽你所能Just look after the dog to the best of your ability. try your best v expr (put in maximum effort)尽力;竭尽全力 try your best to do [sth] v expr (make a big effort to do)努力;勉力 very best n (utmost)最大可能The doctors tried their very best, but they were unable to save the patient.




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