

词汇 favourite fruit
释义 favourite fruit
favourite fruit发音



favourite food───最喜欢的食物

favourite part───最喜欢的部分

favourite recipe───最喜欢的食谱

favourite dish───最喜欢的菜

favourite hobby───癖好

favourite meal───最喜欢的一餐

favourite piece───最喜欢的作品

favourite place───最喜欢的地方

favourite show───最喜欢的节目


Select your favourite fruit or veg and pickle them while they are still fresh.───挑选你最喜欢的水果或蔬菜,趁新鲜腌制起来。

My favourite fruit is juicy peach.───我最喜欢的水果是水蜜桃。

My favourite fruit is coconut.───我最喜欢的水果是椰子。

One of my favourite fruit and vegetable stalls is run by an extremely lively Chinese woman assisted by her hen-pecked husband and sons.───我最喜欢光顾的水果蔬菜摊由一位很会来事的中国妇女经营,帮手就是她那位惧内的老公以及几位儿子。

Evening - Sip a glass of water before your meal with a dash of your favourite fruit juice for flavour.───晚餐——在你开餐前,抿一小口加入你最喜欢的果汁的水。

In homage to his favourite fruit, Prof Goh has adopted a durian tree on the NTU campus.───为了对自己最爱的万果之王致意,吴教授还在南大校园里认植了一棵榴莲树。

Only lottery tickets and petrol outsell Britain's favourite fruit - and now a deadly fungus is threatening its existence.───只有乐透券和汽油的销售量胜过英国最受欢迎的水果,但现在一种致命的真菌正在威胁其生存。

Raspberries were his favourite fruit, served without cream, and he was very fond of dates in boxes.───树莓是他最喜欢的水果,吃时从不加奶油,他还很喜欢装在盒子里的枣子。

His favourite food is noodles and he(his) favourite fruit are apples.───他最喜欢的食物是面条,最喜欢的水果是苹果。


Select your favourite fruit or veg and pickle them while they are still fresh.

Now she would never be able to eat her favourite fruit without thinking of him - bitter-sweet memory.

Her favourite fruit is strawberry.

In homage to his favourite fruit, Prof Goh has adopted a durian tree on the NTU campus.

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