film projector───影片放映机与幻灯片条放映机之通称
cine projectors───电影放映机
slide projectors───幻灯机,幻灯片放映机
cine projector───n.电影放映机
gold prospectors───淘金者
film producer───电影制片人
Using two projectors, we can superimpose one film image on the other.───使用两架放映机,我们可以将一个影像重叠在另一个上。
Richard Abramowitz, who is distributing the racing film "Senna" in America, says the spread of Blu-ray cinema projectors has cut costs dramatically.───美国筹备上映竞技电影《车神塞纳》的理查德阿布拉莫维茨说,蓝光电影的风行戏剧性的降低了电影成本。
Digital cinema-projectors get around this problem, but purists complain that the gamut is not as rich as with film.───数字电影放映机就无此问题之虞。
Viewing stereo film includes the following steps: setting two film projectors for projecting right and left frames separately;───其中观看立体电影的方法包括以下步骤:设置两台放映机,每台放映机分别放映一对立体画格的左右眼画面;
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