

词汇 feed the cat
释义 feed the cat
feed the cat发音



bell the cat───为大家的利益承担危险

end the war───结束战争

lead the way───带路,示范

rued the day───求白天

feel the brunt───首当其冲

Alfred the Great───阿尔弗雷德大帝(英国国王);阿佛烈大帝;奇兵定江山(电影名)

feel the draught───手头拮据


should feed the cat?───该喂猫吃点东西吗?

Did you feed the cat?───你喂猫了吗?

Can you feed the cat, please?───请你喂一下猫好吗?

"So these mice are very happy with cats. They play with cats. But before taking the picture, we had to feed the cat, " he said.───“所以这些老鼠和猫咪相处的很愉快。它们和猫咪一起嬉戏玩耍。但在拍这张照片前,我们得先把猫咪喂饱。”他又说道。

Oh, you know, feed the cat.───你知道的,喂猫

leaving me to bar the scullery door and feed the cat.───我只好自己栓上洗涤室的门,喂了猫。

First I get dressed, next I bring in the paper, then I feed the cat, and finally I fix my breakfast.───我首先穿好衣,接着就拿来报纸,然后再喂猫,最后我准备早餐。

He used the food that there was in the room to feed the cat to keep her alive .───他用房间里喂猫的食物维系她的生命。

I've arranged with the neighbors to feed the cat while we are away.───我们外出期间给猫喂食的事,我已经和邻居们说好了。


She ought to feed the cat - and then there was the washing.

Can you feed the cat?

They let her come round and tell me, so I could feed the cat if she's not back.

Now recliners do everything but feed the cat.

Don't forget to feed the cat.

We could ask our neighbours to feed the cat, but they're a little unreliable.

reminds me. I must feed the cat.

It was getting more and more difficult to feed the cat - and to feed himself.

Can you feed the cat, please?

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