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词汇 for the birds
释义 for the birds
for the birds发音


<美口>荒唐可笑的; 沉闷无聊的; 毫无价值的; 只能骗那些轻信的人的


form the basis───形成基础

for the best───出于好意

for the world───(否定句内)无论如何;(肯定句内)每一方面都…

for the worse───恶化;向坏的方面转化

get the bird───v.被喝倒采;被解雇

on the bias───倾斜地;偏斜地;(尤指裁缝等)斜裁;沿着织物的对角线方向

for the better───好转,向好的方向发展

for the record───为正式记录在案目的;供记录在案,为准确起见

forbid the banns───禁止禁令


Drink Shade - Grown Coffee Shade - grown coffee is for the birds, literally.───饮用非全日光咖啡(shade-grown).

The marshy land provided a breeding place for the birds.───这片沼泽地为鸟类提供了繁殖地.

No thanks, movies like that are for the birds.───不,谢了.像那种电影真是无聊.

He put out crumbs for the birds.───他将面包屑放在外面喂鸟儿.

A : Thank you for the birds that sing.───感谢每天可以听到虫鸣鸟叫!

Part of resident birds, some for the birds.───部分为留鸟, 部分为候鸟.

Let me turn you into food for the birds!───让我来把你变成小鸟的食物吧!

We scattered crumbs for the birds.───我们把面包屑撒给小鸟吃.

That gourmet chef thinks that hamburgers are for the birds.───那位美食的厨师认为汉堡是毫无价值的.

I can't be bothered saving waste paper; that's for the birds.───我讨厌把废纸贮存起来, 那毫无价值.

Their opinions on art are simply for the birds.───他们对艺术的见解真是荒唐可笑.

His few crumbs of kindness were strictly for the birds.───他的小恩小惠实在算不了什么.

I should be lonely, were it not for the birds and the flowers.───我会寂寞, 若非有鸟也有花.

Watching ballet on television is for the birds.───在电视上观看芭蕾很乏味.

Jumping out of a plane is for the birds.───跳出飞机很愚蠢.

The Pulitzer is for the birds.───普利策奖是发给那些乳臭未干的小崽子的.

I think conventional languages are for the birds.───我觉得传统语言是给鸟类使用的。

If the irrigation plan goes ahead, it could spell disaster for the birds.───如果该灌溉计划继续的话,这对鸟类可能预示着灾难。


I agree. It's for the birds.

He put out food for the birds.

Female speaker Slimbridge is crucial for the birds.

I tend to leave the windfalls for the birds to pick at.

We saved a few crusts of bread for the birds.

There would be no room for the birds to fly, and dead birds would fall on me as I walked.

Small amounts of food must be left for the birds until they learn to fend for themselves.

Once again, Ashputtel sang her song for the birds; once again they came to her rescue.

It's for the birds.

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