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词汇 age
释义 ageUK:*/ˈeɪdʒ/US:/eɪdʒ/ ,(āj)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:Jamaican: 主要翻译 age n (years lived)年龄;生命中的一个时期At the age of six, David started kindergarten.My son is three now and I'm finding it a difficult age.六岁时,大卫开始上幼儿园。//我儿子三岁了,现在正是难伺候的时候。 age n (era)时代;时期;年代The age of the dinosaurs ended millions of years ago.In this multimedia age, you have to check the sources of your information carefully.恐龙存在的时代早在几百万年前就结束了。//在多媒体的时代,你必须仔细审查信息的来源。 age n (old age)年老;高龄Age does not seem to have impaired his memory.高龄似乎并未损害他的记忆。 age, ages n figurative (long time)很长时间It's been an age since I last saw him.我上次见到他已经是很久以前了。 age vi (grow older) (人)变老,年龄增长; (化学)老化,陈化As people age, they develop wrinkles.随着年龄增长,人开始长皱纹。ⓘ这句话不是该英语句子的翻译。 这块塑料已经老化了。 age vi (food, wine: mature) (食物、酒)醇化,变醇Louis leaves his cheese out on the counter to age.路易斯把奶酪留在台子上,等它变醇。 age [sb] vtr (make older-looking)使…变老;使...衰老Smoking ages you by dehydrating your skin.吸烟会导致皮肤脱水,丧失活力,从而使你衰老。 age [sth] vtr (wine, whiskey: mature)使…发酵;酿熟The distillery ages its whiskey in oak casks.酿造厂在橡木桶内将威士忌酿熟。 其他翻译 age suffix (to form abstract nouns) (后缀)[构成名词]For example: bondage, seepage例如:奴役(bondage),渗漏(seepage) 复合形式: act your age interj informal (stop behaving immaturely)举止与年龄相称Fred should start acting his age. advanced age n (old age)老年;高龄Cataracts are a common eye problem, especially for people of an advanced age. age bracket n (people around same age)年龄段;年龄层 age distribution n (population statistics)年龄分布If you examine the age distribution of a population, you see that there are baby booms after wars end. age gap n (difference in age)年龄差;年龄差距There's a significant age gap between John and his wife. age group n (people in age range)年龄组The Baby Boomers are the age group that was born after World War II. age limit n (maximum legal or acceptable age)年龄上限Most federal judges in the US must retire by the age limit of 75. age limit n (minimum legal or acceptable age)年龄限制;最大或最小年龄限制21 is the age limit for buying alcohol. age of consent n (age at which sex becomes legal)(两性关系上的)合法年龄;承诺年龄In many countries, the age of consent is determined by the beginning of puberty. age range n (span of ages)年龄范围;年龄段;年龄跨度 age spot n (skin blemish)老人斑,黄褐斑 age-long adj (existing for a long time)久远的,长久的,长时期的 age-old adj (ancient)古老的Hiram Bingham was the first outsider to view the age-old buildings of Machu Pichu. age-old adj (long-standing)已经存在很久的I'll give you some age-old advice: "Neither a borrower nor a lender be". at any age adv (no matter what one's age)在任何年龄;不管什么年纪Cancer does not discriminate, it can strike at any age. awkward age (early adolescence)未成熟的青春期;不成熟的年纪 the Bronze Age n (period of prehistory)铜器时代;青铜时代The fossil dates back to the Bronze Age. come of age v expr (reach adulthood)满法定年龄;成年Many cultures have a ritual to celebrate when a youth comes of age.在许多文化中都会举行仪式,庆祝少年成年。 come of age v expr figurative (be fully developed)变成熟;发展充分Has blogging finally come of age as a way to make money?博客是否终于成为了成熟的赚钱途径? coming of age n (reaching adulthood)成年"Cinema Paradiso" is a film about the coming of age of an Italian boy.《天堂电影院》是一部关于一个意大利男孩长大成人的电影。 coming-of-age adj (relating to reaching adulthood)成年的;进入成年的 coming-of-age story n (novel, film: child becomes adult) (小说、电影)成长故事 Dark Ages npl (medieval period) (欧洲中世纪前期)黑暗时代Historians no longer refer to the early medieval period in Europe as the "Dark Ages". dark ages npl figurative (being unenlightened)未开化的状态;黑暗时代My boss is still living in the dark ages. He thinks his female employees should make the coffee. drinking age n (legal age to drink alcohol)法律规定可以喝酒的年龄The drinking age in New York is 21 years old. early age n (infancy)婴儿期My son started reading at an early age - as far as I remember he was only three years old. from age to age adv (throughout history)从古至今;世世代代From age to age, the quest to discover has been an imperative of the human race. full age n (majority, legal age of adulthood)法定年龄;合法年龄;成年 the Gilded Age n historical (era in late 19th century US)镀金时代;镀金年代 golden age n (finest period in [sth]'s history)黄金时代;极盛时期Some look back to the 18th century as the golden age of reason. great age n (advanced age, old age)高龄Turtles can live to a great age. ice age n (cold prehistoric period)冰川时代;冰川时期;冰河时代Mammoths lived at the end of the last ice age.Another ice age is due to begin within 1000 years or so. in a dog's age, for a dog's age adv figurative, informal, US (for a long time)很长时间;很久 in this day and age expr slightly informal (in modern times)在这个时代;在当今世界No one writes hand-written letters in this day and age.It is difficult to believe that slavery is still tolerated in this day and age. Iron Age n (period when humans used iron tools)铁器时代 Iron Age, Iron-Age n as adj (relating to the Iron Age)铁器时代的 Iron Age n (mythology: worst of four ages) (神话)黑铁时代 Iron Age n (age of wickedness)堕落时代 legal age n (law: age at which you can do [sth])法定年龄The government should consider raising the legal age for driving from 17 to 18. mature age n (middle age) (指中年)成熟的年龄His mother is of mature age at 40 years old. mature age n (legal adulthood) (指法定成年)成年The law of the United States holds that only those of mature age may purchase cigarettes. mental age n (psychological capacity)心理年龄;心智年龄 middle age n (mature years: 50s)中年When Ray reached middle age, he knew he needed to do something to get his body in shape. middle-age spread n (bodily change)中年发福;中年富态 New Age n (spiritual movement) (一种社会现象或思想潮流)新纪元运动;新时代运动 New Age n as adj (relating to spiritual movement)新纪元运动的;新时代运动的 New Age n (New Age music) (音乐风格)新世纪音乐;新纪元音乐 of age adj (legally adult)成年的;到了法定年龄的How can I be of age to serve in the military but too young to buy a beer? old age n (latter stages of adulthood)老年People often become forgetful in their old age.人变老后往往会变得健忘。 old age n as adj (in latter stage of adulthood)老年人的;老人的Declining health is an old-age issue for many people.对许多人来说,健康状况下降是老年人应考虑的问题。 overage, over-age adj (older than an age limit)过老的;超龄的Tommie was overage and couldn't ride the roller-coaster. retirement age n (law: age [sb] stops working)退休年龄 ripe old age, ripe age n informal (advanced age)高龄Grandpa died at the ripe old age of 99. school age n (age: in-school years)学龄 space age n (period post-1950s onwards) (1950后,美俄两国开始天空竞争的时代)太空时代,宇宙时代The launch of Sputnik initiated the space age. the Stone Age n (early period in civilization)石器时代The dinosaurs had already died out by the beginning of the Stone Age. tender age n (youth)幼年;小小年纪;少不更事的年纪Mozart first performed for European royalty at the tender age of six. this day and age n slightly informal (modern times)当今,现今The children of this day and age adapt easily to new technology. underage, under-age adj (person: legally too young) (指人)未达到法定年龄的,未成年的It is against the law to buy alcohol for people who are underage. underage, under-age adj (act: involving a minor) (行为等)未成年人做的,不成熟的Underage sex is illegal in many countries. underage drinking, under-age n (alcohol consumption by minors)未成年人饮酒This leaflet on underage drinking contains advice for parents of teenage children.




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