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词汇 flammable liquid
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absorb liquid───吸收液体

arable land───耕地;可耕土地

available light───自然光线

available lights───自然光线

dilute liquid───稀液体

malt liquor───麦芽酒


Pool Fire - a flammable liquid surface burning with a stationary flame.───液池火灾-可燃液体表面燃烧,带有固定的火焰。

A transparent, highly flammable liquid , C 4 H 8 O, used in synthesizing resins.───一种无色油状的合成物, 从煤焦油中提取, 用于制造合成树脂.

A colorless, volatile flammable liquid, C 6 H 5 Cl, used to prepare and aniline and as a general solvent.───一种油质有毒的水溶性液体, 用作溶剂, 用于制造苯胺.

Epoxy propane is a flammable liquid of no color , ether - smell and low boiling point.───环氧丙烷是无色 、 具有醚类气味的低沸易燃液体.

Pool Fire - A flammable liquid surface burning with a stationary flame.───储液池火灾 - 可燃液体表面燃烧,带有固定的火焰.

It is performed with knives wired with cotton towels soaked with a flammable liquid.───舞者通过手持裹有浸满易燃液体棉布的火刀来表演.

Investigators say someone is throwing flammable liquid on front or back doors and setting them aflame.───调查员称,有人向住宅的前门或后门扔可燃液体并使其着火.

ABC Fire Extinguisher - Chemically based devices used to eliminate ordinary combustible, flammable liquid and electrical fires.───ABC灭火器:用于消除普通可燃物 、 易燃性液体及电力等引起的火灾的化学装置.

It is performed with knives wired with cotton towels soaked with a flammable liquid.───它的演奏用刀和线与棉毛巾吸入与易燃液体。

Systems should not be located close to flammable liquid piping or piping of other flammable gases.───系统不能接近可燃液体管道或其它可燃气体管道.

After testing, the liquid is flammable liquid, and there is a strong corrosive.───经检测,该液体为易燃液体,并有较强的腐蚀性。

Colorless flammable liquid, with a moderate smell ether, boiling point 171 ℃.───无色易燃液体, 具有中等程度醚味, 沸点171℃.


A normal monohydric alcohol having the formula CH3CH2CH2CH2OH, a flammable liquid having limited solubility in water and of moderate toxicity.

A pleasant-smelling, colorless and highly flammable liquid, ether can be vaporized into a gas that numbs pain but leaves patients conscious.

Caution! Highly flammable liquid.

A colorless, flammable, liquid cycloalkane, C5H 10, derived from petroleum and used as a solvent and motor fuel.

A colorless, flammable liquid, C6H14, derived from the fractional distillation of petroleum and used as a solvent and as a.

The occupant returned home at 10.30 last night to find flammable liquid had been poured through the letterbox.

Mr Chittenden had already doused himself in a flammable liquid and set himself alight.

It is a colourless, flammable liquid with a characteristic smell, miscible with water, alcohol, ether, chloroform and most oils. Also called Dimethyl ketone, Methylacetyl, Propanone, Pyroacetic ether.

A clear, flammable liquid, CS2, used to manufacture viscose rayon and cellophane, as a solvent for fats, rubber, resins, waxes, and sulfur, and in matches, fumigants, and pesticides.

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