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词汇 fighter jets
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fighter jet───战斗机

fighter pilots───战斗机飞行员

lighter fuels───轻质燃料


water jets───水刺头;水射流

fighter planes───n.战斗机;歼击机

lighter flints───打火石

fighter pilot───战斗机飞行员

fighter plane───n.战斗机;歼击机


TURKISH F-16 fighter jets screech across the skies.───16战机呼啸地划过土耳其的天空。

true that China is developing a new generation of fighter jets?───中方是否确实在研发新一代战斗机?

however, far more cost effective than supersonic fighter jets.───然而大雄蜂无人机比超音速战斗机更有成本效率。

As if on cue, a pair of fighter jets roars into the sky from the Naval Air Station.───就在这时,一对战斗机呼啸着从海军航空站飞向天际。

Fighter jets patrolled the air and destroyers sailed in nearby waters ready to counter another North Korean attack.───战斗机在天空巡逻,驱逐舰在邻近水域航行,随时准备反击朝鲜的又一次攻击。

An Air Force combat photographer took pictures from one of the fighter jets, administration officials said.───管理部门的官员说,一位空军摄影师从其中一架战斗机中拍照。

With its new J-10 fighter jets, naval destroyers and Cruise missiles, the Chinese army, he said, was a match for any in the Western world.───他说凭借其新的J-10战斗机,海军驱逐舰和巡航导弹,可以与西方世界相衡。

A witness near the border with Kenya told VOA he had seen Kenya fighter jets flying in and out of Somalia in recent days.───一个来自于索马里与肯尼亚接壤边境的目击者告诉美国之音的工作人员,他最近几天看到过肯尼亚的战斗机在索马里上空来回盘旋。

The drill is an exploration of new strategies and battle skills, as well as a practice of coordination of warships and fighter jets.───此次军演的目标在于探索新的战术和作战技巧,同时,也对海空配合作战进行演练。


Fighter jets of this kind were constructed at Novosibirsk Chkalov aircraft factory and one specimen was given to the laboratory.

Fighter jets fly at incredibly high speeds.

Military experts think more than 50 fighter jets would be needed to enforce the zone.

"Switzerland also has 33 US-made FA-18 Hornet fighter jets for its frontline defence force.

Fighter jets thundered across the sky.

In 1981, Prime Minister Menachem Begin sent fighter jets to knock out Iraq's "Osirak" nuclear reactor.

Fast fighter jets -- many traveling within earshot of the sound barrier -- will headline the shows.

China will supply the 36 J-10 fighter jets, enough to equip two squadrons, under a preliminary agreement that could lead to "more sales", a Pakistani official has said.

The fighter jets took off in pairs.

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