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词汇 foreign missions
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foreign mission───n.外交使团;外交大臣;外方传教机构

foreign legions───外籍军团;外国志愿军

foreign ministers───外交部长

foreign relations───外交关系

bombing missions───轰炸任务

foreign legion───外籍军团;外国志愿军

foreign visitor───外国旅游者

home missions───国内布道

foreign nationals───外籍人士;外国侨民


of praise from the main foreign missions in Afghanistan began to gush a few hours after polls closed.───投票结束几小时后在阿富汗的各大主要外国观察团都对此一致赞赏有加。

More interesting, these micro blogs have become an unofficial platform for the foreign missions to release and update official news that they want to reach the public.───更有趣的是,这些微博已经成为这些外交机构的一个非官方的平台,在那里,他们可以发布和更新一些他们希望公众了解的官方新闻。

Will it allow Georgia the ability to participate in foreign missions such as Iraq, or will it provide the capacity for self-defense in case of future attacks?───是否使格鲁吉亚有能力参加在伊拉克等国家的使命?还是使格鲁吉亚获得在未来的冲突中自卫的能力?

A coordinated torrent of praise from the main foreign missions in Afghanistan began to gush a few hours after polls closed.───投票结束几小时后在阿富汗的各大主要外国观察团都对此一致赞赏有加。

Unfortunately, we often think of the Great Commission in terms of "foreign missions" only.───不幸的是,我们经常以为大使命只是「国外宣教」。

This Ordinance may be cited as the Pontifical Foreign Missions Institute Incorporation Ordinance.───本条例可引称为《宗座外方传教会法团条例》。

Pakistan's Foreign Secretary Salman Bashir visited the scene and vowed to boost security around foreign missions.───巴基斯坦外长巴希尔视察了现场,誓言将加强外国使领馆四周的安全。

The Japanese government also sent fax messages late Monday to various foreign missions to explain the dumping.───日本政府周一晚间还向各外交使团发传真解释排水行动。

From the first, the Jesuits concentrated on foreign missions, education, and scholarship.───从第一,耶稣会集中于外国使团,教育和奖学金。


Gaddafi later called for restraint and ordered troops to protect foreign missions.

Will it allow Georgia the ability to participate in foreign missions such as Iraq, or will it provide the capacity for self-defense in case of future attacks?

Also patron of aviators, florists, and foreign missions.

The territory he controls is peaceful and there are foreign missions in Mazar-i-Sharif.

  • foreignism synonym
  • foreignness def
  • foreign students
  • foreign officer
  • foreign investors
  • foreignness define
  • foreign born
  • foreign nationals
  • foreign minister
  • foreign correspondent




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