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词汇 all one
释义 all one 主要翻译 all one adj (the same thing)都一样Whatever way you choose, it's all one.无论你怎么选择,结果都一样。 复合形式: all for one interj (expressing solidarity) (常作one for all, all for one)(我为人人,)人人为我 all-in-one adj (combined, comprehensive)多合一的I have an all-in-one printer; it prints, scans, and photocopies. all-in-one, one-piece n UK (bodysuit, catsuit)(胸罩和腰带连一起的)紧身内衣;紧身胸衣Gloria was wearing an all-in-one. can't be in all places at one time v expr US, informal (have too many obligations) (因事情太多)分身无术I can't be in all places at one time so someone will have to help me.我分身乏术,因此有人需要帮助我。 Come one, come all interj (exhorting all to attend)来吧,大家一起来The loudspeakers shouted out "Come one, come all, to see the circus." one and all expr (everyone)大家,所有人 one size fits all expr (clothing: flexible size) (衣服)均码The tag says "one size fits all," although it may be too small for some people. one size fits all, one-size-fits-all adj figurative (applicable to everyone)普适的There is no one-size-fits-all diet plan that will work for everyone. put all your eggs in one basket v expr proverb (rely on a single plan)孤注一掷;把全部希望寄托在一件事上If you put all your eggs in one basket you risk losing them all.




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