

词汇 fire him
释义 fire him
fire him发音



fire ship───爆破船

fire hat───防火帽

fire pit───火山坑;熔岩穴


fire chief───消防队长

fire ships───爆破船

fire exit───安全出口,紧急出口;火警出口,消防安全门


We had to fire him for dishonesty.───但是,要是我解雇他,他的哥哥也许会和他一起走。

He made something of what the worker said to fire him.───他以那工人说的话为借口,把他解雇了。

They couldn't fire him, he reasoned. He was the only one who knew how the system worked.───他推测他们不会解雇他,因为他是唯一知道如何操作系统的人。

Thinking of his faithfulness to the company, the boss did not fire him.───鉴于他对公司很忠诚,老板没有开除他。

But if I fire him, his brother will probably leave with him.───但是,要是我解雇他,他的哥哥也许会和他一起走。

His boss was mad at him and threatened to fire him if he didn't do something about it.───他的老板很生气,威胁他如果再不改变就解雇他。

Enraged by the response, the farmer was tempted to fire him on the spot.───农场主被他的答复激怒了,气得真想当场把他开除。


When Sheldrake threatens to fire him , Bud gives him a key-to the executive washroom .

We should fire him.

We had to fire him for dishonesty.

We will fire him a great distance, in the general direction of a wall in which two slots are cut.

It was strange. They threatened to fire him, but he seemed quite unconcerned.

They couldn't fire him, he reasoned. He was the only one who knew how the system worked.

Though Republicans called for the president to fire him, Brown refused to step down.

We had no alternative but to fire him.

If he doesn't toe the line, fire him!

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