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词汇 feathered dinosaurs
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armored dinosaurs───装甲恐龙

armored dinosaur───装甲恐龙

horned dinosaurs───角恐龙

feather dusters───羽毛掸帚;鸡毛帚

horned dinosaur───角恐龙

feather boas───羽毛披肩;女用长围巾

feather duster───羽毛掸帚;鸡毛帚

feather stars───海百合



Why feathered dinosaurs eventually took to the air to become true birds is a mystery.───为什么带有羽翼的恐龙最后跃上蓝天变成了真正的鸟类,至今仍然是个迷。

Many feathered dinosaurs did not have wings or were too heavy, relative to the length of their feathered limbs, to fly.───很多长有羽毛的恐龙因为没有翅膀,或相对于长毛的前肢来说身体过于沉重,因此也无法飞行。

They plan to use this method to identify the colors of other feathered dinosaurs.───他们计划用这个方法去鉴别其他有羽翼的恐龙的颜色。

Some scientists argue that feathered dinosaurs evolved flight from the ground up, flapping their feathered arms as they ran.───一些研究者认为羽毛恐龙是从零开始进化出飞行能力的,它们在奔跑中会拍动自己带羽毛的前肢。

Scientists also hypothesized that feathered dinosaurs had lice and determined that yawns are contagious among chimpanzees.───科学家还猜测有羽毛的恐龙会生虱子,还认定呵欠在黑猩猩中也是会传染的。

Four Winged Feathered Dinosaurs called Theropods have been found; these are considered to be the missing link between dinosaurs and birds.───四翼兽脚类恐龙有羽毛恐龙的发现了所谓的,这些被认为是失踪的恐龙和鸟类之间的联系。

Theropods were early winged and feathered dinosaurs that walked mainly on their hind legs and were incapable of flight.───兽脚亚目食肉恐龙是早期的有翼和羽的恐龙,其主要靠后足行走且不会飞行。


Given the full detail of the findings, Dr. Prum said, "it was like writing the first entry in a Jurassic field guide to feathered dinosaurs."

For years, skeptics had raised the so-called temporal paradox: there were no feathered dinosaurs older than Archaeopteryx, so birds could not have arisen from dinosaurs.

The discoveries of feathered dinosaurs have provided some of the most significant evidence supporting the dinosaurian origin of birds from China.

  • feathered leech
  • feathered dinosaurs
  • feathered friend




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