server then formats a block of HTML that makes up the response and sends it back to the page.───服务器格式化组成该响应的 HTML 块并将其返回到页面。
Listing 7 is an HC application handler that formats a small subset of Docbook in HTML.───清单7是一个HC应用处理程序,它将Docbook的一个小子集格式化成HTML。
To use OmegaT+ with documents in certain file formats a compatible office suite is necessary.───要用OmegaT +处理某些文件格式的文件,就需要有兼容的办公套件。
When Notification Services formats a notification, it obtains the locale code and looks for a content formatter specific to the language.───在NotificationServices对通知进行格式化时,它将获取区域设置代码并查找该语言特定的内容格式化程序。
The HoursAndMinutes function shown here is a custom function that formats a time interval in an hours: minutes format.───下面显示的HoursAndMinutes函数是将时间间隔设置为“小时:分钟”格式的自定义函数。
The server then formats a block of HTML that makes up the response and sends it back to the page.───然后,服务器格式化组成该响应的HTML块并将其返回到页面。
Many raster-based formats have roots in image formats: A common raster-based image format is bitmap (. bmp).───许多基于栅格的格式都有基本的图像格式:常见的基于栅格的图像格式是位图(.bmp)。
In an IBM personal computer, the directory that is created when the user formats a disk or diskette, it may contain subdirectories.───在ibm个人计算机中,当用户格式化硬盘或软盘时建立的一种目录,它可能包含许多子目录。
Online collection of documents in various formats, a section of text, web page address.───网上搜集的各种格式的文档、一段文字、网页地址。
In order to achieve the fiber-optical communication with different speeds and data formats, a fly-by-light point-to-point link scheme based on serial communication was proposed.
The performance trace formatter is a parsing option that formats a dump file containing performance counter data into readable text (see Listing 6).
- formats a
- formats sd
- formats mp3