Nose eyes face mouth
Just follow your nose and in about five minutes you're at the old railway.───径直往前开,大约5分钟就能到旧铁路线。
Julia blows her nose, but her sobbing goes on uncontrolled.───朱莉娅擤了擤鼻子,不过她还是不停地啜泣。
his bruised and bloodied nose───他沾满血的青肿的鼻子
I've never had plastic surgery, though people always think I've had a nose job.───虽然人们一直以为我做过鼻子整形术,其实我从没做过。
The eyes, nose and mouth are parts of the face.───眼 、 鼻子、嘴都是脸的组成部分.
I needed reconstructive surgery to give me a new nose.───我需要接受修复手术重塑一下鼻子。
I wrinkled my nose in disgust.───我厌恶地皱起鼻子。
He has a prominent nose.───他有一个突起的鼻子.
Turn left at the corner, then just follow your nose and you're sure to find it.───在拐角处左转, 然后径直往前走,你肯定会找到它的.
Chirkpar rattled past him on the right to snatch the prize by a nose.───一匹名为切厄克帕的赛马从他右侧疾驰而过,以一鼻之差获胜。
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- nose drop
- bright nose
- upturned nose
- snubby nose
- noseband types
- nose bleeding
- noseband bridle
- arabinose operon
- conformable nose
- Rub nose