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词汇 and
释义 andUK:* strong: /ˈænd/, weak: /ənd/US:'and': (and; unstressed ənd, ən, or, esp. after a homorganic consonant, n); 'AND': (and)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:Jamaican: 主要翻译 and conj (as well as)和;同;同I bought beer and wine.我买了啤酒和葡萄酒。usage: used for linking noun phrasesWhen you are talking about two things or people, you put and between two noun phrases.I had a cup of tea and a biscuit.The story is about a friendship between a boy and a girl.When you are linking more than two noun phrases, you usually only put and in front of the last one. They had fish, potatoes, and peas for dinner.We need to build more roads, bridges and airports.In lists like these, the comma before and is optional. and conj (with)添加有;带有I'd like some strawberries and cream.我想来点草莓蘸奶油。 and conj (as a result) (表示结果)那么,则Try harder and you will succeed.再努力些试试,你会成功的。 and conj (then)然后I got dressed and went downstairs.我穿好衣服走下楼去。 and conj (mathematics: plus) (数学)加上Two and two make four.二加二得四。 and conj (giving alternatives) (表示选择)和I have to choose between walking and driving.步行和乘车我必须二选一。 其他翻译 and conj (at the same time)(既…)又…;同时This will make you warm and comfortable.这会让你温暖又舒适。 and conj (repeating for emphasis) (重复强调)又She walked miles and miles.她走啊、走啊,走过了数英里。 and conj (as opposed to) (表示对比)也,还备注: In this sense, the noun is often repeated to distinguish between two types of people or things that seem similar but have important differences.There are teachers, and then there are teachers! and conj (another thing) (连接两个事情)此外,另外,而且The police have studied the evidence and I understand they have charged someone with the crime.警方已经研究了证据,据我所知,他们已指控了嫌疑人。 动词短语line [sth] up, line up [sth] and [sth] vtr phrasal sep (align)对齐;使...成一条直线Please line up the pictures on the wall so they are all straight.请将墙上的照片对齐,呈一条直线。mix up [sth], mix [sth] up, mix up [sth] and [sth] vtr phrasal sep (mistake)弄错;搞混My grandfather is always mixing up his words.我爷爷总是弄错要用的词语。move [sth] apart, move [sth] and [sth] apart vtr phrasal sep (separate)分开The teacher moved the two boys apart because they were always talking in class.那两个男孩总是上课说话,所以老师将他俩的座位分开了。;tear [sb] and [sb] apart, tear apart [sb] and [sb] vtr phrasal sep figurative (divide)摧毁,毁掉Ryan's affair tore him and his fiancée apart.瑞恩的婚外情让他和未婚妻分道扬镳。;weigh [sth] up, weigh up [sth] and [sth] vtr phrasal sep (compare)权衡In making my decision, I had to weigh up the advantages and disadvantages.做决定时,我不得不权衡利弊。复合形式: above and beyond prep figurative (more than expected)超过;超出She always goes above and beyond what is expected of her.她总是超出人们对她的期待。 above and beyond the call of duty, beyond the call of duty expr (more than required)超出职责范围;超越工作要求He was honored for performing above and beyond the call of duty. be accepted and agreed to v expr (terms: be legally agreed) (条款)认可并接受 Accident and Emergency Unit, Accident and Emergency Department n UK (emergency room)意外与急诊室;急诊室 aches and pains npl (minor ailments)疼痛I have a lot of aches and pains; it's part of growing older! action and reaction n (physics: opposing forces)作用力和反作用力 add [sth] and/to [sth] vtr (mathematics: calculate total) (数学)将…与…加起来If you add one and six, the total is seven.如果你将一与六加起来,总和就为七。 add [sth] together, add together [sth] and [sth] vtr + adv (calculate the total)将...与...相加Add these numbers together and divide the total by three. add [sth] together, add together [sth] and [sth] vtr + adv (combine)将...与...组合;把...和...混合起来Add together the eggs and milk and whisk them until thoroughly mixed. after all is said and done expr (ultimately)最后;一切落定后After all is said and done, the decision to have a baby is a personal one. again and again adv (repeatedly)再三地;一再地When you practice you must do the same thing again and again. aged from [sth] to [sth], aged between [sth] and [sth] adj + prep (in a given age range)年龄范围This program is designed for young people aged from 18 to 25. aid and abet [sb/sth] v expr (be accomplice)同谋;伙同作案This type of crime will no longer be tolerated and those who aid and abet the perpetrators will face the full force of the law.我们不再容许这种类型的犯罪,任何伙同罪犯作案的人将面临法律的严厉惩罚。 aiding and abetting expr (assisting a crime)协助与教唆He was found guilty of aiding and abetting the murder. airs and graces npl (pretensions)装腔作势;做作 alive and kicking adj colloquial, figurative (in good health)活蹦乱跳的,生气勃勃的It's my father's 98th birthday, and he's still alive and kicking. alive and well adj (person: still alive and healthy)健在 alive and well adj figurative (industry, program: still active) (指行业等)活跃 all and sundry n (everyone, no matter who)所有人,各色人等The lord complained that since he'd opened the castle to the public, he'd had to put up with all and sundry tramping through his home every weekend. all over with, over with, over and done with adj informal (finished, over)结束Thank goodness that ordeal is all over with.谢天谢地,艰难的考验终于结束了。 ally [sth/sb], ally [sth/sb] and [sth/sb] vtr (join together)使联盟;使联合The continuing crisis allied the two nations and strengthened their relationship.持续危机让两国联合起来,加强了彼此的合作关系。 alternate between [sth] and [sth] vi + prep (switch between options)时而...时而...;在...和...中交替进行In some spas, people alternate between hot and cold baths. alternate [sth] and [sth] vtr (cause to change by turns)轮流;使交替In this part of the song, we will alternate playing loudly and and playing softly.我们将刚柔交替地演奏歌曲的这个部分。 always and forever adv (for all time)直到永远I will love you, always and forever. amalgamate [sth], amalgamate [sth] and [sth] vtr (blend, mix)将…混合在一起Brass is obtained by amalgamating copper and zinc. amalgamate [sth], amalgamate [sth] and [sth] vtr (combine) (组织、机构)使…合并We workers will have greater power if we amalgamate our two main unions. amalgamate [sth], amalgamate [sth] and [sth] vtr (business, etc.: merge)合并 an arm and a leg n slang, figurative (high price, high cost)昂贵,大价钱No, the price is too high - he wants an arm and a leg for that old car.不,价格太高了。他那辆旧车要价太贵了。 an eye for an eye, an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth n figurative (revenge) (报复)以牙还牙,以眼还眼He destroyed his rival's creation, saying it was an eye for an eye.他毁掉了他对手的作品,说这是以牙还牙。 an eye for an eye, an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth n figurative (justice) (公正的惩罚)以牙还牙,以眼还眼For murder, I believe an eye for an eye is fair punishment.对于谋杀,我认为以牙还牙是对其公平的惩罚。 and a half expr (plus 0.5)加半个,加0.5If you divide three oranges equally between two people, each person will have one and a half oranges. and a half, a [sth] and a half n informal (extreme example)不得了的事;了不起的东西You have to do all of that by Sunday? That's a task and a half! and all adv informal (including everything)等等I managed to stuff everything into my suitcase, clothes, shoes, souvenirs, and all. and all adv UK, slang (as well)也是The dog bit my leg, then it attacked my brother, and all. and all that adv informal (etc.)所有一切;诸如此类 and all that goes with it adv (and everything it entails) (非正式用语)连同其所包含的一切She gave her sister a birthday party, with cake, ice cream, and all that goes with it. and all that jazz adv slang, figurative (and the like, etc.) (俚语)...之类的事;云云;...之流 and all that sort of thing expr informal (and similar) (非正式用语)以及所有类似的事物;那一类东西;...什么的They found sea shells, driftwood, and all that sort of thing at the beach. and all the rest of it expr informal (etc.) (非正式用语)诸如此类,等等For Christmas dinner we had roast turkey, Brussels sprouts, and all the rest of it. and also conj informal (and in addition)此外,也,还Could you buy some bread...? Oh, and also some milk.你能买一些面包吗?哦,再买一些牛奶。 and back expr (returning)回来;返回How long does it take to get to Maryland and back? and change expr US, informal (money: plus a bit more)零头This cost me twenty bucks and change. and change expr US, informal, figurative (plus a bit more)...多Tom had half an hour and change to wait for his connecting flight. and counting expr (still increasing)还在增加;仍在上升 and everything else adv (etc.)诸如此类 and God knows what adv informal (and [sth] unknown) (非正式用语)鬼才知道,天知道I sent him out to do the shopping and he came back with a new TV and God knows what. And now interj (next)接下来"And now," said the magician, "I will make a rabbit appear from this empty hat!" And now for interj (presenting [sth])那么现在"And now for our flagship product," said the salesman, moving on to the next slide. and so adv (therefore)所以…The student did not turn in his final research paper, and so he earned a failing grade for the course.那名学生没有上交最终的研究论文,所以这门课他挂掉了。 and so forth adv (et cetera)…等等I had to fill in a form with my name, address, and so forth. and so on adv (et cetera)…等等Victims of the disaster urgently need drinking water, food, medical supplies, and so on.灾难的受害者急需饮用水、食物、医疗补给,以及其他等等。 and so on and so forth adv (et cetera)等等First we preheat the oven, and then we measure the ingredients; mix the eggs with the sugar, and so on and so forth. and the like expr (and similar)之类;诸如此类的There are a lot of waterfowl out on the lake—mergansers, geese, coots, and the like. and the rest adv (etc.)诸如此类;等等Elaine wants to be a rich woman living in a mansion with servants, a swimming pool, and the rest.伊莱恩希望成为一名贵妇,住在别墅中,配备仆人和泳池等。 and the rest is history expr (what happened is well known) (习语)余下的就众所周知了I met your mum in a bar, and the rest is history! and then conj (immediately afterwards)然后We'll finish painting, and then we'll eat dinner.我们先要完成绘画,然后我们会进晚餐。 and then some adv informal (even more) (非正式用语)远不止此If you will sell me your car, I will give you your price and then some. and what have you expr informal (and the like, and similar) (非正式用语)诸如此类,等等 and what not adv informal (and similar) (非正式用语)诸如此类,等等 and whatnot adv informal (etc., and things of that kind)等等;诸如这类;之类The museum displays items relating to the local fishing industry, such as nets, anchors and whatnot. and/or conj informal (either or both)和/或 any and all adj (every)每一个;所有Please send any and all complaints to the manager. anything and everything n (all manner of things)任何事情We need to do anything and everything to stop global warming. armed and ready adj (prepared for battle)作好战斗准备I'm armed and ready to prevent my home from being invaded. arts and crafts npl (fine arts, handicrafts)手工艺Being a mother of ten children, Madeline learned to love arts and crafts. arts and crafts, Arts and Crafts n as adj (of fine arts, handicrafts) (源于19世纪后期英国)工艺美术运动William Morris was a prominent textile designer of the Arts and Crafts movement at the end of the nineteenth century. assault and battery n (crime: direct physical assault)暴力伤害袭击(罪) assets and liabilities npl (finance, accounting) (财务、会计)资产与负债 at sixes and sevens adj UK, figurative (confused)丈二和尚摸不着头脑 at [sb]'s beck and call, at the beck and call of [sb] expr (available to serve you at any time)随叫随到I will be at your beck and call. B and B, B&B, B & B n abbreviation (bed and breakfast)住宿加次日早餐;提供住宿加次日早餐的旅馆 b&w, b & w, b and w, B/W, BW n written, abbreviation (black and white)白纸黑字,以书面形式 b&w, b & w, b and w, B/W, BW adj written, abbreviation (black and white)黑白的,黑白相间的;简单明了的,非黑即白的 back and forth adv (move: to and fro)来回地The little girl rocked back and forth on the swing.小女孩在秋千上来回摇晃。 back-and-forth adj (movement: to and fro)来回的备注: Hyphens are used when the term is an adjective.It is relaxing to sit on the beach and watch the back-and-forth motion of the waves.坐在沙滩上看海浪回来起伏,让人能放松心情。 back and forth n informal (conversation)对话;谈话Rebecca could hear the back and forth of a conversation outside her window.丽贝卡能听到窗外的谈话。 backwards and forwards, backward and forward adv (to and fro)来来回回;反反复复I've spent the whole day rushing backwards and forwards. backwards and forwards, backward and forward adv US, figurative (thoroughly)彻彻底底Ed searched the records backwards and forwards. bacon and eggs n (breakfast dish)培根煎鸡蛋备注: Used with a singular or plural verb. bacon and eggs, eggs and bacon n UK, colloquial (plant)百脉根;牛角花 bait and switch, bait-and-switch n (fraudulent sales tactic)诱饵推销法 bait and switch, bait-and-switch n (nice offer later replaced)偷换;调包 bait-and-switch n as adj (scheme, etc.: fraudulent)诱导转向的;偷换的 ball and chain n (ball chained to prisoner's leg)铁球;铁链 ball and chain n figurative (restraint, obstacle)束缚;累赘 ball and chain n slang (wife)妻子;老婆 ball-and-socket joint n (anatomy: type of joint) (人体)球窝关节 ball-and-socket joint n (joint connecting rods, pipes etc.)杵臼接头;球窝接头 be all fingers and thumbs v expr figurative, informal (be clumsy)笨手笨脚;笨拙Victor was all fingers and thumbs because he felt very nervous. be [sb]'s eyes and ears v expr figurative (gather information) (比喻义)做某人的耳目 be the life and soul of [sth], be the heart and soul of [sth] v expr figurative (be the source of animation, vitality)...的灵魂人物;...的核心人物 the be-all and end-all of [sth], the be-all end-all of [sth] expr (most important part or goal)最重要的;最核心的Helping kids to make the best of themselves should be the be-all and end-all of education. the be-all and end-all, the be-all end-all expr (the very best)顶尖的;最好的When it comes to books about Appalachian history, that professor's work is the be-all and end-all. bed and breakfast n (small guesthouse)提供住宿加早餐的旅馆;简易旅馆I like to stay in a bed and breakfast instead of in a big hotel.我喜欢住简易旅馆,不喜欢住大酒店。 bed and breakfast n uncountable (lodging with morning meal)提供住宿加次日早餐Several houses in this village offer bed and breakfast.这个村子有几家人提供住宿和早餐。 beginning and end n (totality of [sth])始末;从头到尾That's the beginning and end of the matter, I won't discuss it further. bells and whistles npl figurative, informal (extras)华丽的装饰;花俏的点缀 between now and then adv (from now until a future time)从现在到未来某时这段时间You'd better do a lot of work between now and then. between the devil and the deep blue sea, between a rock and a hard place, between Scylla and Charybdis expr figurative (facing a dilemma)处于两难境地;左右为难 between you and me, between ourselves adv (confidentially, in confidence)你知我知;不要告诉别人Between you and me, I think Stella has fallen in love with him. bits and pieces, bits and bobs npl UK (assorted small items)零零碎碎;零碎东西black and blue adj informal, figurative (badly bruised)青一块紫一块的,遍体鳞伤的The bullies beat the unfortunate child until he was black and and tan adj UK (drink: mixed beers) (饮料)混合淡色啤酒和黑啤酒的饮品,苦黑啤酒Black and tans are made with Guinness and an ale of your and white n (grayscale)黑白He asked the director why she had chosen to use black and white for her movie.他问导演她选择用黑白影像来拍摄电影的原因。black and white, black-and-white adj (in grayscale) (照片,图画等)黑白的备注: Hyphens are used when the adjective precedes the noun.Black-and-white photography relies on composition rather than color.黑白摄影更注重构图而不是色彩。black and white, black-and-white adj figurative (clear, defined)非黑即白的,非此即彼的The situation may seem very black and white to you, but actually it's more complicated.该情形对你来说看起来就是非黑即白,但实际上却更为复杂。black and white, black & white n US, informal (police car)警车black-and-white film, black-and-white movie n (movie: without colour)黑白电影I love watching silents, those old black-and-white films with no film n (camera film: without colour)黑白胶片;黑白胶卷All our early home movies were on black-and-white photography n (taking photos without colour)黑白摄影;黑白照片He specialized in black-and-white television n (TV set: cannot display colors)黑白电视My parents remember the days when black-and-white television was the only type of TV television n uncountable (TV shows in black and white)黑白电视节目block and tackle npl (ropes, chains used to hoist)滑轮组blood and guts n informal (gore) (影视)血腥场面blood and guts n informal, figurative (violent struggle, effort)浴血奋斗,艰苦奋斗It takes blood and guts to win a war.blood and thunder n figurative (violence, intensity)暴力血腥的行为For all his blood and thunder on the football field, Mark is a kind and gentle man.blood-and-thunder n as adj figurative (violent, intense)紧张激烈的Tonight's match is set to be a blood-and-thunder encounter.blow hot and cold v expr figurative (waver, vacillate)摇摆不定;犹豫不决blur the boundaries between [sth] and [sth] v expr figurative (make less distinct)模糊…和…之间的界限blur the lines between [sth] and [sth] v expr figurative (make less distinct)模糊...和...之间的边界bob, bob along, bob up and down vi used in compounds (move up and down: on water) (水面上)上下摆动,上下晃动The toy boat bobbed along on the surface of the lake.body and soul adv figurative (completely, with all one's being)全身心地,全心全意地boom-and-bust cycle n (economy: alternating extremes)经济繁荣与萧条的周期Arnold's life had followed a boom-and-bust cycle, rich one moment, broke the next.Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bosnia and Herzegovina n (Bosnia: Balkan republic) (位于巴尔干半岛)波斯尼亚-黑塞哥维亚both ... and adj (one and the other: person)两者(都);二者(都)Both he and his brother are left-handed.他和哥哥两个人都是左撇子。both ... and adv (equally)不但…而且He's both tall and handsome.他很高也很帅。both ... and conj (equally)在…和…方面同样地,既…也…She's admired both for her kindness and for her talent.她受人钦佩,既因为她待人友善,也因为她天资出众。bound hand and foot, tied hand and foot expr (with hands and feet tied)手脚被捆绑的The kidnappers left him bound hand and foot in the trunk of the car.绑匪将他的手脚捆绑起来,扔在汽车的后备箱里。be bound hand and foot, be tied hand and foot v expr (have hands and feet tied together)手脚被捆住The criminal was bound hand and foot so he couldn't bound hand and foot v expr figurative (inescapably obligated) (比喻)被完全束缚的;被严格约束的Every child is bound hand and foot by their parents' rules.每个孩子都被自己父母的规矩完全束缚。bow and arrow n (archery: weapon)弓箭备注: Used with a singular verb when referring to a system of weaponry, but with a plural verb when indicating the articles themselves.The crossbow replaced the bow and arrow as a weapon.bow and scrape v expr figurative (be servile)卑躬屈膝;点头哈腰bread and butter n (bread with butter spread on it)黄油面包A glass of milk with bread and butter for breakfast is the best.bread and butter n informal, figurative (livelihood)生计Cooking is his bread and butter; he's a chef.bread and butter, bread-and-butter adj informal, figurative (staple, basic)基本的break down and cry v expr (burst into tears)崩溃而哭Helen broke down and cried when she heard the sad news.breaking and entering n (breaking into property)非法入侵The youth was arrested on suspicion of breaking and entering the victim's home.bribery and corruption n (crime: abuse of legal power)贿赂及腐败Mayor Price's term in office was marked by many cases of bribery and corruption.bricks and mortar npl (building materials) (建筑材料)砖头与水泥We can either erect a fence around the garden or build a wall with bricks and mortar.bricks-and-mortar, brick-and-mortar n as adj (made of bricks and mortar)砖头水泥造的Most houses here are stick-built, but in countries where wood is expensive, they're bricks-and-mortar buildings.bricks-and-mortar n as adj figurative (existing physically: not virtual)实体的It's so easy to buy books on the internet but I prefer browsing in a bricks-and-mortar store on the High Street.bride and groom n (woman and man on their wedding day)新娘新郎The bride and groom were showered in confetti as they left the church.bright and early adj informal (at an early hour)大清早Let's start the hike bright and early so we can finish before it gets too and sister npl (male and female siblings)兄弟姐妹You can tell they're brother and sister; in fact, they both look just like their mother.bubble and squeak n UK (vegetable dish)卷心菜煎土豆,油煎土豆卷心菜Bubble and squeak originated as a way to use up leftover cabbage and and sell v expr (trade)交易buying and selling n (trade, business)贸易;交易by and by adv (in a while)以后;不久的将来by and by adv (eventually)不久后;过了一会儿Be patient! I'll get around to it by and and large adv (in general, on the whole)大概;大体上说Not everything about my job is good, but by and large, I enjoy it.我的工作也不是一切皆好的,不过大体上说,我很满意。by leaps and bounds, in leaps and bounds expr (rapidly)飞速,跨越式,突飞猛进The city has grown by leaps and bounds--the population has doubled in the last ten years.calico (US), tortoiseshell-and-white (UK) n as adj (cat: with colored markings) (动物)有斑点的,有斑纹的,花的The cat gave birth to one calico kitten and two white.那只猫生了一只斑点小猫和两只白色小猫。calm and collected, cool, calm and collected adj (person: composed)沉着冷静的,镇定自若的cap and gown n (formal academic clothing) (学位服)(大学毕业生的)方帽长袍cap-and-trade adj (denoting carbon trading) (碳排放交易)总量管制与排放交易的cash-and-carry, cash and carry n countable (kind of store)付现自运批发店cash-and-carry, cash and carry adj uncountable (paid at time of purchase)付现自运的cat and mouse expr figurative (gamelike relationship)欲擒故纵的关系;猫鼠般的关系cat and mouse n (children's game)猫鼠游戏cause and effect n (principle of causality)因果The law of cause and effect (Karma) is an important principle in Buddhism.cease and desist v expr (stop)停止并终止chapter and verse n (authority or exact reference)引经据典checks and balances npl (system: self-regulation)制衡There are many checks and balances in the system to ensure the minimum number of errors.chip shop, fish and chip shop n UK (take-away restaurant: sells fries)油炸食品店chop and change v expr informal (keep changing)不停改变cloak-and-dagger adj figurative (mysterious, furtive, sinister) (比喻)神秘兮兮的,秘密的It was a great cloak-and-dagger novel; nobody was what they first seemed.close the gap between [sth] and [sth] v expr figurative (equalize [sth])缩小…与...差距cock-and-bull story, cock and bull story n figurative, informal (far-fetched account)无稽之谈;荒唐的解释collar and tie adj (dress: formal)正式服装的;正装的collar and tie adj (event: requiring formal dress)正式活动的Our Sixth Form Prom was a collar and tie event.collide [sth], collide [sth] and [sth] vtr (smash two things together)使对冲;使对撞Scientists collided the particles in a reactor.combine [sth] with [sth], combine [sth] and [sth] vtr + prep (add together)联合...与...Combine the sum from this column with the sum from that column to get the total.将这一列的数字加那一列的数字,即可得到总数。come and get v expr informal (fetch)来拿;来取走If you want it come and get it, but you better hurry 'cause it's goin' fast.come and go v expr (walk to and fro)来来去去;来来往往During recess the students are allowed to come and go as they please.come and go v expr (be intermittent)不断变化;暂时停留The wireless reception is unreliable here, my connection keeps coming and going.come and go v expr (be fleeting)转瞬即逝;飞驰而过As the Great Depression taught us, financial security can come and go.come thick and fast v expr (be profuse and rapid)接踵而至;纷至沓来comings and goings npl (appearance and disappearance)来来去去Parole officers have to keep track of the comings and goings of and contrast [sth] and/with/to [sth] v expr (note similarities, differences)比较和对比The article compares and contrasts the works of Plato and Aristotle.complete and utter confusion n (lack of understanding)一片茫然;不知所云;被完全搞糊涂The man's complete and utter confusion was obvious from the look on his face; I don't think he had a clue what I was talking about.complete and utter confusion n (disorder)极度混乱;完全无序;混乱不堪The prankster shouted "Fire!", which threw the crowd into complete and utter confusion.恶作剧的人大喊 "着火了!",让人群陷入极度混乱当中。complimentary food and drink n (free refreshments)免费餐饮conflate [sth] and [sth] vtr (merge, bring together)合并…和;混合...和;混淆…和It is important to try not to conflate real people and stereotypes.continual coming and going n (movement: many people) (人群)不断来来往往The continual coming and going of library visitors made it impossible for me to concentrate.continual coming and going n (movement: one person) (个人)不停地来来去去contrast [sth] and/with [sth] vtr (show differences)对比...和...;将...与...相比Let me contrast the correct and incorrect posture for this dance.让我来对比一下这个舞蹈正确和错误的姿态。copy and paste [sth] vtr (copy data and insert it elsewhere) (计算机)复制粘贴It's easy to copy and paste text to move it from one part of your document to another.correlate [sth], correlate [sth] and [sth] vtr (relate two or more things)使彼此关联;使彼此联系Scientists can correlate brain activity and eye movement.cost an arm and a leg v expr slang, figurative (be expensive)价格昂贵country music, country and western music, country and western n (pop music style of western US)(尤指美国南部的)乡村音乐Garth Brooks dominated country music in the 1990's.加思·布鲁克斯主导了20世纪90年代的乡村音乐。country-and-western adj (of country music style)乡村音乐的Dolly Parton is a famous country-and-western singer.cowboys and Indians n (children's game) (一种儿童游戏的名称)西部牛仔和印第安人When we were kids we played cowboys and Indians.cross [sth], cross [sth] and [sth], cross [sth] with [sth] vtr (hybridize)杂交The biologist was trying to cross a rose and a lily.Cross my heart and hope to die interj infantile (promise) (引入语,强调陈述的事情属实)说实话,说到底Mum, I'll clean my room in the morning. Cross my heart and hope to die!cross my heart, cross my heart and hope to die interj (I promise, I swear)发誓;承诺cruel and unusual punishment n (treatment: barbaric) (法律)残酷的惩罚,酷刑The death penalty is considered cruel and unusual punishment in almost all civilized countries.在几乎所有的文明国家中,死刑都被认为是一种残酷的刑罚。Customs and Excise n UK, obsolete (tax department)海关与消费税局,海关备注: replaced by HM Revenue and CustomsThe matter has been referred to Customs & Excise.cut and paste [sth] v expr (move: text on screen) (计算机)剪贴To cut and paste text, first highlight the text you wish to move.cut and paste [sth] into [sth] v expr (move: text on screen)把...剪贴到...上You can cut and paste internet images into the word processing document.cut and run v expr (leave a place quickly)匆忙离开;慌忙逃离cut and run v expr informal (get out of a difficult situation quickly)摆脱困境cut and thrust n (sports: fencing move)肉搏战the cut and thrust of [sth] n figurative (lively competition)激战;激烈的竞争cut-and-dried, cut and dried adj figurative (already decided or prepared)已经定好的;预先准备好的备注: A hyphen is used when the adjective precedes the noun.The suspect offered the police a cut-and-dried explanation of his activity on the night of the crime.就犯罪当晚的行为,犯罪嫌疑人向警方提供了一份事先准备好的解释。cutting and sticking n (simple craft activity)剪黏;剪切与粘贴damned if you do, damned if you do and damned if you don't adj figurative (in no-win situation)怎么做都是错dark and gloomy adj (weather: with grey skies) (指天气)阴沉沉的Bring your coat with you - it's dark and gloomy out.dark and gloomy adj (mood, outlook: pessimistic) (指心情)阴郁的The economic forecast for the next year is dark and gloomy.dark and gloomy adj (scene, house: ominous grim) (场景、房子等)阴森的The place was dark and gloomy during the winter and night adv (all the time)日以继夜的;日夜无休的Edgar's been working day and night to get the house ready in in, day out, day in and day out adv informal (every day) (非正式用语)每天地,日复一日地It's so boring, doing the same thing day in, day out.日复一日的做同样的事情,真是太无聊了。dead and buried adj (dead, deceased)被杀死埋葬I remember my fourth grade teacher, but she's long since been dead and buried I'm sure.dead and buried adj (no longer in effect)不再生效;一堆废纸;一纸空文That law is dead and buried.dead and gone adj (dead, deceased)死亡;逝去Cyril has been dead and gone for over twenty years now.dead and gone adj figurative (long since over, finished)早已结束的The mining industry in this country is dead and gone.deaf and dumb adj dated, offensive (unable to hear, speak) (废弃)聋哑的debits and credits npl (expenditures and income) (会计)借入与贷出,借贷业务The first stage in creating accounting records is to record debits and credits.decide (between [sth] and [sth]) vi + prep (choose from among)从…和…中抉择;从…和…中选定I couldn't decide between the two dresses, so I bought both.我因为无法从两条裙子中做出抉择,所以两个都买了。declare [sth] null and void v expr (invalidate)宣布…无效Their business relationship ended when the judge declared their contract null and void.Department of Health and Human Services n (HHS: US government agency) (HHS: 美国政府机构)卫生与公众服务部Department of Health and Social Security n UK, obsolete (DHSS: former government ministry)卫生和社会保障部DHSS n UK, initialism, obsolete (Department of Health and Social Security)卫生和社会保障部differentiate between [sth] and [sth] vi + prep (see difference)区别…与…It can be hard to differentiate between a severe panic attack and a heart attack.dine and dash n (leaving restaurant without paying)吃完饭不付钱逃跑;吃霸王餐dinner and a movie n informal, US (entertainment: meal and cinema)晚餐电影;边吃饭边看电影Our first date was very traditional -- dinner and a movie.discriminate between [sth] and [sth] vi + prep (differentiate between things)区别;区分;辨别It's hard to discriminate between the individual cells.distinguish between [sth] and [sth] vi + prep (know the difference)区分;辨别I can't distinguish between the black and the dark brown.divide and rule expr (strategy to gain power)分而治之;各个击破do's and dont's npl (set of rules)规则;注意事项Mandy will explain the do's and don'ts of hosting a dinner in and out of [sth] v expr (weave in and out)在...里穿梭;在...里穿进穿出The car was speeding along the busy road, dodging in and out of the and pony show n informal, figurative, pejorative (event: to gain support) (习语)(为取得人们支持而进行的)表演,展示doom and gloom, gloom and doom n informal (pessimistic outlook) (非正式用语)前景堪忧;前景悲观dos and don'ts, do's and don'ts npl informal (rules and regulations)注意事项;小提示Here's a useful list of dos and don'ts for keeping tropical the i's and cross the t's, dot your i's and cross your t's v expr figurative (attend to detail)一丝不苟;注重细节down-and-out n informal (destitute person)落魄潦倒的人down-and-out, down and out adj informal (person: destitute)落魄的;贫困潦倒的When we met Rick again some years later, he was down-and-out and couldn't help us.draw a parallel between [sth] and [sth] v expr (identify as being similar)在...和...之间找到相似之处We can draw a parallel between restrictions on law making powers of the earliest British Parliaments, and that of the modern European Parliament.dribs and drabs npl informal (small amounts)零星;零零碎碎There are only dribs and drabs of information at the moment.drink and drive v expr (operate vehicle while drunk)酒后驾车It is illegal to drink and a wedge between [sb], drive a wedge between [sb] and [sb] v expr figurative (cause bad feeling between)在...和...间作梗;在...和...间挑拨离间I can't help feeling that your mother is trying to drive a wedge between us.ducks and drakes, duck and drake n (skipping stones on water) (游戏)打水漂play ducks and drakes with [sth], make ducks and drakes of [sth] v expr figurative (squander, handle recklessly) (金钱)打水漂each and every adj (all)所有的You need to check each and every quotation for word-for-word accuracy.each and every one pron (all)每一个;所有的Each and every one filed in and sat down.ear, nose, and throat (US), ear, nose and throat (UK) n as adj (ENT: relating to otorhinolaryngology)耳鼻喉的;耳鼻喉科的eat [sb] out of house and home v expr (eat so much as to strain [sb]'s funds)把...吃穷ebb and flow n (tidal movement)涨落The boats move gently at their moorings in response to the ebb and flow of the tide.ebb and flow n figurative (fluctuations)盛衰,起落;消长,此起彼伏Consumer spending on such products tends to follow the ebb and flow of the economy.ECDC n initialism (European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control)欧洲疾病预防控制中心emergency room (US), casualty department, accident and emergency (UK) n (hospital: casualty department)急诊室The ambulance took the injured man to the emergency room.The casualty department was filled with victims of the accident.ENT n as adj initialism (medicine: ear, nose, and throat)耳鼻喉;耳鼻喉科equal parts [sth] and [sth] adj (same quantities)等量的The cocktail is equal parts rum, vodka and orange juice.equal parts [sth] and [sth] adj figurative (both)两种相等的The show is equal parts tragedy and comedy.equate [sth], equate [sth] and [sth] vtr (consider equal)视为等同How can you equate wealth and moral authority?ever and anon, ever and again expr literary (now and then)偶尔;时而every now and again adv (occasionally)不时;偶尔I love a take-away curry every now and again.every now and then expr informal (occasionally)有时,有时候;时而,不时Every now and then, a stray cat comes into our yard.时不时就会有流浪猫跑进我们的院子。facts and figures expr (statistical information) (统计信息)事实和数字The poster shows facts and figures about the city's population.fair and square, fairly and squarely adv (win: without cheating) (赢、获胜)公平地,公正地,光明正大地My nine-year-old daughter played a great game of chess; she beat me fair and square.fall for [sth] hook, line and sinker v expr figurative, informal (be duped)彻底上当;完全受骗;被骗得团团转She's so gullible, she fell for his story hook, line, and sinker.far and away expr (by a large margin)远远far and wide expr (in or to many places)四处;到处Alice searched far and wide for the perfect place to live, but eventually she decided to live in her hometown.fauna and flora n from Latin (animals and plants)动植物Many people visit the nature reserve to study its fauna and flora.FDA n US, initialism (Food and Drug Administration) (缩写,美式英语)食品和药物管理局fetch and carry v expr (do menial tasks)杂活;打杂;打下手fetch and carry for [sb] v expr (do chores, run errands for [sb])为某人打杂;给某人打下手;帮某人做杂活few and far between adj colloquial (rare)罕见的;寥寥无几的These days, public telephone boxes are few and far between.fight like cats and dogs v expr figurative (disagree ferociously)打成一团;打得不可开交Those three boys are always fighting like cats and dogs.fight tooth and nail v expr idiom (fight fiercely)全力以赴地斗争, 拼命斗争, 坚决斗争I'll fight tooth and nail to make a name for myself as an actor.我会竭尽全力让自己成为一个有名的演员。fine line between [sth] and [sth], a fine line between [sth] and [sth] n figurative (little distinction)微小的差别There's a fine line between genius and insanity.天才和疯子间只有一线之隔。fire-and-brimstone, fire and brimstone n as adj figurative (preaching damnation)炼狱之苦的备注: Hyphens may be used when the adjective precedes the noun.first and foremost adv (primarily)首先First and foremost, let's review the minutes from last week's meeting.首先,让我们回顾一下上周的会议记录。first and foremost adv (above all else)首要地;最主要地What parents want, first and foremost, is for their child to be happy.父母最想要的是让他们的孩子快乐。first and last adv (above all else)首要地;最主要地His son's education comes first and last in his and chips n UK (British fried meal) (英国常见食品)炸鱼加炸薯条; (用作单数)出售炸鱼加炸薯条的小店Fish and chips is a common Friday-night meal in the UK.fix [sb] up with [sb], fix up [sb] and [sb] v expr informal (pair romantically)安排…和…约会,给…和…做媒;把…和…撮合在一起Joan is trying to fix me up with one of her single friends.琼正试着撮合我和她的一个单身朋友。fixtures and fittings npl (features of interior décor)固定设施和装置,固定内饰flesh and blood n (human body, human nature)血肉之躯;人性flesh and blood n (relative, offspring)亲人;亲骨肉flotsam and jetsam n figurative (discarded items, junk)无价值物;零碎杂物FO n UK, initialism (Foreign Office) (英国)外交部food and drink n (food industry, sector)饮食业Food and drink is big business in the United States.饮食业是美国的一大产业。food and drink npl (refreshments)食物和饮料There will be food and drink at the reception following the concert.Food and Drug Administration n US (government health agency)美国食品药品管理局for ever and ever adv (for eternity)永永远远;永恒地Charles promised to love Lucy for ever and ever.for s***s and giggles expr vulgar, informal (just for fun)只是好玩;仅为了好玩fore and aft adv (at both ends of a boat or ship)在船头和船尾The lifeboats are located fore and aft.forever and a day adv poetic (for all eternity)永远地;永久地;极其长久地I shall love thee forever and a day!forever and ever expr (for all time)永远;直到永远I will remember this day forever and ever.forgive and forget v expr (be reconciled)宽恕并遗忘;彻底宽恕Rather than simply forgive and forget, Nicholas became more and more angry.freedom of speech and expression n (right to express oneself freely)言论自由;表达自由Freedom of speech and expression broadens the concept of free speech to include the visual arts, music, and so on.French and Indian War, UK: Seven Years' War n (18th-century war) (18世纪的战争)法国印第安人战争England took control of Quebec in the French and Indian War.full of piss and vinegar adj figurative, vulgar, slang (person: energetic, lively) (比喻)打了鸡血似的;活蹦乱跳的;精力充沛的Well, aren't you full of piss and vinegar today! Why so enthusiastic?fun and games (frivolous activity) (比喻不严肃的活动)过家家fuse [sth], fuse [sth] and [sth], fuse [sth] with [sth] vtr (join)融和;结合This film fuses horror and humour to provide both frights and laughs.这部电影结合了恐怖和幽默,这样既有恐惧又有欢笑。get up and go, get-up-and-go n slang (energy, motivation)干劲;进取心Alan has plenty of get up and go, and is always busy with some new project.get worse and worse v expr (continue to deteriorate)每况愈下;越来越糟If we keep using fossil fuels, global warming will get worse and worse.如果我们继续使用化石燃料,全球变暖现象将会越来越严重。gin and tonic n (alcoholic drink)杜松子酒补剂give a dog a bad name and hang him expr (a bad reputation is hurtful)有事说事,别拿狗撒气;欲加之罪,何患无辞give and take, give-and-take n informal (compromise) (非正式用语)互相让步妥协,互相让步Marriage is all about give and take between the partners.give and take, give-and-take n informal (conversation)讨论;谈话give [sb] chapter and verse on [sth] v expr figurative (tell [sb] [sth] in detail)向某人详细描述go ahead and do [sth] v expr informal (do [sth] with permission)去做...吧Yes, of course you can have a snack; go ahead and help yourself to whatever you want.是的,你当然可以吃零食了。去吧,你想吃什么就吃什么。go ahead and do [sth] v expr informal (do [sth] without permission) (未经许可)还是做了Sarah's parents said she couldn't go to the party, but she went ahead and did it anyway.I didn't have time to ask my boss if she wanted me to deal with the problem; I just went ahead and did it.莎拉的父母说她不能去参加派对,但她还是去了。//我没有时间问老板是否要我去处理这个问题,于是我就这么做了。go and do [sth] v expr colloquial (proceed to do)去做...Could you go and get some bread from the shop, please? If you see a crime being committed, you should go and tell a police officer.go and do [sth] v expr informal (do [sth] foolish)做蠢事My stupid brother went and broke his leg the day before the race!我的蠢弟弟居然在赛跑前一天把腿摔坏了!go and get [sth/sb] v expr informal (fetch)去卖;去获得;去弄到Dan asked his son to go and get some milk from the local supermarket.go back and forth v expr (move to and fro)往返;来来往往Mario was having treatment for cancer and was going back and forth to hospital.go back and forth v expr figurative (vacillate)犹豫不决;踌躇Ian was going back and forth about whether this was the right thing for him.go get (US), go and get (UK) v expr informal (fetch)去拿;去取Would you please go get the bag I left behind in the car?go in one ear and out the other v expr figurative, informal (instructions, advice: be ignored)一个耳朵进,另一个耳朵出;当耳旁风go on and on v expr (continue for a long time)不停;没完没了go on and on v expr informal (talk for a long time)喋喋不休go on and on about [sth/sb] vtr slang (talk incessantly about) (俚语)喋喋不休地说,不休止地说She went on and on about the various celebrities she'd met.go to get [sth/sb] v expr (fetch)去拿;去取回goods and services npl (business: items for purchase)产品和服务grin and bear it v expr (suffer without complaint)默默忍受;逆来顺受grit your teeth and do [sth] v expr figurative (endure [sth])咬紧牙关忍住(愤怒等)Bill had no choice but to grit his teeth and put up with the [sth] together, group [sth] and [sth] together vtr + adv figurative (class in same category) (比喻)把…归于一类Rabbits and hares are often grouped together in wildlife books.hale and hearty adj (in good health)身体健康的,身体好的half-and-half n US (cream)稀奶油half-and-half n (equal parts of two things)两者各半You want a mixture of half-and-half milk and cream.hammer and sickle n (communist symbol) (共产主义象征)锤子镰刀备注: Used with a singular or plural verbThe hammer and sickle is a communist symbol.The hammer and sickle are a symbol of communism.hand in glove, also US: hand and glove expr figurative (in partnership)亲密合作;紧密合作The mayor and the contractor were working hand in glove to get the project approved.hand in glove, also US: hand and glove adj figurative (in partnership)密切合作的The government and the tech giants are hand in glove when it comes to the issue of privacy infringement.hand in glove with [sb/sth], also US: hand and glove with [sb/sth] adj + prep figurative (in partnership)与...密切合作的Organized crime bosses worked hand in glove with the construction industry.hard-and-fast adj (rule: strictly enforced) (规则等)不能更改的,不容变通的The company has no hard-and-fast dress code, but everyone wears a business suit.hard-and-fast rule n (rule: unbreakable)不能变通的规则;硬性规则There's no hard-and-fast rule about what makes good picnic food.hare and hounds, paper chase, paperchase n (game) (一种撒纸追踪游戏)猎犬追兔游戏The children were playing hare and hounds in the head and shoulders above [sb/sth], stand head and shoulders above [sb/sth] v expr figurative (be vastly superior to)远远胜过;远远优于George's essay was head and shoulders above those of the rest of the class.乔治的作文远远胜过班上其他学生的作文。health and safety n (regulations that protect people)健康和安全规则;健康和安全准则Catering staff must be trained in health and safety.heart and soul adv figurative (with all one's being)完全地,完整地;全心全意地;倾注心血地Miranda threw herself heart and soul into her performance of the song.米兰达在歌曲的演唱中倾注了自己的心血。heart and soul n figurative (vital part of [sth])核心, 要害These new laws strike at the very heart and soul of our democracy.hearth and home n (domestic realm)家园heaven and earth n (the whole universe)宇宙,乾坤;天地;万物The chief inspector vowed he would move heaven and earth to bring the killers to justice.hem and haw (US), hum and haw (UK) v expr informal (hesitate)犹豫不决;迟疑When his mother confronted him about his grades, Harry hemmed and and now n (present situation)此刻;目前;当前Stop worrying so much about the future - live for the here and now!here and now adv (in this place and time)此时此刻Forget about long-term solutions - I want to know what can be done about the problem here and and there adv (in various places)四处;各处;到处He lived an aimless existence, wandering here and there but never settling and there adv (from time to time)偶尔地;时不时地My neighbour's accent is so strong; I can make out a word here and there, but I can't really follow what he says.hide-and-seek, also US: hide-and-go-seek n (children's game) (游戏)捉迷藏A group of children played hide-and-go-seek in the public park.high and dry adj figurative (person: abandoned) (人)被抛弃的,无依无靠的,孤立无援的,孤独无助的When he left her, she found herself high and dry with no income and nowhere to live.high and low adv (all over the place, everywhere)到处;处处I searched high and low for my glasses but couldn't find them.high and mighty, high-and-mighty adj (self-important, arrogant)自以为是的;自高自大的;趾高气昂的He's been acting high and mighty since his promotion.highways and byways npl (roads and pathways)干道和支路I spent my holiday exploring the highways and byways of Cornwall.hints and tips npl (helpful tricks and suggestions)提示和窍门hit and miss, hit-and-miss, hit or miss, hit-or-miss adj (unpredictable, unreliable)有时命中有时没有命中的;不论成功与否;胡乱地The weather is very hit and miss for July - rain one day, sunshine the next.hit-and-run n (fleeing the scene after a collision)肇事逃逸The collision would have been considered an accident, but after the driver sped off it became a hit-and-run.hit-and-run vi (baseball) (棒球战术)打带跑,打跑hit-and-run n (baseball) (棒球战术)打带跑,打跑A hit-and-run is a risky strategy that potentially has a high reward.hit-and-run driver n ([sb]: leaves accident scene)肇事逃逸司机The police went to auto body repair shops to find the hit-and-run driver's car.hither and thither, also US: hither and yon adv (from one place to another)到处, 四处The film set was a hive of activity, with assistants running hither and thither.HM Revenue and Customs, HMRC n (UK tax collection agency)英国税务海关总署home and dry expr UK, informal (having achieved your goal)达到目标;大功告成hook and eye n (two-piece fastening)风纪扣;钩眼扣hook-and-eye n as adj (relating to a hook and eye)风纪扣的;钩眼扣的hook, line and sinker expr figurative, informal (completely)完全地;毫无保留地"Did your mother fall for your excuse?" "Yes! Hook, line and sinker!"horse-and-buggy n as adj (relating to the pre-automotive era)马车时代的horse-and-buggy n as adj figurative (old-fashioned)过时的,守旧的hot and bothered, all hot and bothered adj informal (flustered)紧张激动的Larry got hot and bothered during his and bothered, all hot and bothered adj informal, euphemism (sexually excited)性兴奋的Just looking at Rachel gets me all hot and bothered.hub-and-spoke n (air traffic system) (航空)幅射式系統hub-and-spoke n as adj (denoting air traffic system)幅射式系統的huff and puff v expr informal (be out of breath)气喘吁吁He huffed and puffed after the long race.huff and puff v expr (blow)吹气The wolf said to the three little pigs, "I'll huff and I'll puff, and I'll blow your house down!".hugging and kissing n (sexual: petting)拥抱;亲吻;亲热Hugging and kissing in public is taboo in many cultures.hugs and kisses expr informal (letter, note: sign-off) (信件、便条结尾)亲亲抱抱She ended the email with "See you soon! Hugs and kisses, Ellie."a hundred and one expr figurative (very many)许多, 很多hundreds and thousands npl UK (cake decoration: sugar beads)裱花糖粒;裱花蜜饯hunt and peck, hunt-and-peck n informal (typing: using one or two fingers)二指禅打字备注: Hyphenated before a noun.hunt high and low vi (search everywhere)四处寻找I hunted high and low for my keys, but they were nowhere to be found.husband and wife npl (married heterosexual couple)夫妻John and I became husband and wife ten years ago today.hustle and bustle n (activity)喧嚣;喧闹;熙熙攘攘I prefer the hustle and bustle of a big city to the quiet of the countryside.IBRD n initialism (bank name) (世界银行)国际复兴开发银行if and only if conj (on the strict condition that) (强调用语)在…情况下而且只有在此种情况下I'll help you, if and only if, you promise to do your part.if and when expr (possibly in the future)如果那时;只有当....的时候Immigration and Customs Enforcement n US (ICE: immigration agency) (美国)移民和海关执法局in and of itself expr (intrinsically)本身The plan isn't bad in and of itself, but it may have unintended and out adv informal (there and back)来去;往返Keep the car running - I'll be in and out in five minutes.让车发动着,我五分钟内就能出来。in and out of [sth] adv + prep informal (present briefly)在...上匆匆露面;来去匆匆于He was in and out of the meeting so fast, we barely noticed black and white adv (without colour)单色地;黑白地I prefer to develop my photographs in black and black and white adv (in writing)白纸黑字写下来的, 书面形式的I didn't believe he was dead until I saw it in the newspaper in black and white. The will states clearly in black and white that all the money should go to me.在看到报纸上的文字前,我一直不相信他已经死了。这遗嘱书面明确说明所有的钱都应该归我。in black and white adv figurative (explicitly)明确的, 白纸黑字的We'll set out the terms of our offer in black and white so there can be no dribs and drabs expr informal (a little at a time)零零星星地;一点一点地We painted the house in dribs and drabs, so it took a year.The donations came in in dribs and fits and starts adv informal (in an erratic way)间歇地;断断续续;忽作忽止I've only been writing my novel in fits and starts so it's going quite sickness and in health adv (no matter what happens)无论风雨晴晦;无论顺境逆境Tony has always taken seriously his vows to love his wife in sickness and in the by-and-by expr (in the future)在未来in the here and now expr (in the immediate present)眼下;此时此地;当前in this day and age expr slightly informal (in modern times)在这个时代;在当今世界No one writes hand-written letters in this day and age.It is difficult to believe that slavery is still tolerated in this day and word and deed adv (in what [sb] says and does)言行地The Greek Prime Minister stressed that his country supports Lebanon in word and deed.ins and outs npl informals (details)详细情况;细节The ins and outs of their relationship don't interest me.inside and out adv (all over, thoroughly)彻底地;完全地As the understudy to the lead, she had to know the part inside and out.interconnect [sth], interconnect [sth] and [sth] vtr (connect up, link)使...和...相互连接If you have multiple computers in your home, you can set up a network to interconnect them.interconnect [sth], interconnect [sth] and [sth] vtr figurative (link up)使...与... 相联系interlink [sth], interlink [sth] and [sth] vtr (connect up)联结...与...You need to interlink the car and the trailer securely.interlink [sth], interlink [sth] and [sth] vtr figurative (interconnect)将...与...相联;让...与...互联intermingle [sth] and [sth], intermingle [sth] with [sth] vtr (mix together)使…与…混合The artist is famous for intermingling life and death in her pieces.这位艺术家因将生与死融入作品而闻名。intertwine [sth], intertwine [sth] and [sth] vtr (join by twisting together)把…拧到一起;把…扭到一起Intertwine the loose ends of the cord and tuck them in.把绳子放松的两头拧在一起并将它们塞进去。interweave [sth], interweave [sth] and [sth] vtr (join by threading together)交织A braid is made by interweaving three sections of hair.interweave [sth], interweave [sth] and [sth] vtr + prep figurative (interconnect)紧密结合In this poem, the poet successfully interwove happiness and anger.在这首诗中,诗人成功地将幸福和愤怒结合在一起。Jekyll and Hyde, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (US), Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde (UK) n figurative (person: alternately good, evil)双重人格;人前一面;背后一面;人前谦谦君子;人后作恶多端I'll never marry him! In public, he's Dr. Jekyll, but behind closed doors, he's Mr. Hyde.我绝不会嫁给他!在公共场合,他是彬彬有礼的谦谦君子,可是关上门来,他却是无恶不作的坏蛋。join [sth], join [sth] and/with [sth] vtr (connect)连接;接合He joined the two puzzle pieces together.他把两张拼图卡片连了起来。join together [sth] and/with [sth] vi + adv (connect)将…和…连接起来,将…和…拼接在一起jumble up [sth] and [sth] v expr (mix up)把…和…混合在一起jump up and down v expr (bounce)上下跳,跳动If you jump up and down on the spot for one minute, you will probably end up out of breath.jump up and down v expr informal, figurative (be very excited)非常兴奋;欣喜若狂;暴跳如雷You should have seen her; she was jumping up and down with excitement.juxtapose [sth], juxtapose [sth] and [sth] vtr (place side by side)把…并排放置The artist juxtaposes beauty and ugliness in his paintings.这位艺术家在画作中同时表现美与丑。keep [sth] together, keep [sth] and [sth] together vtr + adv (store in one place)将…存放在一起I keep all my shoes together in a cupboard in my room.我将所有的鞋子都放置在我房间的橱柜里。kiss and make up v expr informal, figurative (be reconciled)和好;言归于好The pair kissed and made up after a nine-year feud.kiss and tell vi informal (reveal [sth] private for money)泄密;告密kiss-and-tell adj informal (revealing [sth] private for money)泄密的;告密的kith and kin npl invariable (friends and family)亲友;家人朋友It is important to protect your kith and kin.knife and fork npl (cutlery, eating implements)刀叉When planning a party menu, avoid meats that require cutting up with a knife and fork.know the ins and outs of [sth] v expr informal (be familiar with features)知道了来龙去脉;了解所有详情Chloe clearly knows the ins and outs of the real estate business.ladies and gentlemen interj formal (salutation, form of address) (称呼)女士们先生们Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention, please?land of milk and honey n (Biblical: Promised Land) (出自《圣经》)应许之地,希望之乡,乐土land of milk and honey n figurative (place of prosperity and fertility) (比喻)富饶肥沃之地A lot of Europeans migrated to the USA in the 19th century believing it to be a land of milk and honey.latitude and longitude npl (global position, location)经纬度The captain marked the ship's latitude and longitude on his and order n (social discipline)治安The government sent troops to restore law and order to areas where violence had broken out.leave [sb] high and dry v expr often passive (person: abandon)抛弃...leave [sth] high and dry v expr often passive (ship: ground, beach) (船)让…搁浅The fishing boats were left high and dry when the tide went out.less and less adv (to a progressively smaller degree)越来越少地As I get older I like the hot weather less and less every n as adj figurative (vitally important)生死攸关的, 重大的likes and dislikes npl informal (preferences)好恶,爱憎link [sth], link [sth] and [sth] vtr (connect)连接,接合;联系They linked the two carriages to form a longer train.他们把两节车厢连接在一起,加长了列车长度。ⓘ这句话不是该英语句子的翻译。 这位球星的名字因为那篇报道而与那位模特的名字联系在了一起。link up [sth] and [sth] v expr (connect: two things together)将…与…连接起来live and breathe [sth] v expr figurative (be passionately interested in [sth]) (比喻)将…视为生命When I was a teenager I lived and breathed ballet.Her boyfriend lives and breathes football; nothing else seems to interest and learn v expr (gain knowledge and experience)真是活到老学到老;真想不到Live and learn is my motto; we all learn from our own mistakes.I never knew that was possible.Well, you live and and let live v expr (be tolerant of others)自己活也要让别人活Those two men used to fight a lot, but now they have decided to live and let as husband and wife v expr (cohabit as a couple)同居;夫妻共同生活They might as well be married; they've been living for years as husband and wife.lo and behold expr (expression of surprise) (表达惊讶)你看看;真没想到I was just saying that I hadn't seen Nick for ages, and lo and behold, I got a text message from him.lock, stock, and barrel expr figurative, informal (entirely)全部地,完全地,一股脑地the long and short of it is, the long and the short of it is that expr informal (in summary)长话短说;简而言之The long and short of it is that I'm pregnant.look [sb] up and down v expr (examine, scrutinize [sb])打量;上下打量lord and master n ([sb] with total power, boss)老板;头儿I need to ask my lord and master for permission to take a holiday.My Lords and Ladies npl (addressing aristocracy)贵族们, 领主和夫人lords-and-ladies, also UK: cuckoopint, cuckoo-pint, cuckoo pint n (plant of Araceae family)斑叶阿若母备注: Used with a singular verb.lords-and-ladies n colloquial (flowering plant)斑叶阿若母, 白星海芋, 马蹄莲备注: Used with a singular verb.lost-and-found department, lost and found, lost-and-found n (place lost items are deposited)失物招领处loud and clear adv (loudly and clearly)清楚响亮地I hear you loud and clear; we'll do the project your way.loud and clear adj figurative (obvious)清楚明白的;一清二楚的The voters sent a loud and clear message in favor of reforms.lump together [sth/sb] and [sth/sb], lump [sth/sb] and [sth/sb] together vtr + adv (group together)把…与…归并在一起;把…与…混为一谈The politician's remarks lumped his rival and various criminal enterprises together unrealistically.mac and cheese n informal (pasta with cheese sauce)芝士通心粉macaroni and cheese (US), macaroni cheese (UK) n uncountable (pasta with cheese sauce)奶酪通心粉Children almost always love macaroni and cheese.make a song and dance about [sth] v expr informal, figurative (make a fuss)对…大惊小怪,对…小题大做Stop making such a song and dance about it! It's not that big a deal.make do and mend v expr UK (reuse and recycle clothing, etc.)凑合着用many and various adj (diverse)各种各样的;五花八门的There are many and various types of plants and animals in a rain forest.marriage of [sth] with [sth], marriage of [sth] and [sth] n figurative (union)…与…的结合,…与…的联合Our products are the perfect marriage of style and functionality.我们的产品是款式与实用性的完美结合。match [sth] up, match up [sth] and [sth] v expr (pair)使…配对;使…和…成对I don't mind washing and ironing, but I hate matching up all the socks.我不介意洗熨,但我讨厌配对所有的袜子。materials and labor (US), materials and labour (UK) npl (basic costs of a project)人力物力;人工和材料The materials and labor involved with the Golden Gate Bridge project were enormous.a matter of life and death, a matter of life or death, a life-or-death matter n (issue of vital importance)生死攸关的问题;紧要问题Getting out of a burning house fast is a matter of life and death.meld [sth], meld [sth] and [sth] vtr (blend, merge)使合并;使融合The winemakers melded Merlot and Cabernet Sauvignon in their new blend.merge [sth] and [sth] vtr (mix, blend together)使融合;混合...和...The artist merged the green and the blue in her painting.这位艺术家在画中融合了绿色与蓝色。merge [sth] and [sth] into [sth], merge [sth] into [sth] v expr (combine to make [sth])把…合并成…;把…和…合并成…Alex tried to merge his bank accounts into one.艾利克斯试图将他多个银行账户合并成一个。miles and miles npl (a long distance)很远,很远很远We drove for miles and miles to find it.mind your p's and q's v expr informal (show good manners)谨言惧行mingle [sth], mingle [sth] and [sth] vtr (combine, mix)将…与…混合;混合…The witness's account mingled truth and lies until you couldn't tell which was which.目击证人的供述真假混合,让你简直分不清哪是哪。mix [sth] and [sth] vtr + conj (blend)将...与...混合We mixed red and yellow paint to create orange paint.我们把红色涂料和黄色涂料混和调成橙色涂料。mix [sth] and [sth] together, mix together [sth] and [sth] vtr + adv (combine, blend)将...掺在一起;将...混合在一起If you mix blue and red together, you get purple.mix up [sb] and [sb], mix up [sb] with [sb] v expr (identities: confuse) (人)将…错认为,将…与…搞混I always mix up Scarlett Johansson and Amber Heard; to me they look really alike!我总是将斯嘉丽·约翰逊与艾梅柏·希尔德搞混,就我而言她们长得实在太像了!more and more adv (increasingly)越来越…The world is getting more and more developed.全世界越来越发达了。more and more adj (increasing in amount or number)越来越多They are building more and more strip malls every day.人们每天都在建造越来越多的商业街。morning, noon and night expr (at all times)从早到晚;一直mortar and pestle, pestle and mortar npl (bowl and stick used for grinding)研钵和杵move heaven and earth v expr figurative (do everything in one's power) (比喻)想方设法,竭尽所能If I could I would move heaven and earth to make him well again.I will move heaven and earth to achieve my goals.mover and shaker n ([sb] who has influence)有权势的人munge together [sth] and [sth] vtr + adv (combine: computer data)将...与...篡改在一起name and address npl (personal details)姓名住址Please give me your name and address and I will add you to the mailing list.near and far adj (close and distant)远远近近Focusing the camera can be a problem in shots where objects are near and far.near and far, far and near adv (everywhere)到处;四处We hunted near and far for that missing shoe.People came from near and far to see the boy wonder play the piano.nearest and dearest npl (close friends, relatives)最亲近的人备注: Usually preceded by a possessiveWe always spend this holiday with our nearest and dearest.neck and neck adj (competitors: even)并驾齐驱的These two candidates are neck and neck for the job.neck and neck adv (competitors: even) (比赛、竞争等)不分上下地,平分秋色地;胜负难分地,难分仲伯地Until to the last lap, the horses were running neck and neck.nice and adj + conj (+ adj: pleasantly)很It's nice and cool under this parasol.在这把阳伞下,感觉很凉爽。nickel-and-dime adj US, figurative (trivial)微不足道的nickel-and-dime [sb] vtr US (charge for trivial items)只收一点小钱night and day adv (all the time, constantly)日夜;夜以继日We worked night and day to meet the deadline.I have been working night and day to get this project finished on time.nip and tuck n (cosmetic surgery)拉皮手术, 去皱整容手术Tessa has consulted a cosmetic surgeon about having a nip and tuck.nip and tuck adj figurative, informal (race: very close or inconclusive)势均力敌That race was so nip and tuck that I had no idea who would win until the very more and no less n (an equal amount or degree)不多不少;正好Put in one pint of oil, no more and no more and no less adv (equally)和…相比不多不少;和…完全一样The dental treatment hurt no more and no less than the last more and no less adj (exactly)不多不少的;刚刚好的I will accept the proper fee, no more and no and again adv (occasionally)时而;偶尔;有时Now and again I forget who I'm talking to and call him by his first and forever adv (for eternity)现在到永远My darling, I love you now and and then adv (occasionally)有时;不时;偶尔My grandpa drinks a pint now and then. We go out for dinner now and then, but not very often.我爷爷不时就会喝个一品脱的酒。我们偶尔出去吃晚餐,但并不常常。null and void adj (not valid)无效的A new law makes our contract null and void.nut and bolt n (steel fastening)螺母和螺栓,螺帽和螺栓nuts and bolts npl (types of screws)螺帽和螺栓,螺丝I need some nuts and bolts before I can start construction.nuts and bolts npl figurative (practical details)具体细节,基本要点I can show you all the nuts and bolts of the business.Occupational Safety and Health Administration n (governmental organization)职业安全与健康管理局;职业健康和安全局odd and even, odd or even, odds or evens n (betting game) (一种游戏)猜单双odds and ends npl informal (small miscellaneous items) (非正式用语)零碎的东西,零星杂物My desk drawer contains lots of odds and ends.odds and sods npl slang (small miscellaneous items) (俚语)杂七杂八的玩意儿off and on, on and off adv informal (intermittently) (关系)时断时续We dated off and on for several years before we finally broke up.oil and vinegar n (vinaigrette, salad dressing)油和醋备注: May take a plural verbOil and vinegar is a salad dressing mix often recommended for people on diets.old and worn adj (showing signs of use)用旧的;破旧的;老旧的It's time to throw out that old and worn pair of shoes.on and off adv (intermittently)时断时续Jan has been going to the gym on and off for the past six months.过去六个月间,简时断时续地去健身房健身。;on and off adv (switch)时开时关The computer screen keeps flickering on and off.电脑屏幕时开时关地闪个不停。on and on adv (continuously and tediously)继续不停地The road through the desert seemed to go on and on forever.on pins and needles adv figurative (nervous, on edge) (比喻)如坐针毡,坐立不安,紧张,焦虑,心绪不宁I was on pins and needles as I waited for the doctor to tell me the results of the biopsy.on the straight and narrow expr figurative (in a respectable way)规规矩矩地做人;正派的做人之道Matt has always lived his life on the straight and narrow; he's never even gotten a parking ticket!on the up and up, on the up adv UK, informal (increasingly successful)日渐成功;稳步上升on the up and up adv US, informal (legitimate, not illegal)合法once and again expr US (repeatedly)一而再;再三once and for all adv (for the final time)一次了结地;彻底地You said yes, then you said no. Tell me once and for all, will you marry me?one and all expr (everyone)大家,所有人one and the same n (same person or thing)同一个人;同一个东西;完全相同的东西At the end of the story, the boy and his twin were revealed to be one and the same!onward and upward, onwards and upwards adv figurative (increasingly successful)不断改善;向更好的方向(发展)Our marketing campaign is moving onward and upward.onward and upward, onwards and upwards interj figurative (keep succeeding)蒸蒸日上, 百尺竿头, 欣欣向荣We've done well, but have to keep things going. Onwards and upwards!open-and-shut adj (easily accomplished)容易解决的open-and-shut case n figurative, informal (crime: easily solved)容易侦破的案子;容易解决的问题This is an open-and-shut case of police case n figurative, informal (matter: easily solved)易如反掌, 轻而易举There is an open-and-shut case to build the pipeline.out and about adv (busy, active outside the home)外出走动He's always out and about these days - I hardly ever see him at home.这些日子他总是在外出走动,我几乎在家里都见不着他。out-and-out adj informal (complete, absolute)完全的,彻底的,不折不扣的That's an out-and-out lie; I never said any of that!over and above [sth] expr (in addition to)多于...;超过...;除...之外The athlete trains for 2 hours per day, and that's over and above his practice sessions with teammates.over and out interj (used to end a radio transmission) (无线电通讯用语)完毕并关机over and over adv (repeatedly, again and again)一再,一而再再而三;多次,一次又一次My sister drove me nuts, singing that same song over and over. Gymnasts and figure skaters have to practice each routine over and over.我妹妹一而再再而三地唱同一首歌,快要把我逼疯了。体操选手和花样滑冰选手必须一次又一次地练习每一套动作。over and over adv (round and round)一圈又一圈The car rolled over and over and eventually came to rest on its roof.那辆车翻滚了一圈又一圈,最终车顶向下地停住了。over and over again adv (repeatedly)再三;反复不断地;一次又一次My kid keeps singing "Yellow Submarine" over and over again, and it is starting to drive me crazy! The police asked me the same question over and over again.over the hills and far away expr (into the distance)高山远海;天涯海角The horseman disappeared over the hills and far away.p's and q's (manners, behavior)得体的举止;礼貌的行为pace up and down v expr (walk back and forth)来回踱步painter and decorator, house painter and decorator n ([sb] who paints homes, etc.)油漆工;油漆装饰工park-and-ride n (bus service from town outskirts)停车换乘park-and-ride adj (relating to bus service)停车换乘的part and parcel of [sth] n figurative (integral part of whole)有机组成部分;不可分割的部分Patent and Trademark attorney n US (copyright lawyer)专利和商标律师peace and love npl (1960s counterculture ideals)爱与和平peace and quiet n (calm, lack of interruptions)安宁;平和安静peanut butter and jelly sandwich n US (food: children's favorite)花生酱和果冻三明治Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches are a staple on the children's menu.pick and choose v expr informal (be fussy) (非正式用语)挑挑拣拣Salad bars allow customers to pick and choose from a wide selection of vegetables.pick and choose v expr (take [sth] selectively, not in its entirety)仔细挑拣pins and needles n literal, informal (prickly feeling in a limb)针扎般的发麻I get pins and needles in my legs if I sit in the same position for too long.pins and needles n figurative (excitement, anticipation)迫不及待I'm on pins and needles waiting for my exam results.piss and moan v expr vulgar, slang (complain, whine)抱怨,唧唧歪歪,婆婆妈妈I don't want to hear any more pissing and moaning about not being able to use your cell phones, kids - we're camping!pitch and putt n (golf on miniature course)迷你高尔夫Dan and I played a game of pitch and putt.pitch-and-putt adj (relating to golf on miniature course)迷你高尔夫的plant and animal life n (living organisms)动植物play fast and loose with [sth] v expr slang (do [sth] recklessly) (俚语)草率做某事;贸然做某事play fast and loose with [sth] v expr slang (do [sth] deceitfully) (俚语)用欺骗的方法做某事Plug and Play, plug and play n ® (computing: automatic installation) (计算机)即插即用备注: As a registered trademark, "Plug and Play" should be capitalized, but it is usually not capitalized in informal communication.Plug and Play allows the operating system to detect new hardware and configure it automatically.Plug and Play, Plug-and-Play, plug-and-play adj ® (computer: works automatically) (计算机)即插即用的,直接自动运行的备注: As a registered trademark, "Plug and Play" should be capitalized, but it is usually not capitalized in informal communication.pomp and circumstance n (ceremony)大场面The royal couple were married in pomp and circumstance.pots and pans npl (cookware)炊具;烹饪用具;锅碗瓢盆I'll wash the pots and pans if you dry them and put them away.pride and joy n informal (person: most loved)令某人骄傲和快乐的人(或物)She is her parents' pride and joy.pride and joy n informal (thing: most treasured)视若珍宝John's restored vintage motorcycle was his pride and joy.pros and cons npl (advantages and disadvantages)利弊She weighed the pros and cons of the situation before making a decision.We're making a list of the pros and cons of living in and con expr (for and against)利弊Before making her decision, Maria made a list of arguments, pro and expr (for and against)赞成与反对The class debated the pro-and-con arguments around nuclear power.profit and loss (economics)盈亏;盈利与亏损Punch-and-Judy show n (traditional puppet show)木偶戏表演;傀儡戏pure and simple adj informal (sheer, utter)纯粹是;完全是Those Wall Street bankers are crooks, pure and simple.That is nothing more than extortion, pure and simple.put [sb] in touch, put [sb] and [sb] in touch v expr informal (connect: with [sb] else)使联系You've never met Jeff before, but I can put you in touch.put two and two together v expr figurative, informal (deduce [sth]) (比喻,非正式用语)(依据事实)推理、推断I think you can figure out who sent you the Valentine's Day card: just put two and two together!put your heart and soul into [sth] v expr figurative (devote yourself to)投身于;全身心投入Q and A, Q&A, Q & A n (questions and answers)问答;问答环节question-and-answer session n (conference)答疑大会;答问会;释疑会谈The presentation will be followed by a question-and-answer session.quick and dirty, quick-and-dirty adj informal, figurative (rapidly or roughly improvised)粗制滥造的,临时应急的备注: hyphens omitted when term is an adj after a nounR&B n abbreviation (rhythm and blues)节奏布鲁斯;节奏蓝调I love listening to R&B.R&D, R & D, R and D n abbreviation (research and development)研究与开发;研发My brother works in R&D at a large company in Silicon Valley.race walking, walking, the walk, heel-and-toe racing n (sport)竞走rack and pinion n (mechanism)齿条与齿轮rag-and-bone man n UK, dated (junk collector)拾荒人,收破烂的人rain cats and dogs v expr figurative (be raining heavily)瓢泼大雨,狂风暴雨备注: most commonly used in the continuous formI won't be going out today - it's raining cats and dogs out there.ramp and rage v expr (behave aggressively)暴跳如雷;大怒Josh was ramping and raging because his flight had been cancelled.rank and file n (members of an organization)普通成员;普通职员;普通员工rank-and-file n as adj (members: ordinary) (指作为成员)普通的;一般的rant and rave v expr (speak angrily for a long time)大声叫嚷;咆哮reading, writing, and arithmetic npl (basic skills: literacy, numeracy) (即阅读、写作和算术)读写算When you go to primary school, you have to focus on reading, writing, and arithmetic.ready and willing adj (keen to do [sth])愿意(做某事)的;乐于…的Not only is he qualified for the job, but he's ready and willing to start immediately.reasonable and probable cause n (law: evidence to justify arrest)合理依据;可成立的根据reconcile [sb] with [sb], reconcile [sb] and [sb] vtr (people with each other)使和好;使和解Bill managed to reconcile his daughter with her husband. Alison was glad she had reconciled the two friends, who had not been on speaking terms for weeks.比尔成功使自己女儿和女婿和好了。艾莉森的两个朋友相互不理睬已经两周了,她很高兴自己能使他们俩和解。research and development n (business: creation of new products, etc.)研发;开发reunite [sb], reunite [sb] and [sb] vtr (bring together back)使…重聚This TV show reunites relatives who haven't seen each other for decades.rhythm and blues n (African-American music style) (音乐类型)节奏布鲁斯RICO n US, acronym (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act)反有组织犯罪及腐化组织法The company was sued under the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act.根据反有组织犯罪及腐化组织法,该公司被起诉。right and proper adj (correct, appropriate)正确的;适当的It's only right and proper that you apologize to her.right and wrong npl (sense of morality)是与非;对与错We have to know the difference between right and wrong.rise and fall n (undulating motion)波动,起伏Watching the rise and fall of the waves made him ill.rise and fall n figurative (success and subsequent failure)起伏,成功与失败The rise and fall of the Roman empire has been well documented.rise and shine interj (get out of bed)快起床Rise and shine! It's six o'clock and you have to get ready for school.risk life and limb v expr (do [sth] dangerous)冒着生命危险rock and roll, rock 'n' roll n (style of 1950s pop music) (一种音乐风格)摇滚, 摇滚乐Rock and roll was considered scandalous in the early 1950s.Elvis Presley was perhaps the most famous rock 'n' roll performer ever.rock and roll, rock 'n' roll n (modern rock music) (音乐)摇滚乐I don't care for hip-hop or rap - I prefer rock and roll.rock and roll, rock 'n' roll n as adj (music, singer)摇滚乐的;摇滚的room and board, also UK: bed and board, board and lodging n (rental arrangement: room plus meals)食宿root and branch adv (thoroughly)完全地;彻底地root and branch, root-and-branch adj (thorough)完全的;彻底的备注: The term is hyphenated when it precedes the noun.rough and ready, rough-and-ready adj informal (unpolished but fit for purpose)大致能用的,差强人意的,简陋凑合的备注: Hyphens are used when the adjective precedes the nounrough-and-tumble n (violent, disorderly struggle)骚乱;混战rough-and-tumble adj (rough, disorderly)混乱的round and round adv (in circles)绕圈The gerbil ran round and round in its wheel.round and round prep (circling repeatedly)不停绕圈,一圈又一圈The puppy ran round and round the garden.rye and Coke, rye and coke n ® (alcoholic drink: whiskey with cola)加可乐威士忌备注: Though "Coke" is trademarked, it is often used uncapitalized; it may also be used generically to refer to any cola drink.When we all go out to the bar, Barb always drinks rye and and sound adj (unharmed and well)平安无事的The road was icy but our driver got us home safe and sound.道路结了冰,不过司机还是平安无事地将我们送回了家。salt and pepper, salt-and-pepper adj figurative (hair colour: grey and white) (发色)斑白的,灰白的She was about fifty and had salt and pepper hair.salt and pepper shakers npl (seasoning dispensers)盐和胡椒瓶;调味瓶;调料瓶salt and vinegar npl (seasoning combination)盐和醋search and rescue n (for missing person)搜救The Mountain Rescue Team provides search and rescue for missing persons in the area.SEC n US, acronym (law: Securities and Exchange Commission) (美国)证券管理委员会The SEC has five commissioners who are chosen by the President.sense of right and wrong n (morality)分辨是非对错的能力;是非感At around the age of four, children start to demonstrate a sense of right and wrong.separate [sb], separate [sb] and [sb] vtr (divide, segregate)分开;使分离The teacher separated the boys and the girls.老师将男女生分开。separate [sb], separate [sb] and [sb] vtr (force apart)使分开;使隔离The referee separated the two fighting players.教练把两个打架的球员拉开。shipping and receiving n (delivery and collection of freight)发货和收货,收发货shock and awe n US (US military: use of extreme force) (美军:使用极端武力)震慑short and sweet adj (brief, concise)短暂而甜蜜;简明扼要He kept his answers to the police short and and tell n (school: class speaking exercise)展示讲述课Johnny, what did you bring for show-and-tell?be sick and tired of [sth] v expr informal (have had enough of)厌烦;厌倦I'm sick and tired of living in this freezing cold house.我厌倦了住在这冰冷刺骨的屋子里。get sick and tired of [sth] v expr informal (start to be weary, exasperated)厌倦;厌烦I'm getting sick and tired of that child's whining!skin and bones, skin and bone adj figurative (person: very thin) (人)皮包骨头skull and crossbones n (emblem on pirate flag)(海盗旗上的)骷髅图As the ship approached us we noticed the skull and crossbones on the flag.skull and crossbones n (symbol for poison) (有毒物品标示)骷髅图案The skull and crossbones on the bottle indicated that it contained poison.smoke and mirrors npl figurative ([sth] that misleads or conceals)障眼法snakes and ladders n (children's board game) (棋盘游戏)蛇梯棋so-and-so n informal (an unnamed person, someone)某人;某某人It is proper to address adults as Mr. or Mrs. n euphemism ([sb] despicable, difficult)讨厌鬼;讨厌的人That old so-and-so was always yelling at me!a song and dance n informal, figurative (fuss)歌舞;絮絮叨叨的解释,花言巧语;絮絮叨叨的解释;花言巧语What a song and dance! It's only a dental checkup!spick and span, spick-and-span adj informal (clean, neat)干净的,整洁的备注: Hyphens are used when the adjective precedes the nounspit and polish n informal (grooming)清洗打扫The young recruit was required to give his uniform a spit and polish daily.stand up and be counted v expr figurative (express opinion)站出来表明立场Don't just sit there complaining to your friends – stand up and be counted! Those that had the courage to stand up and be counted were arrested.the Stars and Stripes n (US national flag) (美国国旗)星条旗the Stars and Stripes, the Stars and Stripes Forever n colloquial (US military march)星条旗永不落steak and kidney pie n (meat pastry)牛肉腰子馅饼,牛肉腰子派still and all expr US, informal (nonetheless)虽然如此stocks and bonds npl (finance)股票与债券stop-and-go traffic n (congested road)堵车;交通拥堵The journey seemed to take forever; it was stop-and-go traffic all the way.the straight and narrow n figurative (virtuous conduct)中规中矩;循规蹈矩and stuff expr informal (and related things)等等,以及诸如此类的东西Travelling helps you learn about life and stuff.旅游帮助你了解人生百态,大事小情。such and such pron ([sth/sb] unspecified)如此这般such-and-such adj (nonspecific reference)这样那样的We walked all over such-and-such and demand n (economy: basic market theory) (指经济)供需;供应和需求surf and turf n (cuisine)海陆大餐SWAT n acronym (law enforcement unit)特种武器和战术部队sweet-and-sour, sweet and sour adj (combining salty and sugary flavours)糖醋的备注: The hyphen may be omitted when the adjective follows the noun.Sweet-and-sour pork is a popular dish at Chinese restaurants.sweet-and-sour sauce n (Oriental sauce of honey and vinegar)酸甜调味汁Cubes of meat are battered and deep-fried and put in a sweet-and-sour sauce.switch [sth] and [sth] vtr + conj (exchange)交换...和...;调换...和...One of the line cooks, angry about his low wages, switched the salt and sugar.一位大厨不满意自己低微的薪资,出于愤怒,调换了盐和糖。synchronize [sth] and [sth], also UK: synchronise [sth] and [sth] vtr (make simultaneous)使…同时;使…同步The gymnastics team needed to synchronize their movements with the music.tar and feather [sb] v expr (cover [sb] wtih hot tar and feathers)严厉惩罚某人;重罚某人tend-and-befriend n (protective behaviour pattern)互助友好terms and conditions npl (commerce: rules, restrictions)条款和条件terms and conditions npl (legal or contractual rules and restrictions) (法律或合同中)条款和条件TGWU n UK, initialism (Transport and General Workers' Union)交通运输总工会that's all well and good, but expr informal (nevertheless, even so) (非正式用语)好吧…但是,那也好…然而That's all well and good, and I enjoy talking to your granny, but isn't it about time we left for the movies ?the great and the good npl (important people)大人物;重要人物The great and the good were invited to dinner with the mayor.the one and only adj (incomparable and unique)世间仅有的;独一无二的theme and variations npl (classical music: repetition of material with changes)主题与变奏Beethoven's "Diabelli Variations" are a famous example of the theme and variations form of music.then and there, there and then expr (at that exact moment and place)当时当地;当场there and back expr (to and back from destination)来回,往返If we drive, we can get there and back within a day.there is a time and a place for everything, there is a time and place for everything expr (responding to [sth] inappropriate)凡事要讲究时间和场合think long and hard, think long and hard about [sth] v expr (deliberate at length)深思熟虑this and that, this, that, and the other n (various things)各种各样的东西this day and age n slightly informal (modern times)当今,现今The children of this day and age adapt easily to new technology.through and through adv (thoroughly, utterly)彻底地;彻头彻尾地Charles could never live abroad - he's English through and through!through thick and thin expr figurative, informal (through all manner of difficulties)不畏艰难险阻;任何情况下;风雨同济For 30 years, my wonderful husband has stuck by me through thick and thin.throw [sb] and [sb] together vtr + adv (put in each other's company)使偶然凑到一起A lot of very different people were thrown together in the lifeboat.thunder and lightning n (electrical storm)雷电tic-tac-toe, tick-tack-toe (US), noughts and crosses (UK) n (simple game: X's and O's)井字棋;井字游戏time and a half, time-and-a-half adv (at 1.5 times usual pay rate)一倍半工资;1.5倍工资She works time and a half on Sundays.time and again, time and time again adv (repeatedly)一再地;屡次地;一次又一次地to all intents and purposes, also US: for all intents and purposes expr (practically speaking)实际上说;实际来看to and fro expr (back and forth)来来回回The man paced to and fro outside the shop, seemingly unable to decide whether or not to enter.那个人在商店外面来回踱步,好像在犹豫要不要进来。to-and-fro expr (movement: going back and forth)来回;往复The little boy seemed to enjoy the to-and-fro movement of the rocking horse.这个小男孩似乎很喜欢摇摆木马的来回摆动。tongue and groove n (woodwork: type of slot joint) (建筑)舌榫The woodwork teacher showed the students how to do a tongue and groove.tongue-and-groove n as adj (woodwork joint: using a slot)榫槽的This piece of furniture has tongue-and-groove joints.tooth and nail expr figurative (fight: fiercely)竭尽全力Sally fought tooth and nail to get the and tail v expr (vegetable: remove both ends) (蔬菜)除去…的两端,去掉…的两端Top and tail the carrots then dice them and add to the and tail v expr (method of washing a baby) (婴儿)从头至尾地清洗,彻头彻尾地清洗topping and tailing n (fruit, vegetables)摘除根部You can help with topping and tailing; here's a knife.你可以帮着去除根部,这是刀。toss and turn v expr (lie in bed awake and agitated)辗转反侧touch and go, touch-and-go n informal (precarious situation) (非正式用语)一触即发的危险,千钧一发的境地The surgeons said it was touch and go as they tried to repair his ruptured spleen.track and field n (athletics events: running, etc.)田径运动Talia is good at most sports, but she really excels at track and field.塔莉娅擅长大多数运动,但她最擅长的是田径运动。track and field, track-and-field n as adj (relating to athletics events)田径备注: Hyphens are used when the adjective precedes the noun.Discus is a track and field event.铁饼是一种田径运动。track and field athletes, track-and-field athletes npl (participants in athletic events)田径运动员Track-and-field athletes include runners, sprinters, and pole vaulters.transpose [sth], transpose [sth] and [sth] vtr (place or position elsewhere)变换顺序;调换顺序The architect eventually transposed the location of the bay window and the sunroom.trial and error n (learning from mistakes)试错法;反复试验法trial-and-error n as adj (characterized by learning from mistakes)试错法的;反复试验的trial-and-error approach n (research method: learning from mistakes)试错方式,从错误中学习的方法trials and tribulations npl (difficult experiences)考验与折磨He endured many trials and tribulations while living in the wilderness. Children don't understand the trials and tribulations of parenthood!tried and tested adj (proved to work)千锤百炼的;经过反复考验的tried and true adj (tested and trusted)经考验可信赖的;经验证有效的;证明是好的Drinking water upside down is a tried and true cure for hiccups.twist and turn v expr (writhe)迂回曲折;蜿蜒twist and turn v expr figurative (be evasive)坐立不安;辗转反侧twists and turns npl figurative (different experiences)种种波折;坎坷经历Jacob had experienced many twists and turns in his life.twists and turns npl figurative (changing plot) (情节)曲折离奇;出人意料There are a lot of twists and turns in the crime novel I'm reading.uncouple [sth], uncouple [sth] and [sth] vtr (train carriages: separate)解开(车厢间的)挂钩The carriages were uncoupled at the station and the locomotive was driven away.under lock and key adv (to or in prison)监禁中地;囚禁中地;关押地This type of deviant behaviour will get you put under lock and key.under lock and key adj (person: in prison) (人)监禁中的,被关押的,被囚禁的He's under lock and key after he committed that robbery last year.under lock and key adj (thing: locked away) (东西)被锁藏起来的,被严密保管的,被锁起来的I want you to stop overspending so I put your credit card under lock and key.unite [sb] in marriage, unite [sb] and [sb] in marriage vtr usually passive (join in marriage)将…结为夫妻The vicar united the couple in marriage.up and do [sth] v expr (do [sth] unexpectedly)突然起身做With that, the old man upped and left the room.One day, the cat upped and ran away.up and about adj informal (recovered from illness) (病人)起床走动的He's been up and about for almost a week now.up and about adj informal (not in bed)起床的;起床活动的Shawn is an early-riser and is usually up and about by 6:30.up and around adj informal (recovered from illness) (病人)起床走动Hey! It's great to see you up and around so quickly after your surgery!up and coming, up-and-coming adj (starting to have success)有希望(成功)的;大有前途的备注: Hyphens are used when the adjective precedes the nounThe Answering Machine are an up-and-coming British band.up and down adj figurative (fluctuating)上上下下的;起起伏伏的Over the last two weeks, Tania's internet connection has been up and down; sometimes it works, but more often it doesn't.The weather has been really up and down lately; snow one day and blue skies and sunshine the next.up and running adj (active, in operation)已正常运行的;已开始运行的;up close and personal adv (face to face, intimately) (比喻义)近距离地;亲密地up-and-down adj (moving up and down)上下起伏的up-and-under n (rugby move) (英式橄榄球)过顶高球ups and downs npl figurative, informal (good and bad experiences) (比喻,非正式用语)浮浮沉沉,盛衰沉浮There were a lot of ups and downs in our relationship.waffle back and forth v expr US, informal (change mind)改变主意wait and see v expr (wait to find out)拭目以待;等着瞧Wait and see. You might win the prize.warp and weft n (woven structure)经纬结构warp and weft n figurative (weaving) (比喻义)编织warts and all expr figurative, informal (despite flaws) (非正式用语)不隐瞒缺点,不遮丑,不加掩饰I love my husband as he is, warts and all.warts and all, warts-and-all adj figurative, informal (including negative qualities)不掩盖地;毫无保留地This book is a warts-and-all portrait of the singer's life and career.wash-and-wear adj (garment: no ironing)免烫的wattle and daub n (ancient technique for building walls)编木藤夹泥wax and wane vi (moon: go through phases) (月亮)盈亏圆缺The moon waxes and wanes on a twenty-nine day cycle, from full moon to new moon.wax and wane vi (increase and decrease)盛衰;起落The popularity of knitting as a hobby has waxed and waned over the years.His enthusiasm for the job waxes and wanes.ways and means npl (methods)方法;手段The boss didn't approve of the ways and means I'd used.wear and tear n (damage caused by use)磨损The insurance company will pay for accidental damage, but not wear and tear.保险公司会对意外损坏进行赔偿,不过不包括一般磨损。wheel and axle (simple machine)轮轴wheel and deal v expr (engage in business schemes)投机钻营wheeling and dealing n informal (dishonest scheming)耍花样;玩弄手段when all is said and done adv informal (ultimately) (非正式用语)最后,结果,尘埃落定When all's said and done, you've no right to an opinion on this.the whys and wherefores npl (reasons)原因和理由wine and dine [sb] v expr (treat to dinner and drinks)用美酒佳肴款待某人;拿好酒好菜招待某人He wined and dined her in an attempt to win her business.The Institute always wines and dines its visiting lecturers.yin and yang npl (Chinese philosophy)阴阳yin and yang, yin-yang n uncountable (complementary forces)相辅相成;互补yo-yo, yo-yo between [sth] and [sth] v expr figurative, informal (fluctuate, go back and forth)来回摇摆I seem to spend my time yo-yoing between depression and and me both expr informal (same here, I have the same problem)我和你一样You're confused? You and me both!You wait and see!, Just you wait and see! interj informal (I'll show you I'm right)你等着瞧;你拭目以待吧




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